Rol de Colombia Compra Eficiente como entidad rectora del sistema de compra pública conforme a los principios de legalidad y debido proceso
Montañez Bello, Darley
Osorio Villamizar, Hipólito
Vergel Ortega, Angélica María
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El Estado colombiano, para lograr sus objetivos consagrados en la Constitución y en la ley, opera mediante distintas entidades, algunas de ellas son descentralizadas, como es el caso de Colombia Compra Eficiente, que se encarga de intervenir en lo concerniente al Sistema de Compra Pública. Objetivo: estudiar el rol de Colombia Compra Eficiente como entidad rectora del sistema de compra pública conforme a los principios de legalidad y debido proceso. Metodología: cualitativa hermenéutica, con diseño documental. Instrumentos de recolección de información: diario de apuntes, donde se fue recaudando la información hasta construir la reflexión final, que es el presente documento. Resultados: se encontró que las funciones de Colombia Compra Eficiente atañen a un sistema donde se procure la efectividad en favor del Estado; se observa, entonces, que la Constitución y la ley aluden por legalidad a la sujeción del servidor público ante el marco jurídico vigente, mientras que enuncian como debido proceso a un conjunto integral de garantías que deben seguirse durante cualquier ritualidad procesal; así, el rol de Colombia Compra Eficiente no es otro que el de una entidad protectora del erario público, enfocada en las compras y contratación pública. Conclusiones: en virtud del Estado social de derecho, la entidad estudiada cumple funciones coherentes que permiten prevenir las fallas e irregularidades en la contratación pública, especialmente en lo referente a compras, sin embargo, el actuar de este órgano debe ser vigilado con permanencia, porque una ejecución desenfocada de sus funciones puede lesionar a la legalidad y al debido proceso.
The Colombian State, to achieve its objectives enshrined in the Constitution and in the law, operates through different entities, some of them are decentralized, as is the case of Colombia Efficient Purchase, which is responsible for intervening in matters concerning the Public Procurement System. Objective: to study the role of Colombia Efficient Purchase as the governing body of the public procurement system in accordance with the principles of legality and due process. Methodology: qualitative hermeneutics, with documentary design. Instruments for collecting information: journal of notes, where the information was collected until the final reflection was built, which is the present document. Results: it was found that the functions of Colombia Efficient Purchase concern a system where effectiveness is sought in favor of the State; It is observed, then, that the Constitution and the law allude by legality to the subjection of the public servant to the current legal framework, while enunciating as due process a comprehensive set of guarantees that must be followed during any procedural ritual; thus, the role of Colombia Efficient Purchase is none other than that of a protective entity of the public treasury, focused on purchases and public contracting. Conclusions: by virtue of the social rule of law, the entity studied fulfills coherent functions that allow preventing failures and irregularities in public contracting, especially in relation to purchases, however, the actions of this body must be permanently monitored, because an unfocused execution of its functions can harm legality and due process.
The Colombian State, to achieve its objectives enshrined in the Constitution and in the law, operates through different entities, some of them are decentralized, as is the case of Colombia Efficient Purchase, which is responsible for intervening in matters concerning the Public Procurement System. Objective: to study the role of Colombia Efficient Purchase as the governing body of the public procurement system in accordance with the principles of legality and due process. Methodology: qualitative hermeneutics, with documentary design. Instruments for collecting information: journal of notes, where the information was collected until the final reflection was built, which is the present document. Results: it was found that the functions of Colombia Efficient Purchase concern a system where effectiveness is sought in favor of the State; It is observed, then, that the Constitution and the law allude by legality to the subjection of the public servant to the current legal framework, while enunciating as due process a comprehensive set of guarantees that must be followed during any procedural ritual; thus, the role of Colombia Efficient Purchase is none other than that of a protective entity of the public treasury, focused on purchases and public contracting. Conclusions: by virtue of the social rule of law, the entity studied fulfills coherent functions that allow preventing failures and irregularities in public contracting, especially in relation to purchases, however, the actions of this body must be permanently monitored, because an unfocused execution of its functions can harm legality and due process.
Palabras clave
Colombia Compra Eficiente, Contrato de compra pública, Contratación estatal, Debido proceso, Legalidad, Colombia Efficient Purchase, Public purchase contract, State contracting, Due process, Legality