Evolución jurisprudencial de la protección al derecho a morir dignamente en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano
Mendoza Rincón, José Yeison
Suárez Muñoz, Deisy Yuliana
Navarro Rozo, Victor
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente artículo tiene como objetivo conocer la evolución jurisprudencial y normativa de la protección al derecho a morir dignamente en el ordenamiento jurídico colombiano, para ello se hizo preciso identificar la aproximación conceptual que se le ha dado a la eutanasia y, determinar el reconocimiento de la eutanasia en la historia de Colombia. Lo anterior permitió, tener claridad de los alcances y precedentes que han existido frente a la materia de estudio. Para ello, se efectuó un análisis jurisprudencial por medio de la metodología documental – descriptiva, la cual facilita recopilar las principales sentencias hito que han dejado un precedente, junto con aquellos pronunciamientos del mismo, teniendo como resultados una herramienta útil y necesaria con criterios concretos y ordenados, que permitieron aclarar dudas y tener como conclusiones en su desarrollo un análisis detallado del tema de estudio, que vislumbra los cambios y ajustes que se han promulgado de la eutanasia en Colombia
The present article has as objectives, to know the jurisprudential and normative evolution of the protection to the right to die with dignity in the Colombian juridical order, to identify the conceptual approximation that has been given to the euthanasia and, to determine the recognition of the euthanasia in the history from Colombia. The previous allowed, to have clarity of the scopes and precedents that have existed in front of the subject of study. To do this, a jurisprudential analysis was carried out through the documentary - descriptive methodology, which facilitates the compilation of the main landmark decisions that have left a precedent, together with those statements of the same, having as results a useful and necessary tool with concrete criteria and ordered, that allowed to clarify doubts and to have as conclusions in its development a detailed analysis of the subject of study, that glimpse the changes and adjustments that have been promulgated of the euthanasia in Colombia
The present article has as objectives, to know the jurisprudential and normative evolution of the protection to the right to die with dignity in the Colombian juridical order, to identify the conceptual approximation that has been given to the euthanasia and, to determine the recognition of the euthanasia in the history from Colombia. The previous allowed, to have clarity of the scopes and precedents that have existed in front of the subject of study. To do this, a jurisprudential analysis was carried out through the documentary - descriptive methodology, which facilitates the compilation of the main landmark decisions that have left a precedent, together with those statements of the same, having as results a useful and necessary tool with concrete criteria and ordered, that allowed to clarify doubts and to have as conclusions in its development a detailed analysis of the subject of study, that glimpse the changes and adjustments that have been promulgated of the euthanasia in Colombia
Palabras clave
Eutanasia, Corte Constitucional, Enfermedad, Médico, Dignidad, Euthanasia, Constitutional Court, Illness, Medical, Dignity