Estilos parentales y su relación con el comportamiento agresivo en adolescentes del Colegio Comfanorte Cúcuta
Cáceres Rueda, Lesly Daniela
Becerra Jaimes, Flor Stefanny
Ruiz Mejía, Jefferson Alejandro
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Existen diferentes estilos o formas en que los padres educan a sus hijos, según Baumrind (1966) está el estilo autoritario, donde los padres consideran que deben tener el control absoluto sobre sus hijos, también el estilo permisivo, donde los padres están altamente involucrados con sus hijos, pero no ponen límites ni restricciones a sus comportamientos, dejando que estos hagan su voluntad y el estilo negligente, en el que los padres no se involucran en la educación y crianza de sus hijos y finalmente el estilo democrático, donde los padres estimulan a sus hijos a tener independencia cumpliendo límites y normas establecidas. En función de lo anterior, como objetivo se busca indagar la posible correlación que tengan los estilos paténtales y el comportamiento agresivo que se pueda evidenciar en algunos jóvenes del grado décimo del colegio Comfanorte de la ciudad de Cúcuta, para así lograr identificar la presencia de conductas de agresividad, definir los estilos parentales que se perciben y así poder establecer posibles correlaciones entre estas dos dimensione y el comportamiento agresivo en estos jóvenes en donde se evidencia la relación padre e hijo y su estilo y forma de convivir. Con los resultados obtenidos se puedo llevar a cabo de que no existe una relación directa entre los estilos parentales y la agresividad en los adolescentes del grado décimo del colegio Comfanorte, en donde evidenciamos que existe una correlación explícita entre el modo en que los padres crían a sus hijos y el comportamiento que ellos muestran de acuerdo en el desarrollo de su cotidianidad y su diario vivir.
There are different styles or ways in which parents educate their chirlen, according to Baumrind (1966) there is the authoritarian style, where parents consider that they must have absolute control over their children, also the permissive style, where parents are highly involved with their children, but do not put limits or restrictions on their behavior, leaving them to do their will and the negligent style, in which parents are not involved in the education and upbringing of their children and finally the democratic style, where parents encourage their children to have independence by complying with established limits and rules. Based on the above, the objective is to investigate the possible correlation between the parental styles and the aggressive behavior that can be evidenced in some young people of the tenth grade of the Comfanorte school in the city of Cúcuta, in order to identify the presence of aggressive behaviors, define the perceived parental styles and thus establish possible correlations between these two dimensions and the aggressive behavior in these young people where the parent-child relationship and their style and way of living together is evidenced. With the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that there is no direct relationship between parental styles and aggressiveness in adolescents of the tenth grade of the Comfanorte school, where it is evident that there is an explicit correlation between the way in which parents raise their children and the behavior they show in the development of their daily life.
There are different styles or ways in which parents educate their chirlen, according to Baumrind (1966) there is the authoritarian style, where parents consider that they must have absolute control over their children, also the permissive style, where parents are highly involved with their children, but do not put limits or restrictions on their behavior, leaving them to do their will and the negligent style, in which parents are not involved in the education and upbringing of their children and finally the democratic style, where parents encourage their children to have independence by complying with established limits and rules. Based on the above, the objective is to investigate the possible correlation between the parental styles and the aggressive behavior that can be evidenced in some young people of the tenth grade of the Comfanorte school in the city of Cúcuta, in order to identify the presence of aggressive behaviors, define the perceived parental styles and thus establish possible correlations between these two dimensions and the aggressive behavior in these young people where the parent-child relationship and their style and way of living together is evidenced. With the results obtained, it was possible to conclude that there is no direct relationship between parental styles and aggressiveness in adolescents of the tenth grade of the Comfanorte school, where it is evident that there is an explicit correlation between the way in which parents raise their children and the behavior they show in the development of their daily life.
Palabras clave
Comportamiento, Estilos parentales, Padres, Hijos, Adolescentes, Behavior, Parental styles, Parents, Children, Adolescents