Intervención desde el enfoque cognitivo comportamental en un paciente con consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y problemas de conducta: un estudio de caso
Berdugo Ortega, Andrea Carolina
Bustos Varela, Gina Luz
Imitola Martínez, Eva María
Moya Carvajal, Jenny Milena
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad en Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El consumo de sustancias psicoactivas ha tomado mayor importancia por el
impacto que genera en la salud mental, algunos estudios de investigación describen
como estas alteran el funcionamiento del sistema nervioso central, modifica la
conciencia, los procesos del pensamiento y el estado de ánimo, creando un consumo
problemático a las personas que la consumen (niños - adolescentes - adultos) como a las
personas que se encuentran en su entorno. El presente estudio de caso tuvo como
objetivo describir el proceso desde el modelo cognitivo comportamental para el
tratamiento de trastornos mentales y del comportamiento por el uso de múltiples drogas
y uso de otras sustancias psicoactivas en un adolescente y la relación de estos con las
pautas de crianza establecidas desde el entorno familiar. Durante este proceso se
llevaron a cabo 8 sesiones en el proceso de evaluación e intervención para determinar
los síntomas, creencias, distorsiones y factores del trastorno y las problemáticas
identificadas. Se aplicaron las siguientes escalas psicométricas dentro del proceso de
evaluación: Escala de actitudes disfuncionales de Weissman y Beck (1978), inventario
de ansiedad de Beck (1988), escala de impulsividad de Barratt (1995) y cuestionario de
Young, YSQ-L2 (2005). El plan de intervención estuvo direccionado a la disminución
del consumo de cocaína, cannabis y de la problemática en la conducta del paciente, en el
que se utilizaron técnicas cognitivas y comportamentales, como la psicoeducación sobre
el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas y los riesgos que genera en la salud física y
psicológica de las personas, entrenar a el paciente en la modificación de pensamientos
automáticos, entrenamiento en técnicas de respiración diafragmática y relajación
progresiva, entrenamiento en resolución del problema, desarrollar y fortalecer proyecto
de vida. Durante las sesiones el paciente muestra algunas modificaciones en el
pensamiento con respecto a su problemática inicial de consumo, regulación en conducta, generando más consciencia en su proyecto de vida como el reintegro a el entorno escolar. Con el presente trabajo se corrobora la importancia de estos aportes desde del modelo cognitivo comportamental a la evidencia científica y practicas basadas en la evidencia.
The consumption of psychoactive substances has become more important due to the impact it generates on mental health, some research studies describe how they alter the functioning of the central nervous system, modify consciousness, thought processes and mood, creating a problematic consumption to the people who consume it (children - adolescents - adults) as well as to the people who are in their environment. The objective of this case study was to describe the process from the cognitive-behavioral model for the treatment of mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of multiple drugs and the use of other psychoactive substances in an adolescent and their relationship with parenting guidelines. established from the family environment. During this process, 8 sessions were carried out in the evaluation and intervention process to determine the symptoms, beliefs, distortions and factors of the disorder and the problems identified. The following psychometric scales were applied within the evaluation process: Weissman and Beck Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (1978), Beck Anxiety Inventory (1988), Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (1995), and Young Questionnaire, YSQ-L2 (2005). The intervention plan was aimed at reducing the consumption of cocaine, cannabis and the problem in the patient's behavior, in which cognitive and behavioral techniques were used, such as psychoeducation on the consumption of psychoactive substances and the risks it generates in the physical and psychological health of people, training the patient in the modification of automatic thoughts, training in diaphragmatic breathing techniques and progressive relaxation, training in problem solving, developing and strengthening a life project. During the sessions, the patient shows some modifications in his thinking with respect to his initial problem of consumption, behavior regulation, generating more awareness in his life project such as reintegration into the school environment. This paper corroborates the importance of these contributions from the cognitive-behavioral model to scientific evidence and evidence-based practices.
The consumption of psychoactive substances has become more important due to the impact it generates on mental health, some research studies describe how they alter the functioning of the central nervous system, modify consciousness, thought processes and mood, creating a problematic consumption to the people who consume it (children - adolescents - adults) as well as to the people who are in their environment. The objective of this case study was to describe the process from the cognitive-behavioral model for the treatment of mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of multiple drugs and the use of other psychoactive substances in an adolescent and their relationship with parenting guidelines. established from the family environment. During this process, 8 sessions were carried out in the evaluation and intervention process to determine the symptoms, beliefs, distortions and factors of the disorder and the problems identified. The following psychometric scales were applied within the evaluation process: Weissman and Beck Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale (1978), Beck Anxiety Inventory (1988), Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (1995), and Young Questionnaire, YSQ-L2 (2005). The intervention plan was aimed at reducing the consumption of cocaine, cannabis and the problem in the patient's behavior, in which cognitive and behavioral techniques were used, such as psychoeducation on the consumption of psychoactive substances and the risks it generates in the physical and psychological health of people, training the patient in the modification of automatic thoughts, training in diaphragmatic breathing techniques and progressive relaxation, training in problem solving, developing and strengthening a life project. During the sessions, the patient shows some modifications in his thinking with respect to his initial problem of consumption, behavior regulation, generating more awareness in his life project such as reintegration into the school environment. This paper corroborates the importance of these contributions from the cognitive-behavioral model to scientific evidence and evidence-based practices.
Palabras clave
Consumo De Sustancias, Problemas De Conducta, Sustancias Psicoactivas, Estilos De Crianza, Salud Mental, Substance use, behavior problems, psychoactive substances, parenting styles, Mental health