Funcionamiento de las familias de los estudiantes del programa de Derecho
Izquierdo Narváez, Alexandra
Meriño González, Daniela
Ortiz Gutiérrez, Stefany Paola
Quintero González , Claudia Marcela
Valle Bolaño, Wendy Vanessa
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de ciencias jurídicas y sociales
Facultad de ciencias jurídicas y sociales
Antecedentes: En esta investigación se buscó explorar y comprender el
funcionamiento de las familias de los estudiantes del programa de derecho de la
universidad Simón Bolívar, explorando en las dinámicas, patrones y otros factores
familiares que influyan en las experiencias académicas, emocionales y
profesionales, así como la capacidad para afrontar los desafíos de los estudiantes.
Objetivo: Describir como es el funcionamiento de las familias de los estudiantes de
Método: Este proyecto de investigación es cuantitativo. Para recoger dicha
información, se les aplicaron a 82 padres de familia de los estudiantes de derecho
los formularios de EFFA, FACES III, APGAR y CAF.
Resultados: en las características del funcionamiento familiar en los
participantes se evidenció un 34% en lo que respecta a la vinculación de las familias,
relacionado a esto se encuentran la ayuda que se proporciona entre los miembros
de la familia y la calidad de tiempo que se dedican entre sí. Por otra parte, con un
30% se pudo observar que las familias encuestadas optan por mantener interacción
solamente con los integrantes del núcleo familiar, sin involucrar personas externas
a la dinámica de la familia. Con base a lo anterior se puede decir que resultan ser
familias que desean mantener una dinámica familiar interactiva, pero sin incluir
personas externas que puedan modificar de algún modo las reglas, normas e
incluso la dinámica familiar que han construido, sin embargo, también son familias
capaces de ajustar las reglas establecidas teniendo en cuenta el constante cambio
contextual que pueden experimentar los integrantes de la familia.
Ahora bien en la funcionalidad familiar se encontró que la cohesión en un 31.71%
de las familias son de tipología familiar no relacionada, lo cual esto sugiere que
proviene de familias donde las relaciones familiares son menos estrechas, el
25.61% son las familias relacionadas, esto indica que hay un descenso en la
proporción de familias donde las relaciones son más estrechas, un 21.95% son
familias aglutinadas lo que quiere decir que, puede haber una fuerte cohesión y
unión entre los miembros de la familia. El menor porcentaje de 20.73% son familias
semirelacionadas. En la parte de Adaptabilidad se observa que el 2.44% de las
familias presentan una adaptabilidad rígida, y el 17.07% son familias que tienen una
adaptabilidad estructurada, un 12.20%, son familias que presentan una
adaptabilidad flexible, lo que sugiere que estas familias son más capaces de
adaptarse a cambios, y el 68.29% de las familias presentan una adaptabilidad
Por parte de los niveles de funcionalidad, se encontró que un 43% de las familias
tiene una funcionalidad familiar normal, por otro lado, en se encuentra un 57% de
disfunción familiar en diferentes grados ya sea leve, moderada o severa, esto
denota un alto grado de inseguridad y dependencia en familias sobreprotectoras o
en su parte familias demasiado permisivas o controladoras entre otros aspectos, lo
que lleva a un mayor grado de disfuncionalidad en las familias.
Por otro lado, en el afrontamiento familiar, vemos Inicialmente en “reestructuración”
familiar, vemos una tendencia marcada hacia la capacidad de reestructurarse ante
diversas situaciones, viendo que aproximadamente el 30% de las respuestas
corresponde a muchas veces.
En la siguiente, “apoyo amigos y familia” se concluye que las familias, si bien no
dependen completamente, si tienen presente a sus amigos y familia (entendiéndose
esta como la familia extendida) no dependen completamente de estas redes, siendo
que aproximadamente el 20% respondió que “algunas veces” suele acudir a ellos.
Otra categoría interesante que maneja esta prueba es “apoyo espiritual”, donde un
sorprendente 37% afirmó tener fe en Dios y apoyarse en su ayuda, lo que nos
muestra la importancia que esta figura tiene en las familias.
En “apoyo formal”, entendiéndose como el apoyo en figuras profesionales, como lo
es el médico, se muestra cierta ambigüedad, no vemos una tendencia demasiado
marcada en esta categoría, siendo que la respuesta “algunas veces” es la más
evidente con un 23%, pero no arroja un resultado determinante en esta categoría.
Podría interpretarse como que, si bien acuden con profesionales, no parece ser de
gran importancia para ellos.
En cambio, la categoría “apoyos vecinos” nos muestra una clara tendencia al
rechazo de acudir a sus vecinos, con un abrumador 43% que afirma nunca compartir
los problemas con sus vecinos.
Finalmente, para “evaluación pasiva” vemos también una tendencia clara a no
esperar que los problemas se resuelvan solos, sino que afirman tener la iniciativa
para solucionarlos, vemos que el 38% de los encuestados no considera los juegos
de azar como una solución importante para resolver sus problemas, también cabe
destacar que el 27% no está de acuerdo con que esperar a que el problema
desaparezca sea adecuado.
Finalmente, es curioso resaltar que el 28% de los encuestados muchas veces siente
que, por más preparados que estén, siempre les costará solucionar problemas. A
partir de esto último, y junto a los demás resultados, podemos interpretar en esta
categoría que, si bien las familias tienen la iniciativa y disposición para solucionar
sus problemas, puede que perciban cierta inseguridad o pesimismo al afrontarlos
por la posibilidad de verse superados por los mismos.
Conclusiones: Los resultados anteriores nos muestra que las familias tienen cierto
grado de equilibrio en varios aspectos que contribuyen a un ambiente familiar
saludable. Pero también hay diferentes aspectos que mejorar para evitar un
desequilibrio en las dinámicas familiares. Por lo que se muestra que un
funcionamiento familiar saludable se caracteriza por una comunicación abierta y
apoyo mutuo, así como el establecimiento de límites claros. Por lo que es crucial el
fortalecimiento de la comunicación y el fortalecimiento de lazos.
Background: This research sought to explore and understand the functioning of the families of students in the law program at Simon Bolivar University, exploring the dynamics, patterns and other family factors that influence the academic, emotional, and professional experiences, as well as the ability to meet the challenges of students. Objective: To describe how the families of law students' families’ function Method: This research project is quantitative. To collect this information, the EFFA, FACES III, APGAR and CAF forms were applied to 82 parents of law students. Results: in the characteristics of family functioning in the participants, a percentage of 34% was evidenced with respect to the bonding of families, related to this are the help provided among family members and the quality of time they dedicate to each other. On the other hand, with a percentage of 30%, it could be observed that the families surveyed choose to maintain interaction only with the members of the family nucleus, without involving people external to the family dynamics. Based on the above, it can be said that they are families that wish to maintain an interactive family dynamic, but without including external people that could modify in any way the rules, norms and even the family dynamics that they have built, however, they are also families capable of adjusting the established rules taking into account the constant contextual change that the family members may experience. Now in family functionality it was found that cohesion in 31.71% of the families are of unrelated family typology, which suggests that it comes from families where family relationships are less close, 25.61% are related families, this indicates that there is a decrease in the proportion of families where relationships are closer, 21.95% are agglutinated families which means that there may be a strong cohesion and union among family members. The lowest percentage of 20.73% are semi-related families. In the Adaptability part it is observed that 2.44% of the families present a rigid adaptability, and 17.07% are families that have a structured adaptability, 12.20% are families that present a flexible adaptability, which suggests that these families are more capable of adapting to changes, and 68.29% of the families present a chaotic adaptability. Family functionality, while 57% had family dysfunction in different degrees, whether mild, moderate, or severe, which indicates a high degree of insecurity and dependence in overprotective families or families that are too permissive or controlling, among other aspects, which leads to a higher degree of dysfunction in families. On the other hand, in family coping, we see Initially in family "restructuring", we see a marked tendency towards the ability to restructure in different situations, with approximately 30% of the responses corresponding to many times. In the next category, "support for friends and family", we conclude that families, although not completely dependent, if they are aware of their friends and family (understood as extended family) do not depend completely on these networks, with approximately 20% responding that "sometimes" they tend to turn to them. Another interesting category handled by this test is "spiritual support", where a surprising 37% said they have faith in God and rely on his help, which shows the importance of this figure in families. In "formal support", understood as support from professional figures, such as the physician, there is some ambiguity; we do not see a very marked tendency in this category, with the response "sometimes" being the most evident with 23%, but it does not show a decisive result in this category. It could be interpreted as meaning that, although they go to professionals, it does not seem to be of great importance to them. On the other hand, the category "neighbor support" shows a clear tendency to refuse to go to their neighbors, with an overwhelming 43% stating that they never share problems with their neighbors. Finally, for "passive evaluation" we also see a clear tendency to not wait for problems to solve themselves, but rather claim to have the initiative to solve them, we see that 38% of respondents do not consider gambling as an important solution to solve their problems, it is also worth noting that 27% do not agree that waiting for the problem to go away is adequate. Finally, it is curious to note that 28% of respondents often feel that no matter how prepared they are, they will always find it difficult to solve problems. From the latter, and together with the other results, we can interpret in this category that, although families have the initiative and willingness to solve their problems, they may perceive a certain insecurity or pessimism when facing them because of the possibility of being overwhelmed by them. Conclusions: The above results show us that families have a certain degree of balance in several aspects that contribute to a healthy family environment. But there are also different aspects to improve to avoid an imbalance in family dynamics. It shows that healthy family functioning is characterized by open communication and mutual support, as well as the establishment of clear boundaries. Therefore, it is crucial to strengthen communication and bonding
Background: This research sought to explore and understand the functioning of the families of students in the law program at Simon Bolivar University, exploring the dynamics, patterns and other family factors that influence the academic, emotional, and professional experiences, as well as the ability to meet the challenges of students. Objective: To describe how the families of law students' families’ function Method: This research project is quantitative. To collect this information, the EFFA, FACES III, APGAR and CAF forms were applied to 82 parents of law students. Results: in the characteristics of family functioning in the participants, a percentage of 34% was evidenced with respect to the bonding of families, related to this are the help provided among family members and the quality of time they dedicate to each other. On the other hand, with a percentage of 30%, it could be observed that the families surveyed choose to maintain interaction only with the members of the family nucleus, without involving people external to the family dynamics. Based on the above, it can be said that they are families that wish to maintain an interactive family dynamic, but without including external people that could modify in any way the rules, norms and even the family dynamics that they have built, however, they are also families capable of adjusting the established rules taking into account the constant contextual change that the family members may experience. Now in family functionality it was found that cohesion in 31.71% of the families are of unrelated family typology, which suggests that it comes from families where family relationships are less close, 25.61% are related families, this indicates that there is a decrease in the proportion of families where relationships are closer, 21.95% are agglutinated families which means that there may be a strong cohesion and union among family members. The lowest percentage of 20.73% are semi-related families. In the Adaptability part it is observed that 2.44% of the families present a rigid adaptability, and 17.07% are families that have a structured adaptability, 12.20% are families that present a flexible adaptability, which suggests that these families are more capable of adapting to changes, and 68.29% of the families present a chaotic adaptability. Family functionality, while 57% had family dysfunction in different degrees, whether mild, moderate, or severe, which indicates a high degree of insecurity and dependence in overprotective families or families that are too permissive or controlling, among other aspects, which leads to a higher degree of dysfunction in families. On the other hand, in family coping, we see Initially in family "restructuring", we see a marked tendency towards the ability to restructure in different situations, with approximately 30% of the responses corresponding to many times. In the next category, "support for friends and family", we conclude that families, although not completely dependent, if they are aware of their friends and family (understood as extended family) do not depend completely on these networks, with approximately 20% responding that "sometimes" they tend to turn to them. Another interesting category handled by this test is "spiritual support", where a surprising 37% said they have faith in God and rely on his help, which shows the importance of this figure in families. In "formal support", understood as support from professional figures, such as the physician, there is some ambiguity; we do not see a very marked tendency in this category, with the response "sometimes" being the most evident with 23%, but it does not show a decisive result in this category. It could be interpreted as meaning that, although they go to professionals, it does not seem to be of great importance to them. On the other hand, the category "neighbor support" shows a clear tendency to refuse to go to their neighbors, with an overwhelming 43% stating that they never share problems with their neighbors. Finally, for "passive evaluation" we also see a clear tendency to not wait for problems to solve themselves, but rather claim to have the initiative to solve them, we see that 38% of respondents do not consider gambling as an important solution to solve their problems, it is also worth noting that 27% do not agree that waiting for the problem to go away is adequate. Finally, it is curious to note that 28% of respondents often feel that no matter how prepared they are, they will always find it difficult to solve problems. From the latter, and together with the other results, we can interpret in this category that, although families have the initiative and willingness to solve their problems, they may perceive a certain insecurity or pessimism when facing them because of the possibility of being overwhelmed by them. Conclusions: The above results show us that families have a certain degree of balance in several aspects that contribute to a healthy family environment. But there are also different aspects to improve to avoid an imbalance in family dynamics. It shows that healthy family functioning is characterized by open communication and mutual support, as well as the establishment of clear boundaries. Therefore, it is crucial to strengthen communication and bonding
Palabras clave
Familia, Funcionamiento, Estudiantes, Derecho