Antropolíticas del sur: Voces de resistencia en la poética de Jorge Artel
Eljach, Matilde
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Universidad de Zulia
Jorge Artel levanta su voz contra toda discriminación, denunciando la invisibilización del otro “negro”, porque la metanarrativa impuesta por la modernidad, descalificó como no competente el saber particular de la gente; el “saber histórico de las luchas”. Abordar desde la antropología crítica las expresiones de resistencia en la poesía de Jorge Artel, las maneras de resistir que los seres sociales construyen intentando adaptarse a un medio hostil pero que ha ofrecido posibilidades de estar, fortaleciendo una inacabada resistencia, como se expresa en la poesía de Artel. Análisis de texto con enfoque decolonial, de algunos poemas representativos, fundamentado en la producción de conocimiento contrahegemónico, desde el Sur.
Jorge Artel raises his voice against all discrimination, denouncing the invisibilization of the other "black", because the meta-narrative imposed by modernity, disqualified as not competent the particular knowledge of the people; "historical knowledge of struggles." Addressing from critical anthropology the expressions of resistance in the poetry of Jorge Artel, the ways to resist that social beings build trying to adapt to a hostile environment but that has offered possibilities to be, strengthening an unfinished resistance as expressed in Artel's poetry. Text analysis with a decolonial approach, of some representative poems, based on the production of counterhegemonic knowledge, from the South.
Jorge Artel raises his voice against all discrimination, denouncing the invisibilization of the other "black", because the meta-narrative imposed by modernity, disqualified as not competent the particular knowledge of the people; "historical knowledge of struggles." Addressing from critical anthropology the expressions of resistance in the poetry of Jorge Artel, the ways to resist that social beings build trying to adapt to a hostile environment but that has offered possibilities to be, strengthening an unfinished resistance as expressed in Artel's poetry. Text analysis with a decolonial approach, of some representative poems, based on the production of counterhegemonic knowledge, from the South.
Palabras clave
Antropología crítica, Decolonialidad, Poesía afrocaribeña, Resistencia, É Critical anthropology, Decoloniality, Afro-caribbean poetry, Resistance