Comportamientos sexuales riesgosos y factores asociados entre estudiantes universitarios en Barranquilla, Colombia, 2019
Badillo-Viloria, María
Mendoza Sánchez, Xilene
Barreto Vásquez, Marisol
Díaz-Pérez, Anderson
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Universidad de Murcia
Introducción: Adolescentes y adultos jóvenes participan frecuentemente en comportamientos
sexuales riesgosos (relaciones sexuales sin protección, sexo con parejas casuales, promiscuidad,
iniciación sexual temprana, etc.), trayendo consigo embarazos no planeados, Infecciones de
Transmisión Sexual, suicidios, abortos, afectaciones académicas y laborales.
El objetivo del estudio, fue identificar los comportamientos sexuales riesgosos y factores asociados en
estudiantes de una universidad en Barranquilla, 2019.
Materiales y métodos: Estudio de tipo descriptivo-correlacional de corte transversal, se utilizó la
Encuesta de Riesgo Sexual, que evaluó comportamientos sexuales riesgosos en universitarios de
Barranquilla, en los últimos seis meses, se generaron los coeficientes de correlación Chi cuadrado de
Pearson (nivel de confianza 95%; p≤0.05) para medir la asociación entre los puntajes de riesgo sexual
y factores sociodemográficos y académicos.
Resultados: El 63% de los participantes inició actividad sexual antes de los 18 años. 87% han
participado una o más veces en comportamientos sexuales de riesgo: sexo vaginal sin condón (73%),
fellatio sin condón (60.3%), número de parejas con quién tienen comportamientos sexuales (66.2%) y
experiencias sexuales inesperadas (54.4%). Los hombres y estudiantes de Derecho tenían puntajes de
riesgo sexual más altos que las mujeres y los estudiantes de Enfermería.
Conclusión: Los universitarios están en riesgo y participando en comportamientos sexuales riesgosos,
que podrían afectar su salud y proyecto de vida. Los factores de mayor riesgo fueron; sexo temprano,
género, edad >20 años, prácticas sexuales arriesgadas como el sexo vaginal, oral y anal sin protección
y conductas sexuales impulsivas y no planificadas.
Introduction: Adolescents and young adults are frequently involved in risky sexual behavior (unprotected sex, sex with casual partners, promiscuity, early sexual initiation, etc.) bringing with them, unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, suicides, abortions, academic and labor affectations. The objective of the study was to identify risky sexual behaviors and associated factors in students at a university in Barranquilla, 2019. Materials and methods: Study descriptive-correlational cross-sectional, the sexual risk survey was used, which evaluated risky sexual behavior in university students of Barranquilla in the last six months, were generated correlation coefficients Chi-square Pearson (95% confidence level; p≤0.05) to measure the association between sexual risk scores and sociodemographic and academic factors. Results: 63% of participants initiated sexual activity before the age of 18. The 87% have participated one or more times in risky sexual behaviors: vaginal sex without a condom (73%), fellatio without a condom (60.3%), number of partners with whom they have sexual behaviors (66.2%) and unexpected sexual experiences (54.4%). Men and law students had higher sexual risk scores than women and nursing students. Conclusion: The university students are at risk and participating in risky sexual behavior, which could affect their health and life Project. The major risk factors were; early sex, gender, age >20 years, risky sexual practices such as vaginal, oral, and anal unprotected sex and impulsive and unplanned sexual behaviors.
Introduction: Adolescents and young adults are frequently involved in risky sexual behavior (unprotected sex, sex with casual partners, promiscuity, early sexual initiation, etc.) bringing with them, unplanned pregnancies, sexually transmitted infections, suicides, abortions, academic and labor affectations. The objective of the study was to identify risky sexual behaviors and associated factors in students at a university in Barranquilla, 2019. Materials and methods: Study descriptive-correlational cross-sectional, the sexual risk survey was used, which evaluated risky sexual behavior in university students of Barranquilla in the last six months, were generated correlation coefficients Chi-square Pearson (95% confidence level; p≤0.05) to measure the association between sexual risk scores and sociodemographic and academic factors. Results: 63% of participants initiated sexual activity before the age of 18. The 87% have participated one or more times in risky sexual behaviors: vaginal sex without a condom (73%), fellatio without a condom (60.3%), number of partners with whom they have sexual behaviors (66.2%) and unexpected sexual experiences (54.4%). Men and law students had higher sexual risk scores than women and nursing students. Conclusion: The university students are at risk and participating in risky sexual behavior, which could affect their health and life Project. The major risk factors were; early sex, gender, age >20 years, risky sexual practices such as vaginal, oral, and anal unprotected sex and impulsive and unplanned sexual behaviors.
Palabras clave
Conducta sexual, Adulto Joven, Actividad sexual, Infecciones de transmisión sexual, Comportamientos de salud arriesgados, Sexual Behavior, Young Adult, Sexual Activity, Sexually transmitted infections, Risky health behaviors