El medio ambiente y su incidencia como bien jurídico en la legislación penal colombiana
Malo Fernández, Abelardo
Orlando Jaiquel, William Fernando
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El hombre, como ser humano y racional, no puede existir por sí solo , no es un ser aislado en el cosmos, necesariamente debe interactuar con otros seres vivos animados e inanimados, aquellos que también tienen la necesidad de subsistencia, tales como la fauna y la flora, de donde para todos los seres vivos, racionales e irracionales, el agua, el clima, el ambiente y otros factores resultan indispensables para encontrar un equilibrio entre los seres vivos y los factores fisicoquímicos que le pudieran afectar, es decir que ellos deben su subsistencia a desenvolverse dentro de un medio ambiente sano.
Desafortunadamente fenómenos como la desforestación, la caza y pesca indiscriminada, la contaminación del aire y del agua, la explotación minera y de petróleos descontrolada ha contribuido a romper dicho equilibrio, poniendo en problemas la preservación del medio ambiente, por los drásticos daños sufridos, cuya razón de ser es mezquina porque partes de la industrialización y explosión demográfica inadecuada, donde como contrasentido la mano del hombre que transforma los recursos naturales y debiera cuidarlos para poder servirse de ellos varias veces, es la misma mano que los destruye y no procura su preservación, lo que implica que generaciones futuras tengan amenazado su ambiente sano, por el proceso indiscriminado de deterioro del mismo.
Regulations before the 1991 Constitution In their order of appearance on the national legal scene, before the 1991 Charter was issued, they have the following normative legal frameworks, which regulate different environmental matters, which are methodologically organized by the subject matter they handle and because from the Issuance of the constitution turned the legislative production around like this: The first news that it has about environmental regulations in Colombia, emerged in 1952 with the formation of the Natural Resources Division of the Ministry of Agriculture in 1952, which refers to ECLAC in an interesting document like this: The environmental institutionality in Colombia was born with the creation of the Natural Resources Division of the Ministry of Agriculture in 1952. The fact of being attached to the Ministry of Agriculture, marked a vocation of administration and extraction of natural resources, despite its mission to he commanded “the development of natural resources, tales such as land, forests and fisheries with a view to their conservation. (Gómez Torres M., 2005, p. 11) So the first environmental demonstration in Colombia was with the Natural Resources Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, whose affiliation formed at the time the idea of the body created for extractive functions of natural resources, despite its measurement was more than all development and preservation of the same, in the areas of land, flora and fauna and fishing activity. In other words, its original appearance was apparently confused, because it gave it the appearance of a predatory organism of the environment rather than a conservative one. Subsequently and according to what the same document points out “In this context, we seek to create the first regional regional institutions dedicated to promoting the comprehensive and coordinated development of natural resources in their jurisdictions. The first of these is the Valle del Cauca Corporation (CVC), which is created by reviewing the model of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) l. (Gómez Torres M., 2005, p. 12). From the foregoing, it is concluded that by presidential decree 3,110 of 1954, the first autonomous regional corporation in the Cauca Valley was created, the purpose of which was to promote the total and systematic development of natural resources, in each of the territorial jurisdictions where they were competent. , and for that purpose the model that was reproduced was that of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Regulations before the 1991 Constitution In their order of appearance on the national legal scene, before the 1991 Charter was issued, they have the following normative legal frameworks, which regulate different environmental matters, which are methodologically organized by the subject matter they handle and because from the Issuance of the constitution turned the legislative production around like this: The first news that it has about environmental regulations in Colombia, emerged in 1952 with the formation of the Natural Resources Division of the Ministry of Agriculture in 1952, which refers to ECLAC in an interesting document like this: The environmental institutionality in Colombia was born with the creation of the Natural Resources Division of the Ministry of Agriculture in 1952. The fact of being attached to the Ministry of Agriculture, marked a vocation of administration and extraction of natural resources, despite its mission to he commanded “the development of natural resources, tales such as land, forests and fisheries with a view to their conservation. (Gómez Torres M., 2005, p. 11) So the first environmental demonstration in Colombia was with the Natural Resources Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, whose affiliation formed at the time the idea of the body created for extractive functions of natural resources, despite its measurement was more than all development and preservation of the same, in the areas of land, flora and fauna and fishing activity. In other words, its original appearance was apparently confused, because it gave it the appearance of a predatory organism of the environment rather than a conservative one. Subsequently and according to what the same document points out “In this context, we seek to create the first regional regional institutions dedicated to promoting the comprehensive and coordinated development of natural resources in their jurisdictions. The first of these is the Valle del Cauca Corporation (CVC), which is created by reviewing the model of the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) l. (Gómez Torres M., 2005, p. 12). From the foregoing, it is concluded that by presidential decree 3,110 of 1954, the first autonomous regional corporation in the Cauca Valley was created, the purpose of which was to promote the total and systematic development of natural resources, in each of the territorial jurisdictions where they were competent. , and for that purpose the model that was reproduced was that of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Palabras clave
Biodiversidad, Ecosistema, Recursos ambientales, Derecho ambiental, Salud, Vida, Biodiversity, Ecosystem, Environmental resources, Environmental law, Health, Life