Mirada histórica de la evolución del enfoque de género en Latinoamérica y Colombia
Peñaranda Estupiñán, German Noe
Pérez Torrado, Greily Adrianis
Osorio Ochoa, Johnny Marcelo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente artículo muestra cómo fue la evolución del enfoque de género a través de los años desde que se dio creación a la Organización de las Naciones Unidas (ONU) y como los diferentes órganos internacionales han tratado de hacer ver la importancia de inclusión de la mujer a los diferentes procesos y factores de desarrollo social y económico de las sociedades y en especial de las latino-americanas donde mucho tiempo después de haber sido reconocidos diferentes derechos a las mujeres en otras partes del mundo seguían reprimiendo y sometiendo a la mujer al dominio patriarcal que domino hasta la década de los 80`por otra parte indica como en Colombia se vio el enfoque de género desde que se le brindo la posibilidad de sufragar a las mujeres pero también como el conflicto minimizo ese avance a tal punto de hacerlo casi insignificante ya que arraso con los derechos y libertades de las mujeres quienes fueron las principales víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano dejándolas casi desamparadas por un estado que no se preocupó por el bienestar de esas mujeres que sufrían la guerra.
Asimismo hizo notar la gran y suma importancia del proceso de paz en Colombia que se llevó a cabo entre el gobierno y la guerrilla de las FARC en donde tomo un papel protagónico la mujer y se desempeñó en la construcción y edificación de la paz en la sociedad colombiana que necesita de la mujer para iniciar una transformación hacia un camino que conduzca y que lleve paz a todos los rincones de la sociedad
This article shows how was the evolution of the gender approach through the years since the creation of the United Nations Organization (UN) and how different international bodies have tried to show the impotence of the inclusion of women to the different processes and factors of social and economic development of societies and especially Latin American ones where, long after being recognized, different rights to women in other parts of the world continued repressing and subjecting women to patriarchal domination I dominate until the 80s, on the other hand it indicates how the gender approach was seen in Colombia since it was given the possibility of paying for women, but also how the conflict minimized this progress to such an extent that it was almost negligible. That took the rights and freedoms of women who were the main victims of the Colombian armed conflict leaving them almost Forsaken by a state that did not care for the welfare of these women who suffered war. He also noted the great importance of the peace process in Colombia that took place between the government and the guerrillas of the FARC where women took a leading role and performed in the construction and building of peace in society Colombian that needs the woman to start a transformation towards a path that leads and brings peace to all corners of society
This article shows how was the evolution of the gender approach through the years since the creation of the United Nations Organization (UN) and how different international bodies have tried to show the impotence of the inclusion of women to the different processes and factors of social and economic development of societies and especially Latin American ones where, long after being recognized, different rights to women in other parts of the world continued repressing and subjecting women to patriarchal domination I dominate until the 80s, on the other hand it indicates how the gender approach was seen in Colombia since it was given the possibility of paying for women, but also how the conflict minimized this progress to such an extent that it was almost negligible. That took the rights and freedoms of women who were the main victims of the Colombian armed conflict leaving them almost Forsaken by a state that did not care for the welfare of these women who suffered war. He also noted the great importance of the peace process in Colombia that took place between the government and the guerrillas of the FARC where women took a leading role and performed in the construction and building of peace in society Colombian that needs the woman to start a transformation towards a path that leads and brings peace to all corners of society
Palabras clave
Enfoque de género, Igualdad, Paz, Postconflicto, Derecho de las mujeres, Gender approach, Peace, Post-conflict, Womens rights