Breve introducción al análisis de la aplicación de una muerte digna bajo el procedimiento eutanásico; fijado en el marco normativo colombiano y los postulados internacionales
Guerrero Ortíz, Wilson
González, Jadir
González Laguado, Andrés
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La eutanasia es un procedimiento médico que fue utilizado inicialmente en el territorio europeo, con el ánimo de dar finalidad a la vida con padecimientos de personas que conviven con enfermedades terminales y tratamientos paliativos dolorosos. Este tipo de procedimientos generó diferentes debates y posturas; en donde el sector religioso expresó diferentes pensamientos y demostraciones de reproche a tal actividad. Aunque, otros protagonistas de los usos eutanásicos como personal médico y psicológico, han argumentado la necesidad de ejecutar estas acciones tras la búsqueda de eliminar el dolor que soportan algunos pacientes terminales; e incluso han ofrecido información pertinente sobre el objetivo establecido en el presente artículo de investigación, sobre el análisis y la aplicación de la eutanasia tanto en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano; como en el orden internacional. Buscando conocer la forma de implementar los protocolos de ejecución de la eutanasia, y dar una muerte digna a aquellos que la puedan necesitar; la metodología utilizada en ésta investigación; se caracteriza por efectuar amplia revisión documental en donde se logra comprender la forma en la que se lleva a cabo este medio opcional, junto a los preceptos jurídicos que lo regulan, y develando conclusiones como la de que la eutanasia es un nuevo paradigma que trata de dar una solución digna, a quien pide a gritos morir y no sentir más dolor sin esperanza alguna
Euthanasia is a medical procedure that was initially used in the European territory, with the aim of giving life purpose with sufferings of people who live with terminal illnesses and painful palliative treatments. This type of procedures generated different debates and positions; where the religious sector expressed different thoughts and demonstrations of reproach to such an activity. Although, other protagonists of the euthanasic uses as medical and psychological personnel, have argued the need to execute these actions after the search to eliminate the pain that some terminal patients endure; and they have even offered pertinent information on the objective established in this research article, on the analysis and application of euthanasia in the Colombian legal system; as in the international order. Seeking to know how to implement the protocols for the execution of euthanasia, and give a dignified death to those who may need it; the methodology used in this investigation; It is characterized by making extensive documentary review where it is possible to understand the way in which this optional means is carried out, together with the legal precepts that regulate it, and attaching conclusions such as that euthanasia is a new paradigm that deals with give a worthy solution, to the one who cries out to die and does not feel more pain without any hope
Euthanasia is a medical procedure that was initially used in the European territory, with the aim of giving life purpose with sufferings of people who live with terminal illnesses and painful palliative treatments. This type of procedures generated different debates and positions; where the religious sector expressed different thoughts and demonstrations of reproach to such an activity. Although, other protagonists of the euthanasic uses as medical and psychological personnel, have argued the need to execute these actions after the search to eliminate the pain that some terminal patients endure; and they have even offered pertinent information on the objective established in this research article, on the analysis and application of euthanasia in the Colombian legal system; as in the international order. Seeking to know how to implement the protocols for the execution of euthanasia, and give a dignified death to those who may need it; the methodology used in this investigation; It is characterized by making extensive documentary review where it is possible to understand the way in which this optional means is carried out, together with the legal precepts that regulate it, and attaching conclusions such as that euthanasia is a new paradigm that deals with give a worthy solution, to the one who cries out to die and does not feel more pain without any hope
Palabras clave
Muerte digna, Marco normativo, Ordenamiento jurídico colombino, Eutanasia, Dignified death, Normative framework, Colombian legal system, Euthanasia