La delincuencia juvenil en Colombia. Garantismo, Eficientismo y/o eficacia del Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal Adolescente
Caro Madrid, Adonis
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El sistema de responsabilidad penal adolescente ha sido bastante claro en establecer que no
persigue la resocialización de un sujeto que aún no ha terminado su socialización entendida
ésta como el proceso mediante el cual el individuo interioriza o hace suyos los valores,
actitudes, y demás elementos socioculturales del medio ambiente en el cual vive para
adaptarse a la sociedad. Efectivamente el adolescente es un ser que se encuentra todavía en
un proceso natural de formación, partiendo de este criterio en Colombia se estableció
mediante ley 1098 de 2006 el Sistema de Responsabilidad Penal Adolescente (el SRPA)
con el cual se adopta un modelo que responde a criterios establecido universalmente
especialmente en la Convención de Derechos del Niño en materia de justicia penal para
Con una concepción del adolescente en conflicto con la ley como “sujeto de
derechos” y procurando la intervención mínima del sistema penal en esta materia, se dejó
claro que las sanciones deben tener un carácter pedagógico orientado al restablecimiento de
los derechos del adolescente mediante procesos que garanticen la justicia restaurativa, la
verdad y la reparación del daño y especialmente la protección integral del adolescente en
conflicto con la ley.
Por lo expuesto anteriormente se consideró interesante que desde la academia se
estudiara si su visión se halla en un plano de equilibrio con la realidad de la delincuencia
juvenil , establecer si en la práctica se ha logrado armonizar los intereses del adolescente
infractor, los propósitos del SRPA que es la formación del adolescente para que pueda vivir
en armonía social con posteridad a su tratamiento y los intereses de la sociedad que clama por una mayor protección de bienes jurídicos tutelados por la ley penal, susceptibles de ser
afectados por el comportamiento del infractor.
The adolescent criminal responsibility system has been quite clear in establishing that it does not pursue the re-socialization of a subject who has not yet completed his socialization, understood as the process by which the individual internalizes or makes values, attitudes, and other sociocultural elements his own. of the environment in which you live to adapt to society. Indeed, the adolescent is a being that is still in a natural process of formation, based on this criterion in Colombia, the Adolescent Criminal Responsibility System (SRPA) was established by law 1098 of 2006, with which a model is adopted that responds to criteria universally established especially in the Convention on the Rights of the Child in matters of criminal justice for adolescents. With a conception of the adolescent in conflict with the law as a “subject of rights” and seeking minimal intervention of the penal system in this matter, it was made clear that sanctions must have a pedagogical nature aimed at the restoration of adolescent rights through processes that guarantee restorative justice, the truth and reparation of the damage and especially the comprehensive protection of adolescents in conflict with the law. Due to the above, it was considered interesting that the academy studied whether its vision is in a balance plane with the reality of juvenile delinquency and especially with the phenomenon of recidivism, to establish whether in practice it has been possible to harmonize interests of the minor offender, the purposes of the SRPA, which is the formation of the adolescent so that they can live in social harmony with posterity to their treatment and the interests of the society that cries out, for a greater protection of legal assets protected by criminal law, likely to be affected by the offender's behavior.
The adolescent criminal responsibility system has been quite clear in establishing that it does not pursue the re-socialization of a subject who has not yet completed his socialization, understood as the process by which the individual internalizes or makes values, attitudes, and other sociocultural elements his own. of the environment in which you live to adapt to society. Indeed, the adolescent is a being that is still in a natural process of formation, based on this criterion in Colombia, the Adolescent Criminal Responsibility System (SRPA) was established by law 1098 of 2006, with which a model is adopted that responds to criteria universally established especially in the Convention on the Rights of the Child in matters of criminal justice for adolescents. With a conception of the adolescent in conflict with the law as a “subject of rights” and seeking minimal intervention of the penal system in this matter, it was made clear that sanctions must have a pedagogical nature aimed at the restoration of adolescent rights through processes that guarantee restorative justice, the truth and reparation of the damage and especially the comprehensive protection of adolescents in conflict with the law. Due to the above, it was considered interesting that the academy studied whether its vision is in a balance plane with the reality of juvenile delinquency and especially with the phenomenon of recidivism, to establish whether in practice it has been possible to harmonize interests of the minor offender, the purposes of the SRPA, which is the formation of the adolescent so that they can live in social harmony with posterity to their treatment and the interests of the society that cries out, for a greater protection of legal assets protected by criminal law, likely to be affected by the offender's behavior.
Palabras clave
Delincuencia juvenil, Responsabilidad penal juvenil, Protección integral del niño, Interés superior del niño, Juvenile delinquency, Juvenile criminal responsibility, Comprehensive protection of the child, Best interests of the child