Política pública desde la perspectiva de la educación y el empleo para los jóvenes bachilleres en el municipio de Soledad Atlántico 2016-2020
Cano Ramos, Jesús Daniel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En la actualidad la Municipalidad de Soledad se preocupa por involucrarse activamente y dar respuesta a las necesidades de los jóvenes Bachilleres periodo 2016-2017,siendo prioritarios los temas de educación y empleo de calidad ,por lo cual el objetivo del presente proyecto es contribuir con el Desarrollo Económico Local de mediante una herramienta que facilite información Educativa laboral y socio ocupacional por ende aumente el bienestar y calidad de vida de los bachilleres en el municipio.
La idea es proponer la creación de una herramienta llamada Observatorio de oportunidades y de esta manera generar información estratégica mediante políticas públicas, analizar el tema del mercado laboral desde una perspectiva de competitividad, brindar un servicio de intermediación laboral, gestionar un vínculo con las instituciones formativas y establecer medios de difusión adecuados, a fin de mejorar las condiciones socio laborales de la población.
Currently, the Municipality of Soledad is concerned with actively getting involved and responding to the needs of young high school graduates for the 2016-2017 period, with priority being given to quality education and employment, for which the objective of this project is to contribute to the Local Economic Development through a tool that facilitates educational, labor and socio-occupational information, thus increasing the well-being and quality of life of high school graduates in the municipality. The idea is to propose the creation of a tool called Opportunities Observatory and in this way generate strategic information through public policies, analyze the issue of the labor market from a competitiveness perspective, provide a labor intermediation service, manage a link with training institutions and establish adequate means of dissemination, in order to improve the socio-labor conditions of the population.
Currently, the Municipality of Soledad is concerned with actively getting involved and responding to the needs of young high school graduates for the 2016-2017 period, with priority being given to quality education and employment, for which the objective of this project is to contribute to the Local Economic Development through a tool that facilitates educational, labor and socio-occupational information, thus increasing the well-being and quality of life of high school graduates in the municipality. The idea is to propose the creation of a tool called Opportunities Observatory and in this way generate strategic information through public policies, analyze the issue of the labor market from a competitiveness perspective, provide a labor intermediation service, manage a link with training institutions and establish adequate means of dissemination, in order to improve the socio-labor conditions of the population.
Palabras clave
Educación, Orientación, Políticas, Empleo, Education, Guidance, Policies, Employment