Diseño arquitectura de software para la gestión académica en el colegio Integrado Atalaya
Gamboa Rojas, Emmanuel Hernando
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
El presente trabajo tiene como propósito diseñar una Arquitectura de Software Académico que se adapte a las necesidades del colegio Integrado Atalaya en la ciudad de Cúcuta y listar las ventajas y desventajas que tendría implementarla. El proyecto se basó en la investigación de las diferentes falencias con las que cuenta el actual software académico que utiliza el colegio Integrado Atalaya y los costos de utilizar el software como servicio pagando una anualidad, también los costos de las diferentes plataformas que utilizan el resto de colegios en la ciudad de Cúcuta.
El proyecto busca brindar una solución tecnológica propia que permita una reducción de costos significativa y la cual automatice el proceso académico del colegio dentro de las actividades a tener en cuenta están la gestión de estudiantes, docentes, padres de familia, notas del estudiante, asignaturas, cursos, boletines, inscripciones, logros, etc. El proyecto conto con 3 fases, en la primera fase se identificó la metodología y el método de investigación que se utilizara para este proyecto, también se realizó una identificación inicial en donde se logró evidenciar las funcionalidades y falencias con las que cuenta el software actual y los costos que tiene dicho servicio anual, en la segunda fase se procedió a investigar las diferentes plataformas académicas que prestan el servicio en la ciudad de Cúcuta, los costos que manejan, las funcionalidades con las que cuentan y los servicios que brindan al colegio durante el año lectivo, en la tercera y última fase se hizo la toma y análisis de requerimientos para el diseño de la Arquitectura de Software, por último se realizó un presupuesto estimado del desarrollo el cual permitió determinar que si es rentable para el colegio.
The purpose of this work is to design an Academic Software Architecture that adapts to the needs of the Juan Atalaya Integrated School in the city of Cúcuta and to list the advantages and disadvantages that could be implemented. The project was based on the investigation of the different shortcomings of the current academic software used by the Juan Atalaya Integrated School and the costs of using the software as a service paying an annual fee, as well as the costs of the different platforms used by the rest. of schools in the city of Cúcuta. The project seeks to provide its own technological solution that allows a significant cost reduction and which automates the academic process of the school within the activities to be taken into account are the management of students, teachers, parents, student notes, subjects, courses, newsletters, registrations, achievements, etc. The project had 3 phases, in the first phase the methodology and the research method used for this project were identified, an initial identification was also carried out where it was possible to demonstrate the functionalities and shortcomings of the current software and the costs that this annual service has, in the second phase we proceeded to investigate the different academic platforms that provide the service in the city of Cúcuta, the costs they handle, the functionalities they have and the services they provide to the school during the school year, in the third and final phase, the taking and analysis of requirements for the design of the Software Architecture was made, finally an estimated budget of the development was made, which allowed determining if it is profitable for the school.
The purpose of this work is to design an Academic Software Architecture that adapts to the needs of the Juan Atalaya Integrated School in the city of Cúcuta and to list the advantages and disadvantages that could be implemented. The project was based on the investigation of the different shortcomings of the current academic software used by the Juan Atalaya Integrated School and the costs of using the software as a service paying an annual fee, as well as the costs of the different platforms used by the rest. of schools in the city of Cúcuta. The project seeks to provide its own technological solution that allows a significant cost reduction and which automates the academic process of the school within the activities to be taken into account are the management of students, teachers, parents, student notes, subjects, courses, newsletters, registrations, achievements, etc. The project had 3 phases, in the first phase the methodology and the research method used for this project were identified, an initial identification was also carried out where it was possible to demonstrate the functionalities and shortcomings of the current software and the costs that this annual service has, in the second phase we proceeded to investigate the different academic platforms that provide the service in the city of Cúcuta, the costs they handle, the functionalities they have and the services they provide to the school during the school year, in the third and final phase, the taking and analysis of requirements for the design of the Software Architecture was made, finally an estimated budget of the development was made, which allowed determining if it is profitable for the school.
Palabras clave
Arquitectura, Plataforma, Software, Colegio, Architecture, Platform, College