Enseñanza de las Leyes de Newton: una propuesta didáctica mediada por herramientas TICS en la sede Pablo Vi del Colegio Jaime Garzón de la ciudad de Cúcuta
Sandoval Higuera, Oscar Leonardo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación busca proponer una metodología didáctica basada en el marco de la enseñanza para la comprensión de David Perkins, enfocada en las leyes del movimiento newton en los estudiantes de grado Decimo de la sede Pablo VI del colegio Jaime Garzón de la ciudad de Cúcuta, para esto se realiza una revisión bibliográfica de los diferentes autores que conceptualizan las leyes de newton, así mismo de las diferentes metodologías de enseñanza de las mismas, se plantea un paradigma positivista con un enfoque cuantitativo y un diseño no experimental descriptivo con el que se busca medir la comprensión de los estudiantes participantes en el estudio, posteriormente se contextualiza el Force Concept Inventory (FCI) el cual es el instrumento utilizado para entender los aprendizajes de los estudiantes y la comprensión de los mismos a cerca de los conceptos básicos de las leyes de newton, se realiza un análisis cuantitativo en el que se recogen las diferentes respuestas y se asigna un puntaje los cuales arrojan como resultado la falta de metodologías activas en el aprendizaje, la poca comprensión de los estudiantes frente a situaciones descritas, se plantean unos tópicos los cuales permiten analizar las leyes de newton desde sus dimensiones encontrando que las situaciones reales de los estudiantes no son analizadas científicamente sino a través de su sentido común lo que generas pensamientos equivocados frente a los fenómenos naturales que involucran movimiento y fuerza, finalmente se articulan estos resultados con una secuencia didáctica en la que se integran herramientas Tic con las bases de la enseñanza para la comprensión, estas herramientas conforman la base de datos de simuladores de la universidad de Colorado las cuales son herramientas muy adecuada en la implementación de la secuencia propuesta, esta herramienta propuesta busca incentivar el trabajo autónomo de los estudiantes y propone un objeto virtual de aprendizaje que se adapte a las necesidades educativas de la actualidad
The present research seeks to propose a didactic methodology based on the teaching framework for the understanding of David Perkins, focused on the laws of the Newton movement in the Tenth grade students of the Pablo VI campus of the Jaime Garzón school in the city of Cúcuta, For this, a bibliographic review of the different authors who conceptualize Newton's laws is carried out, as well as the different teaching methodologies of the same, a positivist paradigm is proposed with a quantitative approach and a descriptive non-experimental design with which it is sought measure the understanding of the students participating in the study, then the Force Concept Inventory (FCI) is contextualized, which is the instrument used to understand the learning of the students and their understanding of the basic concepts of the laws of Newton, a quantitative analysis is carried out in which the different responses are collected and a score which show as a result the lack of active learning methodologies, the little understanding of the students in the face of the situations described, some topics are raised which allow the analysis of Newton's laws from their dimensions, finding that the real situations of the students do not are scientifically analyzed but through your common sense what you generate wrong thoughts in the face of natural phenomena that involve movement and force, finally these results are articulated with a didactic sequence in which ICT tools are integrated with the teaching bases for the understanding, these tools make up the database of simulators of the University of Colorado which are very adequate tools in the implementation of the proposed sequence, this proposed tool seeks to encourage the autonomous work of students and proposes a virtual learning object that is adapt to educational needs of today.
The present research seeks to propose a didactic methodology based on the teaching framework for the understanding of David Perkins, focused on the laws of the Newton movement in the Tenth grade students of the Pablo VI campus of the Jaime Garzón school in the city of Cúcuta, For this, a bibliographic review of the different authors who conceptualize Newton's laws is carried out, as well as the different teaching methodologies of the same, a positivist paradigm is proposed with a quantitative approach and a descriptive non-experimental design with which it is sought measure the understanding of the students participating in the study, then the Force Concept Inventory (FCI) is contextualized, which is the instrument used to understand the learning of the students and their understanding of the basic concepts of the laws of Newton, a quantitative analysis is carried out in which the different responses are collected and a score which show as a result the lack of active learning methodologies, the little understanding of the students in the face of the situations described, some topics are raised which allow the analysis of Newton's laws from their dimensions, finding that the real situations of the students do not are scientifically analyzed but through your common sense what you generate wrong thoughts in the face of natural phenomena that involve movement and force, finally these results are articulated with a didactic sequence in which ICT tools are integrated with the teaching bases for the understanding, these tools make up the database of simulators of the University of Colorado which are very adequate tools in the implementation of the proposed sequence, this proposed tool seeks to encourage the autonomous work of students and proposes a virtual learning object that is adapt to educational needs of today.
Palabras clave
Secuencias, Didácticas, Física, Leyes de Newton, Virtual, Comprensión, Sequences, Didactics, Physics, Newton's Laws, Virtual, Comprehension