Formulación y selección de alternativas para la implementación de energías renovables en la prestación del servicio de energía eléctrica en las zonas no interconectadas del departamento del Atlántico
Durante Pretelt, Nydia
Pérez Meza, Luz Mery
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ingenierías
Facultad de Ingenierías
Teniendo en cuenta las dificultades energéticas en Colombia solamente en el departamento del Atlántico 1866 viviendas carecen del servicio energético por el cual se tiene como objetivo el acceso eléctrico a las zonas rurales que puede realizarse mediante la expansión de redes eléctricas, que es la estrategia más habitual, o mediante sistemas aislados de red, bien sean sistemas individuales o micro redes.
Basados en el Decreto 1073 de 2015, artículo denominado "Lineamientos generales del Programa de Uso Racional y Eficiente de Energía y demás Formas de Energía No Convencionales, PROURE", se preceptúa lo siguiente: "Para el diseño del Programa de Uso Racional y Eficiente de Energía y demás Formas de Energía No Convencionales, PROURE, el Ministerio de Minas y Energía tendrá en cuenta aspectos sociales, ambientales, culturales, informativos, financieros y técnicos, a fin de crear las condiciones del Uso Racional y Eficiente de Energía y Fuentes No Convencionales de Energía.
Una de las necesidades, es la identificación, formulación, estructuración y diseño de proyectos desde su fase de perfil, hasta llevarlos a factibilidad y diseño de detalle, priorizando soluciones energéticas sostenibles con fuentes convencionales y no convencionales, que incluye generación y distribución de energía a los usuarios. En este caso para nuestro proyecto, la formulación y estructuración permite definir la solución técnica y financiera más adecuada para cada zona, ya sea mediante proyectos de soluciones centralizadas o soluciones aisladas con fuentes no convencionales de energía, que permiten llegar a usuarios dispersos
en la geografía nacional. Por lo anterior, la formulación y estructuración de proyectos cumplirán en todo con los preceptos de sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética.
Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior, se hace evidente la necesidad de la formulación y estructuración de proyectos energéticos sostenibles, ya que, por tratarse de un proyecto de infraestructura, orientado a satisfacer alguna necesidad básica, debe surtir necesariamente las etapas de prefactibilidad, factibilidad y diseño para poder garantizar una buena ejecución posterior, a costos razonables y con criterios de sostenibilidad en el tiempo.
Con base en la experiencia que ha desarrollado el IPSE (Instituto de Planificación y Promoción de Soluciones Energéticas para las Zonas No Interconectadas) y a través de los procesos de estructuración que ha adelantado durante los últimos años, se ha definido que para la actual vigencia los proyectos se desarrollen de acuerdo con su zona de influencia. Por lo anterior, el IPSE, con base en la regionalización del País y las necesidades identificadas en dichas regiones, realiza la formulación, estructuración y diseño de soluciones energéticas sostenibles para la ampliación de cobertura en las localidades de las zonas no interconectadas.
Taking into account the energy difficulties in Colombia, only in the department of Atlántico 1866 homes lack the energy service for which the objective of electricity access to rural areas is achieved through the expansion of electricity networks, which is the most common strategy, or through isolated network systems, either individual systems or micro networks. Based on Decree 1073 of 2015, article called "General Guidelines of the Program for the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and other Non-Conventional Forms of Energy, PROURE", the following is prescribed: "For the design of the Program for Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and other Non-Conventional Forms of Energy, PROURE, the Ministry of Mines and Energy will take into account social, environmental, cultural, informative, financial and technical aspects, in order to create the conditions for the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and Non-Conventional Sources of Energy. One of the needs is the identification, formulation, structuring and design of projects from their profile phase, to take them to feasibility and detailed design, prioritizing sustainable energy solutions with conventional and unconventional sources, which includes generation and distribution of energy to the users. In this case, for our project, the formulation and structuring make it possible to define the most appropriate technical and financial solution for each area, either through projects of centralized solutions or isolated solutions with non-conventional sources of energy, which allow us to reach users scattered throughout the geography. national. Therefore, the formulation and structuring of projects will comply in all with the precepts of sustainability and energy efficiency. Taking into account the above, the need for the formulation and structuring of sustainable energy projects becomes evident, since, since it is an infrastructure project, aimed at satisfying some basic need, it must necessarily meet the stages of pre-feasibility, feasibility and design. in order to guarantee a good subsequent execution, at reasonable costs and with sustainability criteria over time. Based on the experience that the IPSE (Institute for Planning and Promotion of Energy Solutions for Non-Interconnected Zones) has developed and through the structuring processes that it has advanced in recent years, it has been defined that for the current validity of the projects are developed according to their area of influence. Therefore, the IPSE, based on the regionalization of the Country and the needs identified in said regions, carries out the formulation, structuring and design of sustainable energy solutions for the expansion of coverage in the localities of the non-interconnected areas.
Taking into account the energy difficulties in Colombia, only in the department of Atlántico 1866 homes lack the energy service for which the objective of electricity access to rural areas is achieved through the expansion of electricity networks, which is the most common strategy, or through isolated network systems, either individual systems or micro networks. Based on Decree 1073 of 2015, article called "General Guidelines of the Program for the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and other Non-Conventional Forms of Energy, PROURE", the following is prescribed: "For the design of the Program for Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and other Non-Conventional Forms of Energy, PROURE, the Ministry of Mines and Energy will take into account social, environmental, cultural, informative, financial and technical aspects, in order to create the conditions for the Rational and Efficient Use of Energy and Non-Conventional Sources of Energy. One of the needs is the identification, formulation, structuring and design of projects from their profile phase, to take them to feasibility and detailed design, prioritizing sustainable energy solutions with conventional and unconventional sources, which includes generation and distribution of energy to the users. In this case, for our project, the formulation and structuring make it possible to define the most appropriate technical and financial solution for each area, either through projects of centralized solutions or isolated solutions with non-conventional sources of energy, which allow us to reach users scattered throughout the geography. national. Therefore, the formulation and structuring of projects will comply in all with the precepts of sustainability and energy efficiency. Taking into account the above, the need for the formulation and structuring of sustainable energy projects becomes evident, since, since it is an infrastructure project, aimed at satisfying some basic need, it must necessarily meet the stages of pre-feasibility, feasibility and design. in order to guarantee a good subsequent execution, at reasonable costs and with sustainability criteria over time. Based on the experience that the IPSE (Institute for Planning and Promotion of Energy Solutions for Non-Interconnected Zones) has developed and through the structuring processes that it has advanced in recent years, it has been defined that for the current validity of the projects are developed according to their area of influence. Therefore, the IPSE, based on the regionalization of the Country and the needs identified in said regions, carries out the formulation, structuring and design of sustainable energy solutions for the expansion of coverage in the localities of the non-interconnected areas.
Palabras clave
Energía renovables, Energía eléctrica