Síntomas afectivo-conductuales y estrategias de afrontamiento del dolor en pacientes con fibromialgia (FM)
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Gelves-Ospina, Melissa
Barceló Martínez, Ernesto
Orozco-Acosta, Erick
Román, Néstor Fabián
Allegri, Ricardo F.
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Universidad del Norte
Objetivo: La fibromialgia (FM) es un síndrome de dolor crónico generalizado, asociado a
alteraciones emocionales y comportamentales. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los
síntomas afectivo-conductuales y las estrategias cognitivas de afrontamiento en la percepción
de dolor de pacientes con FM.
Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio de corte transversal, con análisis de casos y controles,
con una muestra de dos grupos de mujeres, en la ciudad de Barranquilla (Colombia): 34 con
diagnóstico de FM y 30 controles, a quienes se les realizó evaluación de síntomas psicológicos
y de percepción de dolor.
Resultados: Los pacientes con FM presentan significativamente mayores síntomas afectivoconductuales
(ansiedad, depresión, insomnio, somatización y disfunción social) que los sujetos
controles (p<0.001), así como una tendencia a utilizar la retirada social como estrategia de
afrontamiento (p<0.005). De acuerdo con el análisis factorial, la percepción de dolor y los
síntomas afectivo-conductuales en pacientes con FM se agruparon en un mismo factor, lo cual
demostró interdependencia de las variables.
Conclusiones: Los síntomas afectivo-conductuales se asocian a la percepción de dolor y se
relacionan con la utilización de estrategias pasivas y centradas en la emoción como mecanismo
para afrontar la experiencia de dolor.
Objective: Fibromyalgia (FM) is a syndrome of chronic widespread pain associated with emotional and behavioral disorders. The purpose of the study was to identify the affective - behavioral symptoms and cognitive coping strategies involved in the perception of pain in patients with FM. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed, with analysis of cases and controls, with a sample of two groups of women, in the city of Barranquilla (Colombia). Affective - behavioral symptoms and cognitive coping strategies were assessed in 34 patients with FM and 30 controls matched by age and educational level. Results: Our findings indicate greater affective and behavioral symptoms in patients with FM (anxiety, depression, insomnia, somatization and social dysfunction) (p<0.001) and a tendency to use social withdrawal as a coping strategy (p<0.005). According to factor analysis, pain perception and affective-behavioral symptoms were grouped in a single factor, demonstrating interdependence between variables. Conclusions: The affective-behavioral symptoms are associated with perception of pain and are relate to the use of passive strategies, and focused on emotion as a mechanism to confront the experience of pain.
Objective: Fibromyalgia (FM) is a syndrome of chronic widespread pain associated with emotional and behavioral disorders. The purpose of the study was to identify the affective - behavioral symptoms and cognitive coping strategies involved in the perception of pain in patients with FM. Material and methods: A cross-sectional study was performed, with analysis of cases and controls, with a sample of two groups of women, in the city of Barranquilla (Colombia). Affective - behavioral symptoms and cognitive coping strategies were assessed in 34 patients with FM and 30 controls matched by age and educational level. Results: Our findings indicate greater affective and behavioral symptoms in patients with FM (anxiety, depression, insomnia, somatization and social dysfunction) (p<0.001) and a tendency to use social withdrawal as a coping strategy (p<0.005). According to factor analysis, pain perception and affective-behavioral symptoms were grouped in a single factor, demonstrating interdependence between variables. Conclusions: The affective-behavioral symptoms are associated with perception of pain and are relate to the use of passive strategies, and focused on emotion as a mechanism to confront the experience of pain.
Palabras clave
Dolor, Fibromialgia, Estrategias de afrontamiento, Síntomas afectivos, Síntomas conductuales, Pain, Fibromyalgia, Coping strategies, Affective symptoms, Behavioral symptoms