Funcionalidad familiar, apoyo social percibido y estrategias de afrontamiento en los adolescentes farmacodependientes
Meza Lozano, Etilvia Isabel
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El objetivo del presente estudio es describir la estructura familiar desde la funcionalidad, la ayuda social que el adolescente puede percibir desde varios enfoques, y las estrategias de afrontamiento en jóvenes farmacodependientes, además de establecer la relación entre las variables del proyecto.
Antecedentes: Se realiza una recolección de fuentes bibliográficas con el uso de bases de datos como Researchgate, Scielo, Scopus, proquest, entre otros. Se encuentran fuentes Internacionales, latinoamericanas y nacionales, por lo que estuvieron relacionados con la funcionalidad familiar, apoyo social percibido y estrategias de afrontamiento en adolescentes farmacodependientes, se realizó en un grupo de pacientes hospitalizados en un centro de rehabilitación en la ciudad de Sincelejo Sucre.
Instrumento: El enfoque de la presente investigación, fue cuantitativa, transeccional, el alcance del estudio es descriptivo-Correlacional, se realizó una recolección de datos de tipo numéricos, siendo el instrumento utilizado como estandarización que refleja la obtención de la información con grados de validez y confiabilidad, demostrado así en diferentes estudios. La muestra hace referencia a 60 adolescentes farmacodependientes con edades entre 13 a 18 años de edad, de ambos géneros. Se aplicaron los siguientes instrumentos: Como el de Olson, Portner y Lavee, (1985), mediante FACES III de la Escala de Evaluación de la Cohesión y Adaptabilidad Familiar, validada en su versión al español (Zegers, Larraín, Polaino-Lorente, Trapp, & Diez, 2003); APGAR Familiar, creado por Smilkstein (1978) es un instrumento de corta aplicación que permite conocer cómo el individuo dentro del núcleo familiar percibe el funcionamiento de la misma; La Escala multidimensional de apoyo social percibido (MSPSS)(Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, & Farley, 1988) validada en Colombia (Trejos-Herrera, Bahamón, Alarcón-Vásquez, Vélez, & Vinaccia, 2018); La Escala de afrontamiento para adolescentes ACS (Frydenberg & Lewis, 1997). Dichas escalas fueron construidas con 18 factores, con el fin de estudiar si respecto a la capacidad de afrontamiento como proceso la persona aplica estrategias que son empleadas por él desde distintas fuerzas. Conclusiones: De acuerdo con los objetivos propuestos, se obtiene que la funcionalidad familiar en los adolescentes, tienen una mayor representatividad con respecto a los niveles de disfuncionalidad severas. Por lo que, al analizar las distintas pruebas, la escala de afrontamiento permitió identificar que se encuentra relacionado con la espiritualidad y la introspección del individuo en el proceso de rehabilitación. La medición al ser realizada en una población de farmacodependientes, permite indagar en propuestas para mejorar las condiciones de forma positiva de la rehabilitación.
The objective of this study is to describe the family structure from the functionality, the social help that the adolescent can perceive from various approaches, and the coping strategies in young drug addicts, in addition to establishing the relationship between the project variables. Background: A collection of bibliographic sources is carried out with the use of databases such as Researchgate, Scielo, Scopus, proquest, among others. There are international, Latin American and national sources, so they were related to family functionality, perceived social support and coping strategies in drug-dependent adolescents, it was carried out in a group of hospitalized patients in a rehabilitation center in the city of Sincelejo Sucre. Instrument: The focus of the present research was quantitative, transectional, the scope of the study is descriptive-correlational, and a collection of numerical data was carried out, the instrument used as standardization that reflects the obtaining of information with degrees of validity and reliability, thus demonstrated in different studies. The sample refers to 60 drug-dependent adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18, of both genders. The following instruments were applied: Like the one by Olson, Portner and Lavee, (1985), using FACES III of the Family Cohesion and Adaptability Assessment Scale, validated in its Spanish version (Zegers, Larraín, Polaino-Lorente, Trapp , & Diez, 2003); Family APGAR, created by Smilkstein (1978) is an instrument of short application that allows to know how the individual within the family nucleus perceives its functioning; The Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale (MSPSS) (Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, & Farley, 1988) validated in Colombia (Trejos-Herrera, Bahamón, Alarcón-Vásquez, Vélez, & Vinaccia, 2018); The ACS Adolescent Coping Scale (Frydenberg & Lewis, 1997). Said scales were constructed with 18 factors, in order to study whether, regarding the ability to cope as a process, the person applies strategies that are used by him from different forces. Conclusions: In accordance with the proposed objectives, it is obtained that family functionality in adolescents has a greater representation with respect to the levels of severe dysfunctionality. Therefore, when analyzing the different tests, the coping scale allowed to identify what is related to the spirituality and introspection of the individual in the rehabilitation process. The measurement, when carried out in a population of drug addicts, allows investigating proposals to improve the conditions of rehabilitation in a positive way.
The objective of this study is to describe the family structure from the functionality, the social help that the adolescent can perceive from various approaches, and the coping strategies in young drug addicts, in addition to establishing the relationship between the project variables. Background: A collection of bibliographic sources is carried out with the use of databases such as Researchgate, Scielo, Scopus, proquest, among others. There are international, Latin American and national sources, so they were related to family functionality, perceived social support and coping strategies in drug-dependent adolescents, it was carried out in a group of hospitalized patients in a rehabilitation center in the city of Sincelejo Sucre. Instrument: The focus of the present research was quantitative, transectional, the scope of the study is descriptive-correlational, and a collection of numerical data was carried out, the instrument used as standardization that reflects the obtaining of information with degrees of validity and reliability, thus demonstrated in different studies. The sample refers to 60 drug-dependent adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18, of both genders. The following instruments were applied: Like the one by Olson, Portner and Lavee, (1985), using FACES III of the Family Cohesion and Adaptability Assessment Scale, validated in its Spanish version (Zegers, Larraín, Polaino-Lorente, Trapp , & Diez, 2003); Family APGAR, created by Smilkstein (1978) is an instrument of short application that allows to know how the individual within the family nucleus perceives its functioning; The Multidimensional Perceived Social Support Scale (MSPSS) (Zimet, Dahlem, Zimet, & Farley, 1988) validated in Colombia (Trejos-Herrera, Bahamón, Alarcón-Vásquez, Vélez, & Vinaccia, 2018); The ACS Adolescent Coping Scale (Frydenberg & Lewis, 1997). Said scales were constructed with 18 factors, in order to study whether, regarding the ability to cope as a process, the person applies strategies that are used by him from different forces. Conclusions: In accordance with the proposed objectives, it is obtained that family functionality in adolescents has a greater representation with respect to the levels of severe dysfunctionality. Therefore, when analyzing the different tests, the coping scale allowed to identify what is related to the spirituality and introspection of the individual in the rehabilitation process. The measurement, when carried out in a population of drug addicts, allows investigating proposals to improve the conditions of rehabilitation in a positive way.
Palabras clave
Funcionalidad familiar, Apoyo social percibido, Afrontamiento y sus estrategias, Jóvenes farmacodependientes, Family functionality, Perceived social support, Coping and its strategies, Young drug addicts