Efectividad de las Contribuciones Parafiscales como estrategia de inversión en la seguridad social
Villasmil Molero, Milagros
Romero, Francisco Javier
Chivetta, Luz Elena
Palacios, Alexis
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Asociacion de Profesionales y Tecnicos del CONICIT.
El objetivo de este artículo fue evaluar la efectividad de
las contribuciones parafiscales como una estrategia de
inversión para la seguridad social. Teóricamente se
sustentó en Rodríguez (2012), Villegas (2005), Brito
(2011), entre otros. El tipo de investigación fue
explicativa, el diseño no experimental, transeccional, de
campo. La muestra fue de 25 empresas conformadas
por dos unidades informantes, se aplicó un instrumento
compuesto por 45 reactivos con escala Likert. Los
resultados determinaron el reconocimiento de las partes
involucradas sobre las leyes y la poca percepción de la
inversión como retribución en beneficio a la seguridad
The objective of this article was to evaluate the effectiveness of parafiscal contributions as an investment strategy for social security. Theoretically it was based on Rodríguez (2012), Villegas (2005), Brito (2011), among others. The type of research was explanatory, non-experimental, transectional, field design. The sample consisted of 25 companies formed by two reporting units, an instrument composed of 45 reagents with a Likert scale was applied. The results determined the recognition of the parties involved on the laws and the low perception of the investment as a reward for the benefit of social security.
The objective of this article was to evaluate the effectiveness of parafiscal contributions as an investment strategy for social security. Theoretically it was based on Rodríguez (2012), Villegas (2005), Brito (2011), among others. The type of research was explanatory, non-experimental, transectional, field design. The sample consisted of 25 companies formed by two reporting units, an instrument composed of 45 reagents with a Likert scale was applied. The results determined the recognition of the parties involved on the laws and the low perception of the investment as a reward for the benefit of social security.
Palabras clave
Contribuciones parafiscales, Estrategia de inversión, Seguridad social, Parafiscal contributions, Investment strategy, Social security