La conciencia de los derechos en niños, niñas y adolescentes
Rodriguez Jaimes, Daniel Ricardo
Useche Galvis, Jesus Orlando
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de ciencias jurídicas y sociales
Facultad de ciencias jurídicas y sociales
El presente estudio consiste en la descripción y análisis de los problemas que
vienen presentando los niños, niñas y adolescentes desde el inicio de la migración
masiva de venezolanos a Colombia, sus condiciones actuales y la dificultad que han
tenido tanto la población migrante como la población de Cúcuta, norte de Santander.
En su afán desenfrenado por cumplir normatividades que favorecen a dicha
población conforme a la declaración universal de los derechos humanos y en
Colombia Adoptada por la Asamblea General, resolución 217 A (III), diciembre 10
de 1948 y conforme lo establece la UNESCO (Organización de las Naciones Unidas
para la Educación, la Ciencia y la Cultura). en Belfast en 2004, en materia de
protección y acceso a la educación de cualquier ciudadano que se encuentre en
territorio colombiano, se han cumplido las expectativas en cuanto a dar
cumplimiento a todas las normas tanto nacional como internacional pero al mismo
tiempo se han vulnerado los derechos de la población colombiana especialmente
niños, niñas y adolescentes de Cúcuta, Norte de Santander y el territorio nacional,
debido a la sobrepoblación de estudiantes de nacionalidad extranjera en algunos
planteles educativos como escuelas y colegios tanto públicos y/o privados; los
estudiantes de nacionalidad colombiana han tenido dificultad para acceder a cupos
en dichos centros educativos, con el propósito de continuar con sus estudios.
This study consists of the description and analysis of the problems that children and adolescents have been presenting since the beginning of the massive migration of Venezuelans to Colombia, their current conditions and the difficulties that both the migrant population and the population of Venezuela have had. Cúcuta, north of Santander. In their unbridled eagerness to comply with regulations that favor said population in accordance with the universal declaration of human rights and in Colombia Adopted by the General Assembly, resolution 217 A (III), December 10, 1948 and as established by UNESCO (Organization of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture). in Belfast in 2004, regarding the protection and access to education of any citizen who is in Colombian territory, the expectations regarding compliance with all national and international standards have been met, but at the same time the rights of the Colombian population, especially children and adolescents from Cúcuta, Norte de Santander and the national territory, due to the overcrowding of students of foreign nationality in some educational establishments such as both public and / or private schools and colleges; Colombian students have had difficulty accessing places in these educational centers, in order to continue their studies.
This study consists of the description and analysis of the problems that children and adolescents have been presenting since the beginning of the massive migration of Venezuelans to Colombia, their current conditions and the difficulties that both the migrant population and the population of Venezuela have had. Cúcuta, north of Santander. In their unbridled eagerness to comply with regulations that favor said population in accordance with the universal declaration of human rights and in Colombia Adopted by the General Assembly, resolution 217 A (III), December 10, 1948 and as established by UNESCO (Organization of the United Nations for Education, Science and Culture). in Belfast in 2004, regarding the protection and access to education of any citizen who is in Colombian territory, the expectations regarding compliance with all national and international standards have been met, but at the same time the rights of the Colombian population, especially children and adolescents from Cúcuta, Norte de Santander and the national territory, due to the overcrowding of students of foreign nationality in some educational establishments such as both public and / or private schools and colleges; Colombian students have had difficulty accessing places in these educational centers, in order to continue their studies.
Palabras clave
Migración masiva de venezolanos a Colombia, Derechos de niños, niñas y adolescentes, Derechos vulnerados de colombianos y población migrante, Igualdad, Mass migration of Venezuelans to Colombia, Rights of children and adolescents, Violated rights of Colombians and the migrant population, Equality