Influencia de la crisis de contenedores en la logística de exportaciones mineras en Colombia
Paredes Duarte, Karyn Lisbeth
Ortega Arias, Leonid Yurlandy
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Antecedentes: Sánchez, Perrotti y Gómez Paz (2020) exponen que los buques no comprometían días enteros o estar semanas en los puertos
planteamiento de Sánchez y Barleta (2018) “la crisis de espacios de contenedores formó un cuello de botella
publicación de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL, 2018) y que de acuerdo con las cifras del movimiento de contenedores
Para Arrieta Rodríguez y Cardona Arbeláez (2018) resaltan que en el sector logístico portuario colombiano no se ha efectuado la aplicación políticas y procedimientos que procuren la coyuntura de los primordiales puertos nacionales con otros nodos de transporte.
Galo, Ribeiro, Mergulhão y Vieira (2018) consideran que la rectificación del costo logístico depende de los operadores según su capacidad de sujetar costos fijos y el índice alto de especialización logística
Objetivos: Analizar la influencia de la crisis de contenedores en la logística de exportaciones mineras en Colombia.
Estudiar las causas que originaron la crisis de contenedores en la logística de exportaciones mineras en Colombia
Determinar los procesos logísticos de la exportación minera con mayor afectación
Describir el impacto en el incremento de costos de las operaciones aduaneras en los productos mineros exportados.
Materiales y Métodos: De acuerdo con la interpretación de esta monografía, se optó por el método cualitativo ya que de acuerdo con Sampieri, Fernández y Baptista (2014) sugieren que el método cualitativo busca percibir a profundidad un fenómeno para contribuir en la solución del mismo, en este caso facilitar el aprendizaje por medio de los sentidos, a través de acciones o rastreos investigativos sobre la estimulación y funciones propias de los mismos.
Se opta por este método considerando que uno de los objetivos de la monografía aborda los antecedentes relacionados a la crisis de contenedores en la logística de exportaciones mineras. En Colombia este proceso se evidencia en la búsqueda de la información y los estudios realizados al respecto, al indagar si en el territorio regional se cuenta con las políticas públicas establecidas por los gobiernos en aras de garantizar la protección de los derechos portuarios.
Finalmente, la monografía es de tipo documental en donde se incorpora una búsqueda y análisis de dieciocho (18) documentos con datos escritos en relación al fenómeno portuario, a partir de este se ha realizado un recorrido por sus componentes.
Resultados: la colaboración de las exportaciones de bienes y servicios en el PIB mundial, que consiguió su máximo histórico en 2008 del 31%, desde 2015 se ha situado en torno a un 28% (CEPAL, 2018). Asimismo, se interrumpió una enorme parte de las actividades productivas, primero en el continente asiático y posteriormente en Europa, América del Norte y el resto del mundo, y se ha presentado cierres generalizados de fronteras, lo que ha dado lugar a un significativo aumento de despidos, fundamentalmente en las naciones unidas, con la constante reducción de la demanda de bienes y servicios.
Concluyentemente, al estudiar las causas del origen de la crisis de contenedores, se logra determinar que el temor principal fue el miedo debido a las estrictas medidas para controlar el mercado de carga dejando un atasco de contenedores en lugares donde no debían estar y la falta de ellos en otras zonas, los principales buques afectados al comercio internacional se hallan en una encrucijada de la oferta y la demanda.
Conclusiones: La integración de la crisis de forma local ha sido un componente esencial de salida de las dificultades presentadas; y debido a que la demanda acrecentara, los barcos no están llegando con las frecuencias que se tenían antes y se están demorando 3 o 4 semanas en conseguir llegar a su destino, rol concluyente es que, el mercado regional tiene que emprender acciones regularizadas que tengan enfoque a la reacción del comercio de las exportaciones de manufacturas para las pequeñas y medianas empresas exportadoras.
Es esencial que las empresas exportadoras de Colombia generen planes para adecuarse al nuevo contexto competidor basado en el desarrollo de nuevos convenios comerciales actuales y en proceso de desarrollo. El sector logístico y las empresas deben invertir en tecnología para optimizar la eficacia en los procesos logísticos, logrando reducir los riesgos y las barreras existentes en el país y reduciendo costos en la operación.
Los responsables políticos deben aplicar ciertas acciones que faciliten el comercio y genere una disminución en costos, estas medidas están incluidas en el Acuerdo sobre facilitación del comercio realizado por la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC),
Finalmente, Los gobiernos deben asegurarse de que sus Autoridades Nacionales de Competencia tengan los recursos y la experiencia requerida para investigar, sancionar y, de lo posible, evitar las prácticas abusivas por parte de algunos transportistas y navieras que intentan aprovecharse de su posición en las actividades de la cadena de suministro.
Background: Sanchez, Perrotti and Gomez Paz (2020) state that ships did not commit whole days or spend weeks in ports. Sanchez and Barleta's (2018) approach "the container space crisis formed a bottleneck". publication of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC, 2018) and that according to the figures of container movement. For Arrieta Rodríguez and Cardona Arbeláez (2018) highlight that in the Colombian port logistics sector, the implementation of policies and procedures that seek the juncture of the primary national ports with other transport nodes has not been carried out. Galo, Ribeiro, Mergulhão and Vieira (2018) consider that the rectification of the logistic cost depends on the operators according to their capacity to hold fixed costs and the high index of logistic specialization. Objective: To analyze the influence of the container crisis on the logistics of mining exports in Colombia. To study the causes that originated the container crisis in the logistics of mining exports in Colombia. Determine the most affected mining export logistics processes. Describe the impact on the increase in the cost of customs operations on exported mining products Materials and Methods: According to the interpretation of this monograph, the qualitative method was chosen because according to Sampieri, Fernández and Baptista (2014) suggest that the qualitative method seeks to perceive a phenomenon in depth in order to contribute to its solution, in this case to facilitate learning through the senses, through actions or research traces on the stimulation and functions of the senses. This method is chosen considering that one of the objectives of the monograph addresses the background related to the container crisis in the logistics of mining exports. In Colombia, this process is evidenced in the search for information and the studies carried out in this regard, when inquiring whether the regional territory has public policies established by the governments in order to guarantee the protection of port rights. Finally, the monograph is of documentary type where a search and analysis of eighteen (18) documents with written data in relation to the port phenomenon is incorporated, from this a tour of its components has been made. Results: The collaboration of exports of goods and services in the world GDP, which achieved its historical maximum in 2008 of 31%, since 2015 has been around 28% (ECLAC, 2018). Likewise, a huge part of productive activities were interrupted, first in the Asian continent and later in Europe, North America and the rest of the world, and widespread border closures have been presented, resulting in a significant increase in layoffs, fundamentally in the united nations, with the constant reduction in the demand for goods and services. In conclusion, when studying the causes of the origin of the container crisis, it is possible to determine that the main fear was fear due to the strict measures to control the cargo market, leaving a backlog of containers in places where they should not be and the lack of them in other areas, the main ships affected by international trade are at a crossroads of supply and demand. Conclusions: The integration of the crisis in a local way has been an essential component to overcome the difficulties presented; and due to the increased demand, the ships are not arriving with the frequencies they had before and are taking 3 or 4 weeks to reach their destination, conclusive role is that the regional market has to undertake regularized actions that focus on the reaction of manufacturing exports trade for small and medium exporting companies. It is essential that Colombian exporting companies generate plans to adapt to the new competitive context based on the development of new trade agreements, both current and in the process of development. The logistics sector and companies should invest in technology to optimize efficiency in logistics processes, reducing risks and barriers in the country and reducing operating costs. Policy makers must apply certain actions that facilitate trade and generate a decrease in costs, these measures are included in the Agreement on Trade Facilitation made by the World Trade Organization (WTO), Finally, governments must ensure that their National Competition Authorities have the resources and expertise required to investigate, sanction and, if possible, prevent abusive practices by some carriers and shipping lines that attempt to take advantage of their position in supply chain activities.
Background: Sanchez, Perrotti and Gomez Paz (2020) state that ships did not commit whole days or spend weeks in ports. Sanchez and Barleta's (2018) approach "the container space crisis formed a bottleneck". publication of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC, 2018) and that according to the figures of container movement. For Arrieta Rodríguez and Cardona Arbeláez (2018) highlight that in the Colombian port logistics sector, the implementation of policies and procedures that seek the juncture of the primary national ports with other transport nodes has not been carried out. Galo, Ribeiro, Mergulhão and Vieira (2018) consider that the rectification of the logistic cost depends on the operators according to their capacity to hold fixed costs and the high index of logistic specialization. Objective: To analyze the influence of the container crisis on the logistics of mining exports in Colombia. To study the causes that originated the container crisis in the logistics of mining exports in Colombia. Determine the most affected mining export logistics processes. Describe the impact on the increase in the cost of customs operations on exported mining products Materials and Methods: According to the interpretation of this monograph, the qualitative method was chosen because according to Sampieri, Fernández and Baptista (2014) suggest that the qualitative method seeks to perceive a phenomenon in depth in order to contribute to its solution, in this case to facilitate learning through the senses, through actions or research traces on the stimulation and functions of the senses. This method is chosen considering that one of the objectives of the monograph addresses the background related to the container crisis in the logistics of mining exports. In Colombia, this process is evidenced in the search for information and the studies carried out in this regard, when inquiring whether the regional territory has public policies established by the governments in order to guarantee the protection of port rights. Finally, the monograph is of documentary type where a search and analysis of eighteen (18) documents with written data in relation to the port phenomenon is incorporated, from this a tour of its components has been made. Results: The collaboration of exports of goods and services in the world GDP, which achieved its historical maximum in 2008 of 31%, since 2015 has been around 28% (ECLAC, 2018). Likewise, a huge part of productive activities were interrupted, first in the Asian continent and later in Europe, North America and the rest of the world, and widespread border closures have been presented, resulting in a significant increase in layoffs, fundamentally in the united nations, with the constant reduction in the demand for goods and services. In conclusion, when studying the causes of the origin of the container crisis, it is possible to determine that the main fear was fear due to the strict measures to control the cargo market, leaving a backlog of containers in places where they should not be and the lack of them in other areas, the main ships affected by international trade are at a crossroads of supply and demand. Conclusions: The integration of the crisis in a local way has been an essential component to overcome the difficulties presented; and due to the increased demand, the ships are not arriving with the frequencies they had before and are taking 3 or 4 weeks to reach their destination, conclusive role is that the regional market has to undertake regularized actions that focus on the reaction of manufacturing exports trade for small and medium exporting companies. It is essential that Colombian exporting companies generate plans to adapt to the new competitive context based on the development of new trade agreements, both current and in the process of development. The logistics sector and companies should invest in technology to optimize efficiency in logistics processes, reducing risks and barriers in the country and reducing operating costs. Policy makers must apply certain actions that facilitate trade and generate a decrease in costs, these measures are included in the Agreement on Trade Facilitation made by the World Trade Organization (WTO), Finally, governments must ensure that their National Competition Authorities have the resources and expertise required to investigate, sanction and, if possible, prevent abusive practices by some carriers and shipping lines that attempt to take advantage of their position in supply chain activities.
Palabras clave
Comercio, Crisis, Contenedores Logística, Exportaciones, Trade, Crisis, Containers, Logistics, Exports