Oportunidades documentadas en mercado y resiliencia para Empresas digitales de economía naranja frente al Covid-19: Revisión sistemática de literatura
Barrera Acuña, Miguel Ángel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
La crisis ocasionada por la pandemia del COVID-19 derivó en el decrecimiento del 34,7% de personas ocupadas en economía naranja en Colombia, dilapidando el progreso de los últimos años en población ocupada y afectando su participación en el valor agregado bruto a nivel
nacional. El presente proyecto realizó una revisión sistemática de literatura de artículos científicos y literatura gris centrada en las temáticas de industrias creativas y culturales, MIPYMES y COVID-19 con el fin de identificar los conocimientos internacionales en respuesta
a la pandemia relevantes para la economía naranja, vincularlas con las medidas documentadas en
la región, contextualizarlas dentro de una caracterización nacional, dando como resultado un repertorio de oportunidades de mercado y desarrollo de resiliencia relevantes a las industrias creativas, nuevos medios y software de contenidos en Colombia. La selección de documentos, evaluación crítica, extracción de datos y síntesis de hallazgos se realizaron siguiendo los
lineamientos metodológicos del Joanna Briggs Institute para revisiones sistemáticas de texto y
opinión, se empleó el diagrama de flujo de la metodología PRISMA y se ejecutaron análisis
PEST y FODA, triangulando y replanteando los hallazgos en oportunidades. En la revisión se
encontraron un total de 2.055 documentos, 68 de ellos fueron valorados críticamente dando
como resultado 27 documentos seleccionados. Del análisis PEST se identificaron 58 factores,
mientras que de los análisis FODA fueron identificados 63 fortalezas, 68 oportunidades, 50
debilidades y 27 amenazas, sintetizados en 72 oportunidades en mercado y desarrollo de
resiliencia empresarial. Los resultados del proyecto ofrecen a emprendedores creativos
oportunidades de implementación en sus negocios para aprovechar los cambios surgidos o
fortalecidos por el COVID-19 de cara a la reactivación y la nueva normalidad.
The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic derived in the decreasing of 34,7% of people occupied in creative and cultural industries in Colombia, squandering the progress of the recent years in occupied population and harming its participation in the gross value added at national level. The present project performed a systematic literature review of scientific articles and grey literature focused on the themes of creative and cultural industries, SMEs and COVID-19, with the purpose of identifying the international knowledge in response of the pandemic relevant to the so-called “orange economy”, linking it with the documented regional measures, contextualized within a national characterization, resulting in a repertoire of opportunities of market and resilience development relevant to the so-called “creative industries, new media and content software” in Colombia. The document selection, critical appraisal, data extraction and synthesis of findings were conducted following the methodological guidelines of the Joanna Briggs Institute for systematic reviews of text and opinion, the PRISMA statement flowchart was also used, as well as PEST and SWOT analysis, triangulating and redefining the findings in opportunities. In the systematic literature review were found a total of 2.055 documents, 68 of them were critically appraised resulting in 27 selected documents. From PEST analysis were identified 58 factors, while from the different SWOT analysis were identified 63 strengths, 68 opportunities, 50 weaknesses and 27 threats, synthetized in 72 market and business resilience development opportunities. The project outcomes bring creative entrepreneurs implementation opportunities for their businesses so they can take advantage of the changes emerged or strengthen by the COVID-19 facing economic reactivation and the new normal.
The crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic derived in the decreasing of 34,7% of people occupied in creative and cultural industries in Colombia, squandering the progress of the recent years in occupied population and harming its participation in the gross value added at national level. The present project performed a systematic literature review of scientific articles and grey literature focused on the themes of creative and cultural industries, SMEs and COVID-19, with the purpose of identifying the international knowledge in response of the pandemic relevant to the so-called “orange economy”, linking it with the documented regional measures, contextualized within a national characterization, resulting in a repertoire of opportunities of market and resilience development relevant to the so-called “creative industries, new media and content software” in Colombia. The document selection, critical appraisal, data extraction and synthesis of findings were conducted following the methodological guidelines of the Joanna Briggs Institute for systematic reviews of text and opinion, the PRISMA statement flowchart was also used, as well as PEST and SWOT analysis, triangulating and redefining the findings in opportunities. In the systematic literature review were found a total of 2.055 documents, 68 of them were critically appraised resulting in 27 selected documents. From PEST analysis were identified 58 factors, while from the different SWOT analysis were identified 63 strengths, 68 opportunities, 50 weaknesses and 27 threats, synthetized in 72 market and business resilience development opportunities. The project outcomes bring creative entrepreneurs implementation opportunities for their businesses so they can take advantage of the changes emerged or strengthen by the COVID-19 facing economic reactivation and the new normal.
Palabras clave
COVID-19, Industrias creativas y culturales, Resiliencia, Mercado, Oportunidades, Creative and cultural industries, Resilience, Market, Opportunities