Análisis de la enseñanza de la microbiología en las ciencias naturales de los estudiantes de 6to grado en la Institución Educativa Colegio Mariano Ospina Rodríguez
Navarro Mendoza, Ana Sabina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Durante el desarrollo y ejecución del proyecto de investigación llamado “Análisis de la Enseñanza de la Microbiología en las Ciencias Naturales de los Estudiantes de 6to Grado en la Institución Educativa Colegio Mariano Ospina Rodríguez”, se desarrolla el proyecto de investigación formativa con los objetivos específicos de determinar la importancia de la microbiología en las ciencias naturales y analizar las competencias de la enseñanza de microbiología de los docentes; con esos objetivos se procuró diseñar un plan para la adecuación de la enseñanza de la microbiología en la asignatura de ciencias naturales de los estudiantes de 6to grado. Para ello, se desarrolló una investigación el post-positivismo, mixta desarrollando una encuesta que da a conocer la necesidad que existe de una formación integral en ciencia en los estudiantes y lo complejo que es en el contexto actual docente. Finalmente, se logró elaborar un Plan para la Adecuación de la Enseñanza de la microbiología que tuvo como finalidad la administración de reglamentos y normas que ayuden a un mejor desarrollo en el proceso del Laboratorio (Fisicoquímica y Microbiología) que garanticen la calidad, seguridad e higiene en las actividades del laboratorio, el cual, resalta las Buenas Prácticas de Laboratorio (BPL) para el recinto definiendo claramente las funciones y responsabilidades del personal. Se pudo concluir que, al definir funciones, responsabilidades y algunas actividades resaltando la importancia para los estudiantes tener prácticas en laboratorio y relacionar la microbiología en sus vidas
During the development and execution of the research project called "Analysis of the Teaching of Microbiology in the Natural Sciences of 6th Grade Students at the Mariano Ospina Rodríguez Educational Institution", the formative research project is developed with the specific objectives of determine the importance of microbiology in the natural sciences and analyze the microbiology teaching competencies of teachers; With these objectives, an attempt was made to design a plan for the adequacy of the teaching of microbiology in the subject of natural sciences for 6th grade students. For this, a mixed post-positivism investigation was developed, developing a survey that reveals the need for a comprehensive science education in students and how complex it is in the current teaching context. Finally, it was possible to elaborate a Plan for the Adequacy of the Teaching of microbiology whose purpose was the administration of regulations and norms that help a better development in the Laboratory process (Physical-Chemistry and Microbiology) that guarantee the quality, safety and hygiene in laboratory activities, which highlights the Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) for the facility, clearly defining the functions and responsibilities of the personnel. It was possible to conclude that, by defining functions, responsibilities and some activities, highlighting the importance for students to have laboratory practices and relate microbiology to their lives
During the development and execution of the research project called "Analysis of the Teaching of Microbiology in the Natural Sciences of 6th Grade Students at the Mariano Ospina Rodríguez Educational Institution", the formative research project is developed with the specific objectives of determine the importance of microbiology in the natural sciences and analyze the microbiology teaching competencies of teachers; With these objectives, an attempt was made to design a plan for the adequacy of the teaching of microbiology in the subject of natural sciences for 6th grade students. For this, a mixed post-positivism investigation was developed, developing a survey that reveals the need for a comprehensive science education in students and how complex it is in the current teaching context. Finally, it was possible to elaborate a Plan for the Adequacy of the Teaching of microbiology whose purpose was the administration of regulations and norms that help a better development in the Laboratory process (Physical-Chemistry and Microbiology) that guarantee the quality, safety and hygiene in laboratory activities, which highlights the Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) for the facility, clearly defining the functions and responsibilities of the personnel. It was possible to conclude that, by defining functions, responsibilities and some activities, highlighting the importance for students to have laboratory practices and relate microbiology to their lives
Palabras clave
Adecuación, Buenas prácticas de laboratorio, Enseñanza, Microbiología, Adequacy, Good laboratory practices, Teaching, Microbiology