Caso de estudio para la enseñanza gerencial. Entre minas de carbón surge un caso exitoso de empresa solidaria. Caso: Fondo de Empleados de Consorcio Minero Unido - FECMU
Saavedra Romero, Omar Jacobo
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Actualmente el entorno externo de las organizaciones de la economía solidaria está siendo influenciado por diversos factores y nuevas reglas del juego, los cuales están empezando a sentirse al interior de cada entidad ya que para muchos han sido inesperados, agresivos y han empezado a “incomodarlos” y que de no reaccionar a tiempo, su sostenibilidad y evolución podrían verse seriamente afectadas.
Muy a pesar de que hasta ahora el FECMU ha sido un caso exitoso, la situación que deseamos destacar es la ausencia total o parcial de visión empresarial global y con ello la ausencia de un proceso de direccionamiento estratégico que facilite la proyección, el crecimiento, el mejoramiento continuo, la adaptación a las exigencias del mercado y su sostenibilidad en el corto, mediano y largo plazo. Esa ausencia tendrá su efecto y consecuencias negativas a no muy largo plazo, ya que su falta de planeación y la “informalidad en la gestión” la han conllevado a una “zona de confort” altamente peligroso, que de continuar podría llevarlos a un fracaso colectivo.
Es decir, la ausencia total o parcial de planeación estratégica y/o de una estrategia acompañada de pensamiento estratégico afectará tarde o temprano a la competitividad de la entidad y por ende su permanencia en el tiempo, lo cual, aunado a la inexorable ley del relevo generacional (gerencial), a la cual ninguna organización puede sustraerse, tendrá que ser objeto de análisis de la próxima Junta Directiva, para lo cual
deberán tener en cuenta valores que posee la única Gerente que ha tenido la entidad y sumarle otros atributos relacionados con habilidades y competencias gerenciales y otras capacidades dinámicas. En esencia, la idea central o la temática del presenta caso empresarial busca promover un aprendizaje gerencial y la toma de decisiones especialmente en lo estratégico con orientación prospectiva, alineadas a un modelo de direccionamiento estratégico ideal para empresas del sector solidario. También plantea el dilema entre continuar con el estilo de gestión gerencial que hasta ahora los ha conllevado al éxito o migrar hacia un modelo de direccionamiento estratégico con todos sus componentes; o definir una estrategia competitiva acompañada de pensamiento estratégico solidario, que sirva de base para su crecimiento organizacional, de una manera sostenida y segura, con una visión y misión empresarial alineadas a objetivos estratégicos medibles, específicos y alcanzables.
Aun en los pocos casos en los que se llevan a cabo incipientes procesos de “gestión formal”, no es suficiente su alcance ya que no se completa el ciclo de un verdadero proceso de direccionamiento estratégico, siendo las principales dificultades para llevarla a cabo situaciones tales como la falta de competencias y habilidades gerenciales de quienes llegan a conformar el órgano máximo de administración (Asamblea de Asociados) y por ende a quienes conforman el órgano permanente de Administración (Junta Directiva), y la falta de liderazgo en las Gerencias y de gestores (equipo de trabajo) que lo secunden; y una tercera causa, híbrido de las anteriores, falta de conexión o de sinergia entre la Junta Directiva y la Gerencia.
Con esta historia también queremos enfatizar que 20 años no son nada como dice la canción, si los próximos 20 no vienen acompañados de proactividad organizacional e individual, es decir, si la empresa no se prepara oportuna y debidamente para los cambios, y si al interior empresarial y personal no se incentivan o se provocan cambios y futuros deseados (nueva visión), muy probablemente en un futuro no muy lejano será “una más”, si es que el “tranvía de la comodidad” no se los lleva antes. Es decir, continuar así como están sería un desperdicio imperdonable de los 20 años que han pasado y de los logros que hasta hoy se han obtenido.
En el siguiente caso se contemplan y/o se pueden inferir respuestas totales o parciales a preguntas tales como:
¿Cuáles has sido los factores claves del éxito del FECMU? ¿Cuál debe ser el curso a seguir por la Alta Gerencia (Junta Directiva, Gerente y Comités de Apoyo) para que el
FECMU pueda ser sostenible y competitivo? ¿Cómo diseñar la estrategia adecuada? ¿Es necesario y pertinente una renovación gerencial? ¿Por qué cambiar de estilo administrativo o de modelo de gestión, si ha sido exitoso durante 20 años? ¿Es tiempo de hacer el relevo generacional?
Currently the external environment of solidarity economy organizations is being influenced by various factors and new rules of the game, which are beginning to feel within each entity since for many they have been unexpected, aggressive and have begun to "bother them" and that if they did not react to time, their sustainability and evolution could be seriously affected. Although the FECMU has been a successful case so far, the situation we wish to highlight is the total or partial absence of global business vision and with it the absence of a strategic management process that facilitates the projection, growth, continuous improvement, adaptation to market demands and its sustainability in the short, medium and long term. This absence will have its effect and negative consequences in not too long term, since its lack of planning and "informality in management" have taken it to a very dangerous "comfort zone", which if continued could lead to collective failure. . That is, the total or partial absence of strategic planning and / or a strategy accompanied by strategic thinking affected sooner or later the competitiveness of the entity and therefore its permanence over time, which, coupled with the inexorable law of the relay generational (managerial), to which no organization can subtract, have to be subject to analysis of the next Board of Directors, so have account in values held by the only Manager that has had the entity and add other attributes related to skills and managerial skills and other dynamic capabilities. In essence, the central idea or the thematic of business case presentation seeks to promote managerial learning and decision-making especially in the strategic with prospective orientation, aligned to an ideal strategic management model for companies in the solidarity sector. It also raises the dilemma between continuing with the management management style that has so far implied success or migrating towards a strategic management model with all its components; or define a competitive strategy accompanied by solidary strategic thinking, which serves as the basis for its organizational growth, in a sustained and safe way, with a business vision and mission aligned to measurable, specific and attainable strategic objectives. Even in the few cases in which incipient processes of "formal management" are carried out, its scope is not enough since the cycle of a true strategic addressing process is not completed, the main difficulties being to carry out such situations such as the lack of management competencies and skills of those who form the maximum administrative body (Assembly of Associates) and therefore those who make up the permanent Administration body (Board of Directors), and the lack of leadership in the Managements and managers (work team) that support him; and a third cause, hybrid of the previous ones, lack of connection or synergy between the Board of Directors and Management. With this story we also want to emphasize that 20 years is nothing like the song says, if the next 20 are not accompanied by organizational and individual proactivity, that is, if the company does not prepare properly and properly for changes, and if inside business and personal are not incentivized or desired changes and future (new vision) are provoked, most likely in the not too distant future it will be "one more", if the "comfort tram" does not take them before. That is, continuing as they are would be an unforgivable waste of the 20 years that have passed and the achievements that have been obtained so far. In the following case, total or partial answers to questions such as: What have been the key success factors of the FECMU? What should be the course to be followed by Senior Management (Board of Directors, Manager and Support Committees) so that the FECMU can be sustainable and competitive? How to design the right strategy? Is a managerial renewal necessary and relevant? Why change administrative style or management model, if it has been successful for 20 years? Is it time to do the generational change?
Currently the external environment of solidarity economy organizations is being influenced by various factors and new rules of the game, which are beginning to feel within each entity since for many they have been unexpected, aggressive and have begun to "bother them" and that if they did not react to time, their sustainability and evolution could be seriously affected. Although the FECMU has been a successful case so far, the situation we wish to highlight is the total or partial absence of global business vision and with it the absence of a strategic management process that facilitates the projection, growth, continuous improvement, adaptation to market demands and its sustainability in the short, medium and long term. This absence will have its effect and negative consequences in not too long term, since its lack of planning and "informality in management" have taken it to a very dangerous "comfort zone", which if continued could lead to collective failure. . That is, the total or partial absence of strategic planning and / or a strategy accompanied by strategic thinking affected sooner or later the competitiveness of the entity and therefore its permanence over time, which, coupled with the inexorable law of the relay generational (managerial), to which no organization can subtract, have to be subject to analysis of the next Board of Directors, so have account in values held by the only Manager that has had the entity and add other attributes related to skills and managerial skills and other dynamic capabilities. In essence, the central idea or the thematic of business case presentation seeks to promote managerial learning and decision-making especially in the strategic with prospective orientation, aligned to an ideal strategic management model for companies in the solidarity sector. It also raises the dilemma between continuing with the management management style that has so far implied success or migrating towards a strategic management model with all its components; or define a competitive strategy accompanied by solidary strategic thinking, which serves as the basis for its organizational growth, in a sustained and safe way, with a business vision and mission aligned to measurable, specific and attainable strategic objectives. Even in the few cases in which incipient processes of "formal management" are carried out, its scope is not enough since the cycle of a true strategic addressing process is not completed, the main difficulties being to carry out such situations such as the lack of management competencies and skills of those who form the maximum administrative body (Assembly of Associates) and therefore those who make up the permanent Administration body (Board of Directors), and the lack of leadership in the Managements and managers (work team) that support him; and a third cause, hybrid of the previous ones, lack of connection or synergy between the Board of Directors and Management. With this story we also want to emphasize that 20 years is nothing like the song says, if the next 20 are not accompanied by organizational and individual proactivity, that is, if the company does not prepare properly and properly for changes, and if inside business and personal are not incentivized or desired changes and future (new vision) are provoked, most likely in the not too distant future it will be "one more", if the "comfort tram" does not take them before. That is, continuing as they are would be an unforgivable waste of the 20 years that have passed and the achievements that have been obtained so far. In the following case, total or partial answers to questions such as: What have been the key success factors of the FECMU? What should be the course to be followed by Senior Management (Board of Directors, Manager and Support Committees) so that the FECMU can be sustainable and competitive? How to design the right strategy? Is a managerial renewal necessary and relevant? Why change administrative style or management model, if it has been successful for 20 years? Is it time to do the generational change?
Palabras clave
Direccionamiento estratégico, Estrategia, Pensamiento estratégico, Modelo de gestión, Solidaridad, Toma de decisiones, Innovación, Riesgos, Strategic addressing, Strategy, Strategic thinking, Management model, Solidarity, Decision making, Innovation, Risks