Estrategias innovadoras para fortalecer las organizaciones del sector ecoturismo en el departamento del Atlántico
Molina García, Romina Ana
Munzón Ortíz, Jeymy Alexandra
Salgado Madariaga, Mayra Alejandra
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo diseñar estrategias innovadoras para fortalecer las organizaciones del sector del ecoturismo en el departamento del Atlántico, para dar respuesta a este objetivo se utilizó la técnica PESTEL con la que se hizo un análisis estratégico del entorno el cual permitió determinar que el sector pese a que atraviesa dificultades derivadas de la pandemia, responde a un momento en que dicho sector se enmarca dentro de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible y responde a las planes de gobierno nacional. Asimismo, se realizó un análisis estadístico descriptivo y correlacional que permitieran identificar los factores determinantes en innovación en el sector del ecoturismo. En este sentido, los hallazgos dan cuenta de una relación estadísticamente significativa entre las variables colaboración y capital humano, en la que esta investigación finalmente diseña las estrategias innovadoras que permitan a las organizaciones enmarcadas dentro del ecoturismo de aprovechar las oportunidades que les brinda el entorno para fortalecer sus actividades y lograr mejores desempeños que les permitan alcanzar una ventaja competitiva.
This research aims to design innovative strategies to strengthen the organizations of the ecotourism sector in the department of Atlántico, Colombia. To fulfill this aim, the PESTEL technique was used to do a strategic analysis of the environment. This analysis showed that the sector, despite the difficulties derived by the covid-19 outbrake, responds to the Sustainable Development Goals and to national government plans. Likewise, a descriptive and correlational statistical analysis was carried out that allowed identifying the determining factors in innovation in the ecotourism sector. In this sense, the findings reveal a statistically significant relationship between the variables collaboration and human capital, in which this research finally designs innovative strategies that allow organizations framed within ecotourism to take advantage of the opportunities to strengthen their activities and reaching better performances that allow them to achieve a competitive advantage.
This research aims to design innovative strategies to strengthen the organizations of the ecotourism sector in the department of Atlántico, Colombia. To fulfill this aim, the PESTEL technique was used to do a strategic analysis of the environment. This analysis showed that the sector, despite the difficulties derived by the covid-19 outbrake, responds to the Sustainable Development Goals and to national government plans. Likewise, a descriptive and correlational statistical analysis was carried out that allowed identifying the determining factors in innovation in the ecotourism sector. In this sense, the findings reveal a statistically significant relationship between the variables collaboration and human capital, in which this research finally designs innovative strategies that allow organizations framed within ecotourism to take advantage of the opportunities to strengthen their activities and reaching better performances that allow them to achieve a competitive advantage.
Palabras clave
Innovación, Ecoturismo, Estrategias innovadoras, Innovation, Innovation strategies, Ecotourism