Creencias y percepciones sobre la probabilidad de contraer el coronavirus según el sexo de los trabajadores
Gutierrez Taborda, Karen Lorena
Lora Barrios, Karen Paola
Martínez Insignares, Julio Mario
Mercado Charris, Kelly Johana
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Esta investigación buscó determinar las creencias y percepciones sobre la probabilidad de contraer el coronavirus según el sexo de los trabajadores, para lo cual se utilizó un enfoque cuantitativo con un tipo de estudio descriptivo transversal; empleando fuentes primarias al obtener la información de forma directa de los trabajadores. El cuestionario implementado utilizó la Escala de Borg de 0-100 y las respuestas a cada pregunta fueron: Nada en absoluto, Débil, Moderado, Fuerte y Máximo.
Se logró determinar que el 83,4% de los encuestados no presentó diagnóstico de COVID-19. De este modo, el 66% de los hombres consideraron presentar un alto riesgo de exposición al coronavirus en su rutina, pero ambos contemplaron un nivel débil de exposición a grupos y lugares de riesgo. La percepción del estado de salud general y su posibilidad de contagiarse fue considerada menos probable por los hombres (56,7%). Por su parte, las mujeres (52,1%) consideraron que la intensidad de los síntomas sería mayor y que en caso de contagiarse; la posibilidad de tener complicaciones y ser hospitalizado era baja (59%). Con relación a la posibilidad de presentar dificultad respiratoria, ambos sexos coincidieron en un nivel bajo. Hombres (69,2%) y mujeres (71,6%) afirmaron que al quedarse en casa y utilizar tapabocas al salir a caminar o dirigirse al trabajo, tendrán un menor riesgo.
El 58,6% de las mujeres evidenció una mayor capacidad para trabajar desde casa o de forma remota y el 60,4% argumentó tener menor posibilidad de perder el trabajo al hacerlo desde esta. Por su parte, el 51% de los hombres contempló bajas posibilidades de utilizar transporte alternativo en lugar de transporte público. Finalmente, una gran proporción de encuestados de sexo masculino y femenino consideraron que, con lavarse las manos, ingerir vitamina C y utilizar mascarillas todo el día; se disminuye la posibilidad de contagiarse.
COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020, which led to measures such as isolation and / or social distancing in order to reduce the transmission of the virus and prevent healthy people come into contact with infected people. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, infected people experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and can recover without the need for special treatment; However, people who are older or with underlying medical problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illnesses or die. There have been 135,646,617 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 2,930,732 deaths worldwide, in Colombia there are 2,518,715 confirmed cases and 65,608 deaths. Objective: Determine beliefs and perceptions about the probability of contracting the coronavirus according to the sex of the workers Materials and Methods: A quantitative approach was used with a type of cross-sectional descriptive study; using primary sources when obtaining information directly from workers. The implemented questionnaire used the Borg Scale of 0-100 and the responses to each question were: Not at all, Weak, Moderate, Strong and Maximum. Results: 83.4% of those surveyed did not present a diagnosis of COVID-19. 66% of the men considered a high risk of exposure to the coronavirus in their routine, but both considered a weak level of exposure to groups and places of risk. The perception of the general state of health and its possibility of being infected was less likely by men (56.7%). The women (52.1%) considered the intensity of the symptoms greater and than if they were infected; the possibility of having complications and being hospitalized was low (59%). Regarding respiratory distress, both sexes agreed at a low level. Men (69.2%) and women (71.6%) stated that by staying at home and wearing face masks when going for a walk or going to work, they will have a lower risk. 58.6% of women showed a greater ability to work from home or remotely and 60.4% less chance of losing work done from home. 51% of the men considered low possibilities of using alternative transport instead of public transport. Finally, a large proportion of male and female respondents considered that, by washing their hands, ingesting vitamin C and using masks all day; the possibility of being infected is diminished.
COVID-19 was declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization on March 11, 2020, which led to measures such as isolation and / or social distancing in order to reduce the transmission of the virus and prevent healthy people come into contact with infected people. Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, infected people experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and can recover without the need for special treatment; However, people who are older or with underlying medical problems such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory diseases, and cancer are more likely to develop serious illnesses or die. There have been 135,646,617 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 2,930,732 deaths worldwide, in Colombia there are 2,518,715 confirmed cases and 65,608 deaths. Objective: Determine beliefs and perceptions about the probability of contracting the coronavirus according to the sex of the workers Materials and Methods: A quantitative approach was used with a type of cross-sectional descriptive study; using primary sources when obtaining information directly from workers. The implemented questionnaire used the Borg Scale of 0-100 and the responses to each question were: Not at all, Weak, Moderate, Strong and Maximum. Results: 83.4% of those surveyed did not present a diagnosis of COVID-19. 66% of the men considered a high risk of exposure to the coronavirus in their routine, but both considered a weak level of exposure to groups and places of risk. The perception of the general state of health and its possibility of being infected was less likely by men (56.7%). The women (52.1%) considered the intensity of the symptoms greater and than if they were infected; the possibility of having complications and being hospitalized was low (59%). Regarding respiratory distress, both sexes agreed at a low level. Men (69.2%) and women (71.6%) stated that by staying at home and wearing face masks when going for a walk or going to work, they will have a lower risk. 58.6% of women showed a greater ability to work from home or remotely and 60.4% less chance of losing work done from home. 51% of the men considered low possibilities of using alternative transport instead of public transport. Finally, a large proportion of male and female respondents considered that, by washing their hands, ingesting vitamin C and using masks all day; the possibility of being infected is diminished.
Palabras clave
Coronavirus, Percepción, Sexo, Creencias, Exposición, Perception, Sex, Beliefs, Exposure