Ocultamiento del contrato realidad en Rappi Colombia
Valiente Bermúdez, Francisco
Hernández Velasco, Orlando
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
En Colombia desde siempre ha existido un índice alto de desempleo e informalidad, razón por la cual el emprendimiento y el denominado “rebusque” son la base de la economía de muchos colombianos. De ahí, surgen las ideas de negocio para la venta de bienes y servicios dependiendo el enfoque que se le dé a la misma, algunos dejan estas ideas en la informalidad mientras otros las formalizan, sin embargo, la primera limitante no es el capital sino la formación académica para lograrlo, puesto que una idea con formación técnica o profesional puede hacerse auto sostenible mediante el rendimiento del capital.
Teniendo, entonces, que lo principal para emprender es una idea y lo segundo es la formación académica para potencializarla, el tercer postulado es el capital, siendo este último punto el que realmente hace que un emprendedor sea “creativo”, debido a que necesita explotar la idea mientras capitaliza, pero a su vez, requiere de talento humano para lograrlo. De modo que, siempre se convierte en un reto para el emprendedor el pago de nómina; siendo en este punto el momento de mayor audacia para lograr evadir la carga prestacional de sus
trabajadores “que figura se adopta para ocultar el contrato de trabajo” y de esta manera hacer lo más rentable posible la idea de negocio.
Para el caso en concreto, estudiaremos como RAPPI una plataforma digital que se autodenomina como “El operador o la Plataforma”, logró desarrollar una idea negocio que funciona de manera exitosa a nivel nacional e internacional sin asumir la carga prestacional del capital humano que la hace funcionar “los RAPPItenderos”.
Para lo anterior, analizaremos si la figura del contrato de mandato, el cual se rige por el código civil, es una figura formal que oculta una verdadera relación laboral entre el RAPPI y el RAPPItendero (el trabajador), hasta entonces, conoceremos si los domiciliarios o RAPPItenderos tienen derecho a reclamar sus derechos labores a esta empresa de “gestión de encargos - RAPPI”, de ser así se le estarían violando derechos fundamentales y garantías mínimas a estos trabajadores.
RAPPI inminentemente es una forma de generar un ingreso rápido sin muchos requisitos para quienes aplican como RAPPItendero, permitiendo la flexibilidad de horarios y la libertad de trabajar en la intensidad y cantidad que el RAPPItendero lo desee. Empero, el RAPPItendero, es quien asume la carga prestacional y la seguridad social no RAPPI. Es de ahí, donde resulta la necesidad evaluar la vinculación existente entre la plataforma RAPPI y el RAPPItendero.
No obstante, lo anterior no es una tarea fácil de lograr, toda vez que, las plataformas digitales son nuevas formas de generar trabajo y en su defecto nuevas formas de subordinación, razón por la cual, es muy probable que a luz clásica del derecho laboral no se pueda resolver si existe o no una relación subordinada oculta entre RAPPI y los RAPPItenderos, aún así conviene comparar la para-subordinación y los elementos constitutivos de un contrato de trabajo bajo la presunción de un contrato realidad. Así mismo hay que decir, que es probable que solo ante una instancia judicial se pueda determinar la probabilidad de su existencia, así como también, la necesidad de desarrollar una nueva teoría de subordinación que se adapte a los nuevos tiempos.
In Colombia there has always been a high rate of unemployment and informality, which is why entrepreneurship and the so-called "rebusque" are the basis of the economy for many Colombians. Hence, business ideas for the sale of goods and services arise depending on the approach that is given to it, some leave these ideas informal while others formalize them, however, the first limitation is not capital but the Academic training to achieve this, since an idea with technical or professional training can be made self-sustainable through the return of capital. Having, then, that the main thing to undertake is an idea and the second is academic training to potentiate it, the third postulate is capital, this last point being what really makes an entrepreneur "creative", because he needs to exploit the idea while capitalizing, but in turn, requires human talent to achieve it. So, payroll payment always becomes a challenge for the entrepreneur; being at this point the moment of greatest audacity to evade the benefit burden of its workers "that figure is adopted to hide the employment contract" and thus make the business idea as profitable as possible. For the specific case, we will study as RAPPI a digital platform that calls itself "The operator or the Platform", managed to develop a business idea that works successfully nationally and internationally without assuming the performance burden of human capital that makes it run "the RAPPIstore". For the above, we will analyze whether the figure of the mandate contract, which is governed by the civil code, is a formal figure that hides a true employment relationship between the RAPPI and the RAPPI shopkeeper (the worker), until then, we will know if the domiciliary o RAPPItenderos have the right to claim their labor rights from this “order management company - RAPPI”, if so, they would be violating fundamental rights and minimum guarantees for these workers. RAPPI is imminently a way to generate a quick income without many requirements for those who apply as RAPPItendero, allowing the flexibility of schedules and the freedom to work in the intensity and quantity that the RAPPItendero wants. However, the RAPPItendero is the one who assumes the social security and non-RAPPI burden. It is from there, where it is necessary to evaluate the link between the RAPPI platform and the RAPPI store. However, the aforementioned is not an easy task to achieve, since digital platforms are new ways of generating work and, failing that, new forms of subordination, which is why it is highly likely that in the classic light of labor law It cannot be resolved whether or not there is a hidden subordinate relationship between RAPPI and the RAPPI shopkeepers, even so it is convenient to compare the para-subordination and the constituent elements of an employment contract under the presumption of a reality contract. Likewise, it must be said that it is probable that only before a judicial instance can the probability of their existence be determined, as well as the need to develop a new theory of subordination that adapts to the new times.
In Colombia there has always been a high rate of unemployment and informality, which is why entrepreneurship and the so-called "rebusque" are the basis of the economy for many Colombians. Hence, business ideas for the sale of goods and services arise depending on the approach that is given to it, some leave these ideas informal while others formalize them, however, the first limitation is not capital but the Academic training to achieve this, since an idea with technical or professional training can be made self-sustainable through the return of capital. Having, then, that the main thing to undertake is an idea and the second is academic training to potentiate it, the third postulate is capital, this last point being what really makes an entrepreneur "creative", because he needs to exploit the idea while capitalizing, but in turn, requires human talent to achieve it. So, payroll payment always becomes a challenge for the entrepreneur; being at this point the moment of greatest audacity to evade the benefit burden of its workers "that figure is adopted to hide the employment contract" and thus make the business idea as profitable as possible. For the specific case, we will study as RAPPI a digital platform that calls itself "The operator or the Platform", managed to develop a business idea that works successfully nationally and internationally without assuming the performance burden of human capital that makes it run "the RAPPIstore". For the above, we will analyze whether the figure of the mandate contract, which is governed by the civil code, is a formal figure that hides a true employment relationship between the RAPPI and the RAPPI shopkeeper (the worker), until then, we will know if the domiciliary o RAPPItenderos have the right to claim their labor rights from this “order management company - RAPPI”, if so, they would be violating fundamental rights and minimum guarantees for these workers. RAPPI is imminently a way to generate a quick income without many requirements for those who apply as RAPPItendero, allowing the flexibility of schedules and the freedom to work in the intensity and quantity that the RAPPItendero wants. However, the RAPPItendero is the one who assumes the social security and non-RAPPI burden. It is from there, where it is necessary to evaluate the link between the RAPPI platform and the RAPPI store. However, the aforementioned is not an easy task to achieve, since digital platforms are new ways of generating work and, failing that, new forms of subordination, which is why it is highly likely that in the classic light of labor law It cannot be resolved whether or not there is a hidden subordinate relationship between RAPPI and the RAPPI shopkeepers, even so it is convenient to compare the para-subordination and the constituent elements of an employment contract under the presumption of a reality contract. Likewise, it must be said that it is probable that only before a judicial instance can the probability of their existence be determined, as well as the need to develop a new theory of subordination that adapts to the new times.
Palabras clave
Contrato realidad, Plataformas digitales, Para-subordinación, RAPPI, Reality contract, Digital platforms, Para-subordination