Capacidad del menor como sujeto de derechos frente a la intervención de reasignación se sexo
figueroa Zambrano, Keilin
Mora, Juan Diego
Sánchez Alvarez, Jessisca
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente artículo buscó analizar la capacidad del menor de edad como sujeto activo de derechos frente a la intervención de reasignación de sexo a la luz de la normatividad y la jurisprudencia. Para ello, el estudio documental se estructuro bajo un enfoque cualitativo con diseño fenomenológico y paradigma interpretativo, cuya finalidad es analizar mediante la hermenéutica jurídica las fuentes de información primarias, secundarias o terciarias como los artículos científicos, jurisprudencia, libros, monografías, normas y tesis, para luego contrastarla con las nociones teóricas básicas, históricas y normativas en relación a la capacidad jurídica, los principio de interés superior del menor, reasignación de sexo, identidad sexual y derechos sexuales y reproductivos
The present article sought to analyze the capacity of the minor as an active subject of rights against the intervention of sex reassignment in the light of the regulations and jurisprudence. For this, the documentary study is structured under a qualitative approach with phenomenological design and interpretative paradigm, whose purpose is to analyze through legal hermeneutics the primary, secondary or tertiary sources of information such as scientific articles, jurisprudence, books, monographs, norms and thesis. , then contrast it with the basic theoretical, historical and normative notions in relation to legal capacity, the principles of the minor's best interest, reassignment of sex, sexual identity and sexual and reproductive rights
The present article sought to analyze the capacity of the minor as an active subject of rights against the intervention of sex reassignment in the light of the regulations and jurisprudence. For this, the documentary study is structured under a qualitative approach with phenomenological design and interpretative paradigm, whose purpose is to analyze through legal hermeneutics the primary, secondary or tertiary sources of information such as scientific articles, jurisprudence, books, monographs, norms and thesis. , then contrast it with the basic theoretical, historical and normative notions in relation to legal capacity, the principles of the minor's best interest, reassignment of sex, sexual identity and sexual and reproductive rights
Palabras clave
Capacidad jurídica, Derechos sexuales y reproductivos, Identidad sexual, Interés superior del menor, Reasignación de sexo, Sexual and reproductive rights, Legal capacity, Sexual and reproductive rights, Sexual identity, Superior interest: r of the minor, Reassignment of sex