Responsabilidad médica en la ESE Juan Domínguez Romero de Soledad del periodo 2018 - 2021
Salazar Arias, Jaider José
Vergara Meléndez, Eillen Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La salud en Colombia es un derecho fundamental, conforme a la Ley Estatutaria 1751 de 2015, es servicio público, en el artículo 49 de la Constitución Política. La atención de la salud y el saneamiento ambiental son servicios públicos estatales necesarios para los ciudadanos con todas las garantías de calidad, efectividad y eficiencia, para cumplir fines del Estado, sin generar daños
antijurídicos alusuario, cuando ocurre se configura responsabilidad
extracontractual del Estado por falla de servicios médicos. La salud debe ser
garantizada con calidad por prestadores privados y públicos, estos son las Empresas Sociales del Estado creadas por la Ley 100 de 1993, Capítulo III y reglamentada por el Decreto1876 de 1994 en el artículo 2°, 3° establece su objetivo principal es la prestación de ese servicio como parte del Sistema de Seguridad Social en Salud. Son sus principios y objetivos la eficacia, como optimización de todos los recursos, para las condiciones de salud de la población, la calidad, como atención efectiva, oportuna, personalizada, humanizada, continua, con estándares de procedimientos científico- técnicos y administrativos que usen tecnología apropiada, conforme las normas que los regulan. El artículo 90 de la Constitución Política contiene la responsabilidad estatal por acción y omisión de los servidores público, la cual se imputa a servidores de la salud pública y pueden configurar este tipo de faltas. La Resolución 2003 de 2014 del Ministerio de Salud Pública fija estándares de calidad a cumplir por todo prestador público y privado de servicios de salud en Colombia. Examinadas las sentencias condenatorias en segunda instancia Radicados 08-001-33-33-004-2013-00307-01 LM Junio 27 de 2017 y 08-001-33-33-012-2015-00221-01 13 de septiembre de 2019, del Tribunal Contencioso Administrativo del Atlántico, que demandan a la EmpresaSocial del Estado Juan Domingo Romero de Soledad, se analiza la presunta existencia o no de su responsabilidad Estatal, obteniendo como resultados obtenidos, la posibilidad de diseñar una propuesta de un plan de acción de mejoramiento continuo en esa ESE, para corregir las presuntas fallas por responsabilidad estatal, que pudieran presentarse a futuro en el servicio y que dieron pie a tales demandas.
Health in Colombia is a fundamental right, in accordance with Statutory Law 1751 of 2015, it is a public service, in article 49 of the Political Constitution. Health care and environmental sanitation are necessary state public services for citizens with all guarantees of quality, effectiveness and efficiency, to fulfill the purposes of the State, without generating illegal damages to the user. When this occurs, the State is extracontractually liable for failure of medical services. Health must be guaranteed with quality by private and public providers, these are the State Social Enterprises created by Law 100 of 1993, Chapter III and regulated by Decree 1876 of 1994 in article 2, 3 establishes its main objective It is the provision of that service as part of the Social Health Security System. Its principles and objectives are effectiveness, as optimization of all resources, for the health conditions of the population, quality, as effective, timely, personalized, humanized, continuous care, with standards of scientific-technical and administrative procedures that use appropriate technology, in accordance with the standards that regulate them. Article 90 of the Political Constitution contains state responsibility for actions and omissions of public servants, which is attributed to public health servants and can constitute this type of offense. Resolution 2003 of 2014 of the Ministry of Public Health sets quality standards to be met by all public and private health services providers in Colombia. Examined the convictions in the second instance Files 08- 001-33-33-004-2013-00307-01 LM June 27, 2017 and 08-001-33-33-012-2015- 00221-01 September 13, 2019, of the Contentious Administrative Court of the Atlantic, who sue the State Social Enterprise Juan Domingo Romero de Soledad, the alleged existence or not of its State responsibility is analyzed, obtaining as results obtained, the possibility of designing a proposal for an action plan of continuous improvement in this ESE, to correct the alleged failures due to state responsibility, which could arise in the future in the service and which gave rise to such demands.
Health in Colombia is a fundamental right, in accordance with Statutory Law 1751 of 2015, it is a public service, in article 49 of the Political Constitution. Health care and environmental sanitation are necessary state public services for citizens with all guarantees of quality, effectiveness and efficiency, to fulfill the purposes of the State, without generating illegal damages to the user. When this occurs, the State is extracontractually liable for failure of medical services. Health must be guaranteed with quality by private and public providers, these are the State Social Enterprises created by Law 100 of 1993, Chapter III and regulated by Decree 1876 of 1994 in article 2, 3 establishes its main objective It is the provision of that service as part of the Social Health Security System. Its principles and objectives are effectiveness, as optimization of all resources, for the health conditions of the population, quality, as effective, timely, personalized, humanized, continuous care, with standards of scientific-technical and administrative procedures that use appropriate technology, in accordance with the standards that regulate them. Article 90 of the Political Constitution contains state responsibility for actions and omissions of public servants, which is attributed to public health servants and can constitute this type of offense. Resolution 2003 of 2014 of the Ministry of Public Health sets quality standards to be met by all public and private health services providers in Colombia. Examined the convictions in the second instance Files 08- 001-33-33-004-2013-00307-01 LM June 27, 2017 and 08-001-33-33-012-2015- 00221-01 September 13, 2019, of the Contentious Administrative Court of the Atlantic, who sue the State Social Enterprise Juan Domingo Romero de Soledad, the alleged existence or not of its State responsibility is analyzed, obtaining as results obtained, the possibility of designing a proposal for an action plan of continuous improvement in this ESE, to correct the alleged failures due to state responsibility, which could arise in the future in the service and which gave rise to such demands.
Palabras clave
Daño, ESE Juan Domínguez Romero, Estatal, Médica, Responsabilidad, Soledad, Damage, Liability, Medical, State