El derecho a un plazo razonable en el marco de la indemnización administrativa de las víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano
Olano-García, Hernán Alejandro
Díaz-Guecha, Leonardo Yotuhel
Villamizar-Silva, Hernán Darío
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Universidad de Medellín
Este esfuerzo investigativo aborda las diferentes dificultades que enfrentan las víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia, producto de las demoras del reconocimiento y pago de la indemnización como componente de la reparación integral. Se aborda desde la metodología del enfoque cualitativo, método documental de recolección y análisis de la información. En la fundamentación teórica y resultados se hace una descripción de la reparación integral como derecho fundamental y se analiza el derecho a un plazo razonable desde los elementos dados en la jurisprudencia interamericana, además se exponen los precarios avances que se han dado en el reconocimiento y pago de la indemnización, en los factores de incumplimiento del plazo razonable en el sistema de indemnización y su reconocimiento, mediante la acción de tutela a partir del cumplimiento de las sub-reglas para su procedencia. Finalmente, se proponen las conclusiones y recomendaciones.
This research effort addresses different difficulties faced by the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia as a result of delays in the recognition and payment of compensation as a component of comprehensive reparation. It is approached from a qualitative approach, a documentary method and collection and analysis of information. In the theoretical basis and results, a description of integral reparation as a fundamental right is made, the right to a reasonable term is analyzed from the elements given in the Inter-American jurisprudence, and the precarious advances that have been made in the recognition and payment of compensation in the factors of non-compliance with the reasonable term in the compensation system and its recognition through the tutela action from the compliance of the sub-rules for its proceeding are also exposed. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are proposed.
This research effort addresses different difficulties faced by the victims of the armed conflict in Colombia as a result of delays in the recognition and payment of compensation as a component of comprehensive reparation. It is approached from a qualitative approach, a documentary method and collection and analysis of information. In the theoretical basis and results, a description of integral reparation as a fundamental right is made, the right to a reasonable term is analyzed from the elements given in the Inter-American jurisprudence, and the precarious advances that have been made in the recognition and payment of compensation in the factors of non-compliance with the reasonable term in the compensation system and its recognition through the tutela action from the compliance of the sub-rules for its proceeding are also exposed. Finally, conclusions and recommendations are proposed.
Palabras clave
Víctimas del conflicto armado en Colombia, Justicia restaurativa, reparación integral, Indemnización administrativa, administrative compensation, armed conflict, comprehensive repair, reasonable time
Olano-García, H. A., Díaz-Guecha, L. Y., & Villamizar-Silva, H. D. (2022). El derecho a un plazo razonable en el marco de la indemnización administrativa de las víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano. Opinión Jurídica, 21(45), 37-61.