Eficiencia del uso de apósitos de Biocelulosa en la curación de heridas por pie diabético de pacientes con un diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo II en una IPS de la ciudad de Barranquilla Colombia en el periodo comprendido marzo de 2018 a marzo de 2019
Ariza Miranda, Luis Eduardo
Arrieta de Avila, Karla Julieth
Ayala Pérez, Jessica Andrea
Morales Cervantes, Maricela
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
La diabetes mellitus (DM) es una enfermedad multifactorial compleja y heterogénea en la que factores genéticos y epigenéticos interactúan con un ambiente toxico que promueve el desarrollo de obesidad y resistencia insulínica. Debemos considerarla como la primera causa de amputación no traumática de miembros inferiores, debido a complicaciones como el pie diabético. El objetivo de este trabajo es evaluar la eficiencia del uso de apósitos de biocelulosa en la curación de heridas por pie diabético de pacientes con un diagnóstico de diabetes mellitus tipo II en una IPS de Barranquilla Colombia en el periodo comprendido marzo de 2018 a marzo a 2019. Para ello, se seleccionaron pacientes de la consulta de la especialidad de medicina interna de una IPS de Barranquilla, teniendo en cuenta la periodicidad de ingreso de nuevos pacientes, durante el año 2018 se espera alcanzar una muestra total representativa de aproximadamente 50 pacientes con diagnostico de diabetes y con complicaciones por pie diabético de los cuales 25 pacientes se les implemento terapia con apósitos de biocelulosa y a los 25 restantes terapia con curaciones convencionales, es un estudio experimental
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a complex and heterogeneous multifactorial disease in which genetic and epigenetic factors interact with a toxic environment that promotes the development of non-traumatic amputation in the lower limbs, due to complications such as diabetic foot. The objective of this work is to evaluate the performance of biocellulose uses in the healing of wounds by the diabetic foot of patients with a diagnosis of type II diabetes mellitus in an IPS of the city of Barranquilla Colombia in the period March included from 2018 to March 2019. For this, you can select the patients of the consultation with the specialtyof internal medicine of an IPS of Barranquilla, taking into account the periodicity of the admission of new patients, during the year 2018 a representative sample is expected of approximately 50 patients diagnosed with diabetes and complications due to diabetic foot, of which 25 patients are treated with biocellulose deposits and at 25, age, metabolic control, San Elián classification, response time to treatment, infection and functional limitation
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a complex and heterogeneous multifactorial disease in which genetic and epigenetic factors interact with a toxic environment that promotes the development of non-traumatic amputation in the lower limbs, due to complications such as diabetic foot. The objective of this work is to evaluate the performance of biocellulose uses in the healing of wounds by the diabetic foot of patients with a diagnosis of type II diabetes mellitus in an IPS of the city of Barranquilla Colombia in the period March included from 2018 to March 2019. For this, you can select the patients of the consultation with the specialtyof internal medicine of an IPS of Barranquilla, taking into account the periodicity of the admission of new patients, during the year 2018 a representative sample is expected of approximately 50 patients diagnosed with diabetes and complications due to diabetic foot, of which 25 patients are treated with biocellulose deposits and at 25, age, metabolic control, San Elián classification, response time to treatment, infection and functional limitation
Palabras clave
Diabetes mellitus, Complicaciones, Pie diabético, Ulceras, Neuropatía, Apósito, Biocelulosa, Complications, Diabetic foot, Ulcers, Neuropathy, Apposition, Biocellulose