El feminicidio una violación directa a los derechos fundamentales de la mujer
González Torres, Karen Lizbeth
Isaza Parra, Camila Andrea
Ramírez Parra, Milton Andrés
Romero Gutiérrez, Jessika Katherine
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente articulo aborda un análisis que lleva a una seria de reflexiones hacia un fenómeno que no es nuevo en estos tiempos, a un fenómeno que simplemente es un fenómeno que ha existido durante siglos pero que no tenía un nombre propio, un fenómeno que durante siglos ha tocada a la mujer en toda sus etapas de la vida, desde su nacimiento hasta su vejez, esto debido a que el machismo aun no pierde su poder, a pesar de que el feminismo ha adquirido amplio poder dentro de los movimientos políticos y sociales. Aun así, la mujer aun es vulnerable, su discriminación aún sigue marcando esa línea fronteriza en donde a la mujer aún se le impiden y se le violan el disfrute pleno de sus derechos humanos y sus libertades fundamentales; en donde en los últimos tiempos se ha venido incrementando los índices de violencia en contra de su integridad humana a nivel mundial. Es por ello que el presente artículo se lleva a cabo una aproximación al contexto internacional, enfocándose en países como México, siendo uno de los países con más altos casos de violencia en contra la mujer, del cual se hace un énfasis al caso de la Joven Debani Escobar; así mismo sin dejar el contexto local como es Colombia con el caso más reciente de la DJ Valentina Trespalacios y el caso de María Claudia Castaño Avendaño. Es de resaltar que, así como estos tres casos, son muchos los que han ocurrido en todo el mundo, en donde se le vincula a la víctima con su agresor principalmente en relaciones de afinidad y consanguinidad. En tal sentido y tras dicho análisis se pretender dar respuesta al interrogante “¿el para qué, ha servido la ley del feminicidio en Colombia?” y como a nivel internacional trabajan el tema de atención y prevención desde la perspectiva del caso referente del país Azteca.
Se abordó un paradigma interpretativo, bajo una enfoque cualitativo y un diseño hermenéutico, por lo que se realizó una extensa revisión documental bibliográfica, así como fuentes documentales legales.
En el análisis documental realizado de la situación particular, el contexto y los principales derechos humanos vulnerados en relación con los asesinatos de mujeres en Colombia y México, así como las responsabilidades de ambos estados en la materia, se detalla el contexto de los femicidios, y se hace algunas consideraciones preliminares sobre los casos de femicidio presentados ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos, casos que han vulnerado de manera vil los derechos a la integridad personal; a la libertad personal; a una vida libre de violencia; a la igualdad ante la ley y la no discriminación; a las garantías judiciales y a la protección judicial y el derecho a la información.
This article addresses an analysis that leads to a series of reflections on a phenomenon that is not new in these times, a phenomenon that has existed for centuries but did not have its own name, a phenomenon that for centuries has touched women in all stages of life, from birth to old age, because machismo has not yet lost its power, despite the fact that feminism has acquired broad power within political and social movements. Even so, women are still vulnerable, their discrimination is still marking that borderline where women are still prevented and violated the full enjoyment of their human rights and fundamental freedoms; where in recent times has been increasing the rates of violence against their human integrity worldwide. That is why this article takes an approach to the international context, focusing on countries such as Mexico, one of the countries with the highest cases of violence against women, which emphasizes the case of the young Debani Escobar; also without leaving the local context such as Colombia with the most recent case of the DJ Valentina Trespalacios and the case of Maria Claudia Castaño Avendaño. It is noteworthy that, as well as these three cases, there are many that have occurred around the world, where the victim is linked to her aggressor mainly in relationships of affinity and consanguinity. In this sense, and after this analysis, we intend to answer the question "What has the law on femicide in Colombia been useful for?" and how the international level works on the issue of attention and prevention from the perspective of the Aztec country's referent case. An interpretative paradigm was approached, under a qualitative approach and a hermeneutic design, for which an extensive bibliographic documentary review was carried out, as well as legal documentary sources. In the documentary analysis of the particular situation, the context and the main human rights violated in relation to the murders of women in Colombia and Mexico, as well as the responsibilities of both states in the matter, the context of femicides is detailed, and some preliminary considerations are made on the cases of femicide presented before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, cases that have violated in a vile manner the rights to personal integrity; to personal liberty; to a life free of violence; to equality before the law and non-discrimination; to judicial guarantees and judicial protection and the right to information.
This article addresses an analysis that leads to a series of reflections on a phenomenon that is not new in these times, a phenomenon that has existed for centuries but did not have its own name, a phenomenon that for centuries has touched women in all stages of life, from birth to old age, because machismo has not yet lost its power, despite the fact that feminism has acquired broad power within political and social movements. Even so, women are still vulnerable, their discrimination is still marking that borderline where women are still prevented and violated the full enjoyment of their human rights and fundamental freedoms; where in recent times has been increasing the rates of violence against their human integrity worldwide. That is why this article takes an approach to the international context, focusing on countries such as Mexico, one of the countries with the highest cases of violence against women, which emphasizes the case of the young Debani Escobar; also without leaving the local context such as Colombia with the most recent case of the DJ Valentina Trespalacios and the case of Maria Claudia Castaño Avendaño. It is noteworthy that, as well as these three cases, there are many that have occurred around the world, where the victim is linked to her aggressor mainly in relationships of affinity and consanguinity. In this sense, and after this analysis, we intend to answer the question "What has the law on femicide in Colombia been useful for?" and how the international level works on the issue of attention and prevention from the perspective of the Aztec country's referent case. An interpretative paradigm was approached, under a qualitative approach and a hermeneutic design, for which an extensive bibliographic documentary review was carried out, as well as legal documentary sources. In the documentary analysis of the particular situation, the context and the main human rights violated in relation to the murders of women in Colombia and Mexico, as well as the responsibilities of both states in the matter, the context of femicides is detailed, and some preliminary considerations are made on the cases of femicide presented before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, cases that have violated in a vile manner the rights to personal integrity; to personal liberty; to a life free of violence; to equality before the law and non-discrimination; to judicial guarantees and judicial protection and the right to information.
Palabras clave
Feminicidio, Discriminación, Violación de derechos, Victima, Ley, Prevención., Feminicide, Discrimination, Violation of rights, Victim, Law, Prevention