Maltrato entre iguales desde la perspectiva de la inteligencia emocional y buentrato en estudiantes del instituto técnico nacional de comercio sede primaria: un diagnóstico preliminar.
Lidueña Escobar, Ruby
Molinares Roa, Jalenis
Vasquez Cardozo, Evelyn
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
la convivencia tiene que ver con la capacidad de las personas para establecer relaciones sociales y calidad humana, basada en la tolerancia y el respeto hacia los demás, resultado de una buena inteligencia emocional, entendiendo esto como un conjunto de inteligencia social que involucra la capacidad de controlar los sentimientos y las emociones en sí mismos. así como el de los demás, para discriminar entre ellos y usar esta información para guiar nuestros pensamientos, Salovey y Meyer (citado por Rios, A. 2003) y las acciones que resultan en un Tratamiento suave es saber que se reúnen, ver qué bien tienen otros. , para reconocer, felicitar y apreciar los cambios, el progreso y los aspectos positivos de los demás y, a su vez, aprender a expresar sentimientos y buscar el cambio practicando la conciliación y la negociación (Romero, L. 2006).
El objetivo principal de esta investigación fue desarrollar un diagnóstico preliminar del problema de las relaciones entre pares desde la perspectiva de la inteligencia emocional y los estudiantes de buentrato en el instituto técnico de comercio nacional (instenalco).
Esta investigación se llevó a cabo a través del paradigma histórico hermenéutico, el enfoque o método de investigación es el análisis del contenido del habla y el texto.
La población con la que trabajaba estaba compuesta por 350 estudiantes, 170 niños y 180 niñas de entre 4 y 11 años de edad de esta institución y la muestra fue de 80 estudiantes pertenecientes a la población estudiada.
Para lograr esta investigación se llevó a cabo una serie de observaciones directas dentro de la población elegida con el objetivo de poder establecer si el abuso fue presentado o no por pares (Bullying), por otra parte se sacó a la luz el estudio de casos donde se revela la presencia de. Intimidación en esta población teniendo en cuenta la perspectiva de inteligencia emocional y buentrato.
La información recopilada muestra una alta incidencia de violencia entre iguales, donde podemos explicar el grado de coexistencia pacífica de la escuela, parece que los principales conflictos que surgen son el agresor y la víctima activa y provocativa, donde los niños son las reacciones más violentas expresadas. en comparación con las chicas.
Dentro de los comentarios realizados en la comunidad se pudo estudiar para determinar que hubo un aumento significativo en el abuso físico y verbal, con menos espectáculos el tipo de acoso psicológico y social.
A su vez, se observó que los niños son la mayoría de las personas que asaltan entre ellos, aunque las niñas también muestran un alto grado de agresión, pero mucho menos en comparación con los hombres, lo cual no fue esperado por los investigadores. con investigaciones de otros autores como Monks et al, 2003; bjorkqvist et al, 1992 (Citado por Cherry, F, 2001) quienes dicen que son el asalto directo (físico, verbal y relacional) y muy pocas formas indirectas (relacional).
Education, coexistence has to do with people's ability to establish social relations and human quality, founded on tolerance and respect for others, a result of a good emotional intelligence, understanding this as a set of social intelligence that involves the ability to control the feelings and emotions themselves as well as that of others, to discriminate between them and use this information to guide our thoughts, Salovey & Meyer (quoted by Rios, A. 2003) and actions resulting in the smooth Treatment is knowing that meet, see what good that others have, to recognize, commend and appreciate the changes, progress and positive aspects of others and in turn learn to express feelings and seek change practicing conciliation and negotiation (Romero, L. 2006). The main objective of this research was to develop a preliminary diagnosis of the problem of peer relations from the perspective of emotional intelligence and buentrato students in the technical institute national trade (instenalco) This research was carried out through the historic paradigm hermeneutic, the approach or method of research is the analysis of speech and text content. The population with which work was made up of 350 students, 170 boys and 180 girls between 4 and 11 years of age of this institution and the sampling was 80 students belonging to the study population. To achieve this research was carried out a series of direct observations within the population chosen with the aim of being able to establish whether or not abuse was presented peer (Bullying), on the other hand took out the study of cases where reveal the presence of bullying in this population taking into account the perspective of emotional intelligence and buentrato. The information collected shows a high incidence of violence among equals, where we can explain the degree of peaceful coexistence of the school, it appears that the major conflicts that arise are the aggressor and victim active and provocative, where children are the most violent reactions expressed in comparison with girls. Within the comments carried in the community could be studied to determine that there was a significant increase in physical and verbal abuse, with fewer shows the kind of psychological and social bullying. In turn it was noted that children are most people who assault among them, although girls also show a high degree of aggression but much lower in comparison with men, which was not expected by researchers But from the comments and case studies conducted were found, correlated with investigations by other authors as Monks Et al, 2003; bjorkqvist et al, 1992 (Cited by Cherry, F, 2001) who say that are the direct assault (physical, verbal and relational) and very little indirect forms (relational).
Education, coexistence has to do with people's ability to establish social relations and human quality, founded on tolerance and respect for others, a result of a good emotional intelligence, understanding this as a set of social intelligence that involves the ability to control the feelings and emotions themselves as well as that of others, to discriminate between them and use this information to guide our thoughts, Salovey & Meyer (quoted by Rios, A. 2003) and actions resulting in the smooth Treatment is knowing that meet, see what good that others have, to recognize, commend and appreciate the changes, progress and positive aspects of others and in turn learn to express feelings and seek change practicing conciliation and negotiation (Romero, L. 2006). The main objective of this research was to develop a preliminary diagnosis of the problem of peer relations from the perspective of emotional intelligence and buentrato students in the technical institute national trade (instenalco) This research was carried out through the historic paradigm hermeneutic, the approach or method of research is the analysis of speech and text content. The population with which work was made up of 350 students, 170 boys and 180 girls between 4 and 11 years of age of this institution and the sampling was 80 students belonging to the study population. To achieve this research was carried out a series of direct observations within the population chosen with the aim of being able to establish whether or not abuse was presented peer (Bullying), on the other hand took out the study of cases where reveal the presence of bullying in this population taking into account the perspective of emotional intelligence and buentrato. The information collected shows a high incidence of violence among equals, where we can explain the degree of peaceful coexistence of the school, it appears that the major conflicts that arise are the aggressor and victim active and provocative, where children are the most violent reactions expressed in comparison with girls. Within the comments carried in the community could be studied to determine that there was a significant increase in physical and verbal abuse, with fewer shows the kind of psychological and social bullying. In turn it was noted that children are most people who assault among them, although girls also show a high degree of aggression but much lower in comparison with men, which was not expected by researchers But from the comments and case studies conducted were found, correlated with investigations by other authors as Monks Et al, 2003; bjorkqvist et al, 1992 (Cited by Cherry, F, 2001) who say that are the direct assault (physical, verbal and relational) and very little indirect forms (relational).
Palabras clave
Inteligencia emocional, Convivencia, Bullying, Buentrato, Violencia, Emotional intelligence, Coexistence, Good treatment