Propuesta de una estrategia efectiva para la gestión del talento humano de manera sostenible en una empresa manufacturera en la ciudad de Barranquilla
Mejía De La Paz, Alessandra
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolivar
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Facultad Administración y Negocios
Para alcanzar los objetivos trazados en la estrategia de toda empresa es primordial contar
con el Talento Humano alineado con dicho propósito y teniendo en cuenta que cada
empresa tiene un entorno y características diferentes, no solo es cuestión de copiar las
prácticas que se aplican en otras sino de lograr identificar las óptimas para mejorar el
rendimiento integral de los empleados. Es primordial entonces proponer una estrategia
adecuada para gestionar de manera efectiva y sostenible el talento humano para una
empresa manufacturera en la ciudad de Barranquilla.
Con este propósito se realiza un estudio de corte transversal en 290 colaboradores de dicha
empresa, aplicando una encuesta para conocer las características sociodemográficas, los
factores de demanda, control y apoyo social y los riesgos psicosociales. Se realizaron
entrevistas y grupos focales a los colaboradores, cédula de Entrevista. Como resultado se
obtuvo que el 28,71% de los colaboradores perciben desbalance entre demanda de trabajo y
recompensa que reciben; el 39,17% de los participantes consideran que no reciben apoyo
para que se capaciten y el 37,89% informan que no tienen claridad de las actividades que
deben desempeñar. En cuanto al apoyo social el 46,28% perciben que no reciben apoyo por
parte de los directivos.
Se concluyó que la gestión de Talento Humano debería obedecer a un diseño estratégico
para que produzca resultados efectivos y sostenibles. Así mismo, las estrategias deben
considerar ofrecer bienestar a los colaboradores dado que son seres humanos con
capacidades y necesidades únicas, dado que solo así se conseguirá el sentido de
pertenencia que favorezca el desarrollo de la organización.
To achieve the objectives outlined in the strategy of every company, it is essential to have Human Talent aligned with said purpose and taking into account that each company has different environment and characteristics, it is not only a matter of copying the practices that are applied in others, but to be able to identify the optimal ones to improve the integral performance of the employees. It is therefore essential to propose the appropriate strategy to effectively and sustainably manage human talent for a manufacturing company in the city of Barranquilla. For this purpose, a cross-sectional study is carried out in 356 employees of the company, a survey was applied to know the sociodemographic characteristics, demand factors, control and social support and psychosocial risks factors. Interviews and focus groups were carried out with the collaborators, interview card As result, it was obtained that 28.71% of employees perceive an imbalance between the demand for work and the reward they receive; 39.17% of the participants consider that they do not receive support for training and 37% report that they are not clear about the activities that they must carry out. Regarding social support, 46.28% perceive that they do not receive support from managers. It was concluded that Human Talent management should obey a strategic design so that it produces effe3ctive and sustainable results. Likewise, the strategies must consider offering wellbeing to the collaborators since they are human beings with unique capacities and needs, since only in this way will the sense of belonging be achieves that favors the development of the organization.
To achieve the objectives outlined in the strategy of every company, it is essential to have Human Talent aligned with said purpose and taking into account that each company has different environment and characteristics, it is not only a matter of copying the practices that are applied in others, but to be able to identify the optimal ones to improve the integral performance of the employees. It is therefore essential to propose the appropriate strategy to effectively and sustainably manage human talent for a manufacturing company in the city of Barranquilla. For this purpose, a cross-sectional study is carried out in 356 employees of the company, a survey was applied to know the sociodemographic characteristics, demand factors, control and social support and psychosocial risks factors. Interviews and focus groups were carried out with the collaborators, interview card As result, it was obtained that 28.71% of employees perceive an imbalance between the demand for work and the reward they receive; 39.17% of the participants consider that they do not receive support for training and 37% report that they are not clear about the activities that they must carry out. Regarding social support, 46.28% perceive that they do not receive support from managers. It was concluded that Human Talent management should obey a strategic design so that it produces effe3ctive and sustainable results. Likewise, the strategies must consider offering wellbeing to the collaborators since they are human beings with unique capacities and needs, since only in this way will the sense of belonging be achieves that favors the development of the organization.
Palabras clave
Talento humano, Gestión de talento humanos, Satisfacción laboral, Riesgos psicosociales, Recursos humanos, Clima organizacional, Human talent, Human talent management, Job satisfaction, Psychosocial risks, Human resources, Organizational climat