Factores cognitivos y neuropsicológicos en la decisión para el consumo de drogas. Elementos a tener en cuenta en la terapia psicológica
Erazo Santander, Oscar Armando
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
Introducción: La drogadicción es una pandemia que afecta a 324 millones de consumidores y que en Colombia un 63% de estudiantes informan haber consumido algún tipo de droga, los gobiernos en su afán de intervenir la problemática han buscado reducir la oferta con resultados negativos y de comprender la demanda con tesis neuropsicológicas que explican el mantenimiento de la conducta además de buscar comprender que lleva a los sujetos a elegir y realizar la primera conducta de consumo. Ante esta última premisa el estudio busca identificar y describir las relaciones existentes entre factores cognitivos como la intencionalidad y las funciones ejecutivas de inhibición, planeación y toma de decisiones en los procesos de elección y realización de esta conducta en los adolescentes.
Metodología: En una muestra de 80 estudiantes se realizó un estudio cuantitativo de tipo descriptivo y correlacional al cual se le aplico el Emiud para evaluar la intención de consumo, laberintos y torres para planeación, laberintos y stroop para inhibición y juego de carta de Iowa para toma de decisiones.
Resultados: El 51% de estudiantes informa no tener seguridad de no consumir una droga y un 14% informar tener la intención de consumir, además cuando la intención es positiva se acompaña de actitudes, norma subjetiva y control conductual también positivas, las cuales se correlacionan de forma negativa con la planeación, inhibición y toma de decisiones.
Discusión: Los estudiantes con intención de consumir una droga presentan una inhibición con tendencia impulsiva y automática, planeación de corto plazo y una toma de decisiones con riesgo.
Introduction: Drug addiction is a pandemic that affects 324 million consumers and that in Colombia 63% of students report having used some type of drug, governments in their eagerness to intervene the problem have sought to reduce supply with negative results and Understanding the demand with neuropsychological theses that explain the maintenance of behavior as well as seeking to understand what leads subjects to choose and perform the first consumption behavior. Given this last premise, the study seeks to identify and describe the existing relationships between cognitive factors such as intentionality and executive functions of inhibition, planning and decision making in the processes of choosing and performing this behavior in adolescents. Methodology: In a sample of 80 students a descriptive and correlational quantitative study was carried out to which the Emiud was applied to evaluate the intention of consumption, labyrinths and towers for planning, mazes and stroop for inhibition and Iowa letter game for decision making. Results: 51% of students report not being sure not to consume a drug and 14% report having the intention to consume, in addition when the intention is positive it is accompanied by positive attitudes, subjective norms and behavioral control, which are correlated in a negative way with planning, inhibition and decision making. Discussion: Students with the intention of consuming a drug have an inhibition with impulsive and automatic tendency, short term planning and risky decision making.
Introduction: Drug addiction is a pandemic that affects 324 million consumers and that in Colombia 63% of students report having used some type of drug, governments in their eagerness to intervene the problem have sought to reduce supply with negative results and Understanding the demand with neuropsychological theses that explain the maintenance of behavior as well as seeking to understand what leads subjects to choose and perform the first consumption behavior. Given this last premise, the study seeks to identify and describe the existing relationships between cognitive factors such as intentionality and executive functions of inhibition, planning and decision making in the processes of choosing and performing this behavior in adolescents. Methodology: In a sample of 80 students a descriptive and correlational quantitative study was carried out to which the Emiud was applied to evaluate the intention of consumption, labyrinths and towers for planning, mazes and stroop for inhibition and Iowa letter game for decision making. Results: 51% of students report not being sure not to consume a drug and 14% report having the intention to consume, in addition when the intention is positive it is accompanied by positive attitudes, subjective norms and behavioral control, which are correlated in a negative way with planning, inhibition and decision making. Discussion: Students with the intention of consuming a drug have an inhibition with impulsive and automatic tendency, short term planning and risky decision making.
Palabras clave
Intencionalidad, Funciones ejecutivas, Consumo de drogas, Intentionality, Executive functions, Drug use