Rediseño curricular del programa de licenciatura en pedagogía infantil de la Corporación Universitaria Regional del Caribe IAFIC
Bello Guerrero, Alejandra
Herrera Alvernia, Martha Luz
Pedroza De Canencia, Nancy Esther
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En el presente documento se recoge el informe final del trabajo de investigación descriptiva, adelantada con el propósito de estructurar e implementar un currículo pertinente para la formación del pedagogo infantil, en coherencia con el contexto sociocultural y la normatividad vigente. En la Corporación Universitaria Regional del Caribe IAFIC, se evidenció la necesidad de revisar y ajustar el diseño curricular acorde a las nuevas tendencias predominantes en un mundo globalizado. Para ello fue necesario identificar los elementos que hacen posible la flexibilidad y la pertinencia Se reconoció que la clave para el Diseño Curricular es la formación de un profesional de calidad, actualizado, con valores éticos y morales, que asuma la investigación como recurso para estudiar y satisfacer los problemas y necesidades que afectan la atención integral de la infancia. El diseño de la propuesta se fundamentó en los postulados de Gimeno Sacristán, quien concibe el Currículum como "el eslabón entre la cultura y la sociedad", la concepción de la flexibilidad propuesta por Mario Díaz Villa. En la primera etapa, se revisaron los elementos del currículo atendiendo además, los requisitos legales, los resultados del diagnóstico, el estado del arte y la caracterización del contexto para dar una mirada integral a los elementos del currículo: modelo pedagógico, principios, propósitos de formación, plan de estudio, organización y estructura de los contenidos, investigación, sistema de evaluación, a partir de lo que se diseñó y validó la propuesta mediante talleres de socialización.
This paper describes the final descriptive research, carried out with the purpose of structuring and irnplements a relevant curriculum for the formation of the child pedagogue. This curriculum must also be coherent with the socio cultural context and the current legislation. At the Corporación Univesitaria Regional del Caribe IAFIC, it was evident that there was a necessity to revise and adjust the curriculum design based on the new predominant trends in the current globalized world. In order to do that, it was necessary to identify the elements that facilitate flexibility and relevance. It was granted that the key to curricular design is the formation of a qualified professional, who likes to keep updated and has moral and ethical values. It is also essential that the new professional adopts research as the main too! to study and face the problems and needs that affect the integral attention of children. The design of the proposal was based on the premise of Girneno Sacristan, whose conception of the curriculum is "the link between the culture and society" and the conception of flexibility proposed by Mario Diaz Villa. In the first stage, different elements of the curriculum design were revised such as: legal requirements, results of the diagnosis, the state of the art and the characteristics of the context. This was done with the purpose of providing an integral look at the elements of curriculum: pedagogical model, principies, purposes of formation, study plan, organization and structure of the contents, research and evaluation system. This information was the starting point of the design of the proposal, which was later validated through socializing workshops
This paper describes the final descriptive research, carried out with the purpose of structuring and irnplements a relevant curriculum for the formation of the child pedagogue. This curriculum must also be coherent with the socio cultural context and the current legislation. At the Corporación Univesitaria Regional del Caribe IAFIC, it was evident that there was a necessity to revise and adjust the curriculum design based on the new predominant trends in the current globalized world. In order to do that, it was necessary to identify the elements that facilitate flexibility and relevance. It was granted that the key to curricular design is the formation of a qualified professional, who likes to keep updated and has moral and ethical values. It is also essential that the new professional adopts research as the main too! to study and face the problems and needs that affect the integral attention of children. The design of the proposal was based on the premise of Girneno Sacristan, whose conception of the curriculum is "the link between the culture and society" and the conception of flexibility proposed by Mario Diaz Villa. In the first stage, different elements of the curriculum design were revised such as: legal requirements, results of the diagnosis, the state of the art and the characteristics of the context. This was done with the purpose of providing an integral look at the elements of curriculum: pedagogical model, principies, purposes of formation, study plan, organization and structure of the contents, research and evaluation system. This information was the starting point of the design of the proposal, which was later validated through socializing workshops
Palabras clave
Currículo, Diseño, Flexibilidad, Formación, Infancia, Pedagogo, Integralidad, Interdisciplinariedad e investigación, Curriculum, Design, Flexibility, Formation, Pedagogue, Integrality, Interdisciplinarity, Research