Estrategia didáctica para fortalecer la inteligencia emocional en el manejo de los conflictos bajo el enfoque de ciudadanía Caso: Estudiantes de 5to grado de la I.E Nuestra Señora de Belén en el municipio San José Cúcuta, Norte de Santander
Mora Ortega, Karen Dayana
Zambrano Fajardo, Yesenia Massiel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Antecedentes: Se eligieron solo ocho (8) investigaciones, tomando como criterio de selección la fecha no mayor a cinco (5) años, el tipo de metodología aplicada, los referentes teóricos citados y el aporte a la presente investigación, luego de una búsqueda entre cuarenta (40) documentos revisados, doce (12) internacionales, veinticuatro (24) nacionales y cuatro (4) regionales, los cuales fueron revisados haciendo uso de los algoritmos de búsqueda Y/AND; Unión: O/OR, donde alguno de los términos o conceptos de dicha búsqueda aparecieron en los documentos seleccionados, bajo la denominación de Tesis y Maestrías y los descriptores: Inteligencia Emocional, Manejo de Conflictos y ciudadanía. En este sentido, a nivel internacional, haciendo referencia a la inteligencia emocional Andrade (2017), evaluó distintos aspectos individuales como personalidad, inteligencia emocional y resolución de conflictos desde la perspectiva del docente como del estudiante. Por otro lado, Camacho et al (2017) en su estudio exploró la relación existente entre la inteligencia emocional de los estudiantes de segundo grado de una institución educativa distrital (IED) y la convivencia en la escuela. A nivel nacional, Díaz & Roa (2019), desarrolló una estrategia para hacer de la inteligencia emocional una herramienta para los Directivos Docentes en la transformación de conflictos; y a nivel regional, Vega & Páez (2018) definieron estrategias pedagógicas para el desarrollo de la inteligencia emocional en estudiantes con dificultades académicas del grado noveno del instituto Jorge Gaitán Duran.
En lo que refiere a Competencias ciudadanas, convivencia y paz, a nivel internacional Vargas (2019) analizó algunas experiencias de aula mediadas por Tecnologías para el Aprendizaje y el Conocimiento (TAC), en apoyo a los procesos relacionados con la educación para la Convivencia y la Cultura de Paz, en seis colegios públicos de Bogotá; a nivel nacional Hernández (2016) diseñó, validó y aplicó una escala sobre conocimientos y prácticas relacionadas con competencias ciudadanas de convivencia y paz en estudiantes de grado once del municipio de Girardota – Antioquia; Rozo (2019) develó realidades que afectan la interrelación ciudadana, en un contexto socio-cultural emergente, para favorecer la sana convivencia en un escenario de frontera, a partir de una propuesta pedagógica pertinente. La investigación se realizó mediante el paradigma interpretativo, enfoque cualitativo y como método de investigación el método fenomenológico; y Bautista & Barrera (2019), quienes plantean una propuesta pedagógica en estudiantes de sexto grado que permita el fortalecimiento de las competencias ciudadanas a partir de los estándares en competencias y utilizando como estrategia pedagógica el aprendizaje cooperativo y significativo.
Objetivos: General: Generar una estrategia didáctica que fortalezca la inteligencia emocional bajo el enfoque de ciudadanía, mejorando el manejo de los conflictos que se presentan con los estudiantes del grado quinto de la Institución Educativa Nuestra Señora de Belén en el municipio San José de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. Específicos: a) Caracterizar el nivel de inteligencia emocional que demuestran los estudiantes del 5to grado y el manejo que les han dado a los conflictos, a partir del relato de los docentes y orientadores de la institución; b) Interpretar el imaginario de los estudiantes del 5to grado, en relación a su inteligencia emocional en el manejo de los conflictos que se han presentado, utilizando didácticas focalizadas con éstos; c) Construir la estrategia didáctica para fortalecer la inteligencia emocional bajo el enfoque de ciudadanía, para el manejo de los conflictos que se presentan con los estudiantes del 5to grado.
Materiales y Métodos: Aborda una metodología con un paradigma dialógico interpretativo, de la mano de un enfoque hermenéutico dando lugar a un diseño cualitativo con un tipo de investigación descriptivo, donde las unidades muestrales estuvieron conformadas por 21 personas, entre los cuales 4 fueron docentes y 17 estudiantes del grado 5°, seleccionados con base en el criterio del bajo rendimiento académico. Como técnicas se utilizó la entrevista semiestructurada con un guión que contenía 33 preguntas y el análisis de contenido de tres categorías: Inteligencia emocional, conflicto y ciudadanía.
Resultados: Se logró identificar que se requería con urgencia una estrategia didáctica en la cual se plantearan actividades que dieran solución a las categorías emergentes: Estrategias y recursos didácticos para el reconocimiento y manejo de los conflictos en el contexto educativo; formación y capacitación del docente como mediador del estudiante; innovaciones didácticas para el refuerzo de la Inteligencia Emocional, entre otras; logrando además, interpretar el imaginario de los estudiantes, en relación a su inteligencia emocional en el manejo de los conflictos que se han presentado, utilizando la didáctica focalizada.
Conclusiones: Se le dio respuesta a la pregunta problema y al objetivo general, planteando cuatro unidades de aprendizaje con el aporte de la plataforma Moodle milaulas, cuya unidad 0, permite dar a conocer la plataforma Moodle milaulas para el desarrollo de actividades con recursos educativos digitales, para el fortalecimiento de la inteligencia emocional en el mejoramiento de la resolución de conflictos de cada estudiante; la Unidad 1, faculta potenciar la capacidad de conocimiento y el desarrollo de saber que pasa en su propio cuerpo y qué sienten; la Unidad 2, además identifica los derechos y relaciones humanas como parte fundamental de la sociedad; y la Unidad 3; posibilita reconocer los valores éticos y morales para una convivencia armónica; todas ellas con el fin de llevar a cabo innovaciones didácticas para el refuerzo de la Inteligencia Emocional.
Background: Only eight (8) researches were chosen, taking as selection criteria the date not older than five (5) years, the type of methodology applied, the theoretical references cited and the contribution to this research, after a search among forty (40) reviewed documents, twelve (12) international, twenty-four (24) national and four (4) regional, which were reviewed using the search algorithms Y/AND; Union: O/OR, where some of the terms or concepts of said search appeared in the selected documents, under the denomination of Theses and Master's Degrees and the descriptors: Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and citizenship. In this sense, at the international level, referring to emotional intelligence, Andrade (2017) evaluated different individual aspects such as personality, emotional intelligence and conflict resolution from the perspective of both teachers and students. On the other hand, Camacho et al (2017) in their study explored the relationship between the emotional intelligence of second grade students in a district educational institution (IED) and coexistence at school. At the national level, Díaz & Roa (2019), developed a strategy to make emotional intelligence a tool for teaching managers in conflict transformation; and at the regional level, Vega & Páez (2018) defined pedagogical strategies for the development of emotional intelligence in students with academic difficulties in the ninth grade of the Jorge Gaitán Duran secondary school. With regard to citizenship skills, coexistence and peace, at the international level Vargas (2019) analysed some classroom experiences mediated by Technologies for Learning and Knowledge (TAC), in support of processes related to education for Coexistence and the Culture of Peace, in six public schools in Bogotá; At the national level, Hernández (2016) designed, validated and applied a scale on knowledge and practices related to citizenship competences of coexistence and peace in eleventh grade students in the municipality of Girardota - Antioquia; Rozo (2019) revealed realities that affect citizen interrelationships, in an emerging socio-cultural context, to promote healthy coexistence in a border scenario, based on a relevant pedagogical proposal. The research was carried out using the interpretative paradigm, qualitative approach and the phenomenological method as a research method; and Bautista & Barrera (2019), who propose a pedagogical proposal for sixth grade students that allows the strengthening of citizenship skills based on the standards in competences and using cooperative and meaningful learning as a pedagogical strategy. Objective: General: To generate a didactic strategy that strengthens emotional intelligence under the citizenship approach, improving the management of conflicts that arise with 5th grade students at the Nuestra Señora de Belén Educational Institution in the municipality of San José de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. Specific: a) To characterise the level of emotional intelligence demonstrated by 5th grade students and their handling of conflicts, based on the reports of the teachers and counsellors of the institution; b) To interpret the imaginary of 5th grade students in relation to their emotional intelligence in the handling of conflicts that have arisen, using didactics focused on them; c) To construct the didactic strategy to strengthen emotional intelligence under the citizenship approach, for the handling of conflicts that arise with 5th grade students. Materials and Methods: It approaches a methodology with an interpretative dialogical paradigm, hand in hand with a hermeneutic approach giving rise to a qualitative design with a descriptive type of research, where the sample units were made up of 21 people, among which 4 were teachers and 17 students from grade 5, selected based on the criterion of low academic performance. The techniques used were a semi-structured interview with a script containing 33 questions and content analysis of three categories: emotional intelligence, conflict and citizenship. Results: It was possible to identify that a didactic strategy was urgently required in which activities were proposed that would provide a solution to the emerging categories: Strategies and didactic resources for the recognition and management of conflicts in the educational context; education and training of teachers as student mediators; didactic innovations for the reinforcement of Emotional Intelligence, among others; also managing to interpret the students' imaginary, in relation to their emotional intelligence in the management of conflicts that have arisen, using focused didactics. Conclusions: The problem question and the general objective were answered, proposing four learning units with the contribution of the Moodle milaulas platform, unit 0 of which provides an introduction to the Moodle milaulas platform for the development of activities with digital educational resources to strengthen emotional intelligence in order to improve conflict resolution in each student; Unit 1, enables to enhance the capacity of knowledge and the development of knowing what happens in their own body and what they feel; Unit 2, also identifies the rights and human relations as a fundamental part of society; and Unit 3; enables to recognise the ethical and moral values for a harmonious coexistence; all of them with the aim of carrying out didactic innovations for the reinforcement of Emotional Intelligence.
Background: Only eight (8) researches were chosen, taking as selection criteria the date not older than five (5) years, the type of methodology applied, the theoretical references cited and the contribution to this research, after a search among forty (40) reviewed documents, twelve (12) international, twenty-four (24) national and four (4) regional, which were reviewed using the search algorithms Y/AND; Union: O/OR, where some of the terms or concepts of said search appeared in the selected documents, under the denomination of Theses and Master's Degrees and the descriptors: Emotional Intelligence, Conflict Management and citizenship. In this sense, at the international level, referring to emotional intelligence, Andrade (2017) evaluated different individual aspects such as personality, emotional intelligence and conflict resolution from the perspective of both teachers and students. On the other hand, Camacho et al (2017) in their study explored the relationship between the emotional intelligence of second grade students in a district educational institution (IED) and coexistence at school. At the national level, Díaz & Roa (2019), developed a strategy to make emotional intelligence a tool for teaching managers in conflict transformation; and at the regional level, Vega & Páez (2018) defined pedagogical strategies for the development of emotional intelligence in students with academic difficulties in the ninth grade of the Jorge Gaitán Duran secondary school. With regard to citizenship skills, coexistence and peace, at the international level Vargas (2019) analysed some classroom experiences mediated by Technologies for Learning and Knowledge (TAC), in support of processes related to education for Coexistence and the Culture of Peace, in six public schools in Bogotá; At the national level, Hernández (2016) designed, validated and applied a scale on knowledge and practices related to citizenship competences of coexistence and peace in eleventh grade students in the municipality of Girardota - Antioquia; Rozo (2019) revealed realities that affect citizen interrelationships, in an emerging socio-cultural context, to promote healthy coexistence in a border scenario, based on a relevant pedagogical proposal. The research was carried out using the interpretative paradigm, qualitative approach and the phenomenological method as a research method; and Bautista & Barrera (2019), who propose a pedagogical proposal for sixth grade students that allows the strengthening of citizenship skills based on the standards in competences and using cooperative and meaningful learning as a pedagogical strategy. Objective: General: To generate a didactic strategy that strengthens emotional intelligence under the citizenship approach, improving the management of conflicts that arise with 5th grade students at the Nuestra Señora de Belén Educational Institution in the municipality of San José de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander. Specific: a) To characterise the level of emotional intelligence demonstrated by 5th grade students and their handling of conflicts, based on the reports of the teachers and counsellors of the institution; b) To interpret the imaginary of 5th grade students in relation to their emotional intelligence in the handling of conflicts that have arisen, using didactics focused on them; c) To construct the didactic strategy to strengthen emotional intelligence under the citizenship approach, for the handling of conflicts that arise with 5th grade students. Materials and Methods: It approaches a methodology with an interpretative dialogical paradigm, hand in hand with a hermeneutic approach giving rise to a qualitative design with a descriptive type of research, where the sample units were made up of 21 people, among which 4 were teachers and 17 students from grade 5, selected based on the criterion of low academic performance. The techniques used were a semi-structured interview with a script containing 33 questions and content analysis of three categories: emotional intelligence, conflict and citizenship. Results: It was possible to identify that a didactic strategy was urgently required in which activities were proposed that would provide a solution to the emerging categories: Strategies and didactic resources for the recognition and management of conflicts in the educational context; education and training of teachers as student mediators; didactic innovations for the reinforcement of Emotional Intelligence, among others; also managing to interpret the students' imaginary, in relation to their emotional intelligence in the management of conflicts that have arisen, using focused didactics. Conclusions: The problem question and the general objective were answered, proposing four learning units with the contribution of the Moodle milaulas platform, unit 0 of which provides an introduction to the Moodle milaulas platform for the development of activities with digital educational resources to strengthen emotional intelligence in order to improve conflict resolution in each student; Unit 1, enables to enhance the capacity of knowledge and the development of knowing what happens in their own body and what they feel; Unit 2, also identifies the rights and human relations as a fundamental part of society; and Unit 3; enables to recognise the ethical and moral values for a harmonious coexistence; all of them with the aim of carrying out didactic innovations for the reinforcement of Emotional Intelligence.
Palabras clave
Manejo de conflictos, Enfoque de ciudadanía, Inteligencia emocional, Estrategia didáctica, Estudiantes de quinto grado, Conflict management, Citizenship approach, Emotional intelligence, Didactic strategy, Fifth grade students