Efectos de la rehabilitación física en pacientes con ataxia de Friedrich. Revisión temática
Asprilla Redondo, Daniel
Arias Zapata, Melisa Alejandra
Badran Pico, Shamir
Escorcia Uribe, Carolaine Andrea
Suarez Bolívar, Sofy
Vega Cáceres, Ana Marcela
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción: La ataxia de Friedrich o también conocida como degeneración espinocerebelosa es una enfermedad genética poco común que afecta la medula espinal y los nervios que controlan los movimientos de los músculos como en los brazos y las piernas causando dificultades para caminar, pérdida de sensibilidad en brazos, piernas y dificultades en el habla, su principal síntoma es la dificultan para coordinar los movimientos. Por otro lado, no existen medidas de prevención actuales que enfrenten a la ataxia, solo una prueba prenatal para saber si se es portador.
La elaboración de este trabajo busca resaltar el efecto fisioterapéutico como rehabilitación principal que ha demostrado mejorar la función motora y el estado físico en general de los pacientes con ataxia de Friedrich logrando una mejor calidad de vida, teniendo como objetivo principal la funcionalidad del paciente. Uno de los efectos que puede abarcar la fisioterapia es la reducción el dolor, la deformidad y la discapacidad.
Los artículos investigativos que se tomaron como principales en la elaboración del mismo señalan métodos efectivos como la realización de ejercicios de respiración, ejercicios aeróbicos y anaeróbicos, técnicas de relajación, fortalecimiento de las extremidades superiores e inferiores y exergames para el mejoramiento de estos pacientes logrando un desarrollo y una evolución de los parámetros de la marcha, postura, coordinación, equilibrio, ofreciendo una significativa independencia
buscando una participación social y funcional de dichos pacientes adaptándolos a sus actividades de la vida diaria y actividades de recreación y de ocio, resaltando que dichos objetivos pudieron lograrse a largo plazo con resultados positivos y favorables para la adaptación de una vida funcional, Objetivo: Analizar en la literatura publicada los efectos de la rehabilitación física en pacientes con ataxia de Friedrich. Materiales y método: revisión de la literatura realizada en una muestra de 4 artículos tipo ECA. Para la búsqueda se utilizaron como palabras clave, «spinocerebellar ataxia», «cerebellar ataxia», «treatment’’, «rehabilitation», «physical therapy», «physiotherapy», «physical activity», «gait», «postural balance» en combinación con los operadores lógicos AND y OR. Se seleccionaron aquellos artículos en los que los términos aparecían en el titulo o el resumen, al pasar el primer filtro se revisó el texto completo y se aplicaron los criterios de inclusión, posteriormente se aplicó la escala CONSORT y se seleccionaron aquellos artículos que cumplieron con los requisitos de inclusión y calidad. Resultados: Los ensayos clínicos consultados demostraron la eficacia de la fisioterapia en las alteraciones que presentan los pacientes con ataxia de Friedrich, mejorando la marcha, postura, coordinación, equilibrio, ofreciendo una mayor independencia funcional en sus actividades diarias y sociales. existe amplia heterogeneidad metodológica en cuanto a la frecuencia, duración y tipos de ejercicios realizados, se incluyeron ejercicios aeróbicos, anaeróbicos, hidroterapia y Exergames. Conclusiones: se pone de relieve la poca evidencia científica publicada con relación a la intervención fisioterapéutica de los pacientes con ataxia, pocos ensayos clínicos de calidad que
sirvan de base para la implementación de tratamientos eficaces y novedosos, gracias a la baja prevalencia de esta enfermedad y su poca intervención científica la cual hable detalladamente de su rehabilitación.
troduction: Friedrich's ataxia or also known as spinocerebellar degeneration is a rare genetic disease that affects the spinal cord and the nerves that control muscle movements such as in the arms and legs, causing difficulty walking, loss of sensation in the arms, legs, and speech difficulties, its main symptom is difficulty coordinating movements. On the other hand, there are no current prevention measures against ataxia, only a prenatal test to find out if you are a carrier. The elaboration of this work seeks to highlight the physiotherapeutic effect as the main rehabilitation that has been shown to improve motor function and general physical condition of patients with Friedrich's ataxia, achieving a better quality of life, with the patient's functionality as the main objective. One of the effects that physiotherapy can cover is the reduction of pain, deformity, and disability. The investigative articles that were taken as the main ones in the elaboration of the same point out effective methods such as breathing exercises, aerobic and anaerobic exercises, relaxation techniques, strengthening of the upper and lower extremities, and exergames for the improvement of these patients, achieving a development and evolution of the gait parameters, posture, coordination, balance, offering a significant independence seeking a social and functional participation of said patients adapting them to their activities of daily life and recreation and leisure activities, highlighting that said objectives could be achieved in the long term with positive and favorable results for the adaptation of a functional life, Objective: To analyze in the published literature the effects of physical rehabilitation in patients with Friedrich's ataxia. Materials and method: review of the literature carried out on a sample of 4 RCT-type articles. For the search, the keywords used were "spinocerebellar ataxia", "cerebellar ataxia", "treatment", "rehabilitation", "physical therapy", "physiotherapy", "physical activity", "gait", "postural balance". in combination with the logical operators AND and OR. Those articles in which the terms appeared in the title or abstract were selected. After passing the first filter, the full text was reviewed and the inclusion criteria were applied. Subsequently, the CONSORT scale was applied and those articles that met the criteria were selected. inclusion and quality requirements. Results: The clinical trials consulted demonstrated the efficacy of physiotherapy in the alterations presented by patients with Friedrich's ataxia, improving gait, posture, coordination, and balance, offering greater functional independence in their daily and social activities. there is wide methodological heterogeneity in terms of the frequency, duration and types of exercises performed, including aerobic, anaerobic, hydrotherapy and Exergame exercises. Conclusions: the little scientific evidence published in relation to physiotherapeutic intervention in patients with ataxia is highlighted, few quality clinical trials that serve as a basis for the implementation of effective and innovative treatments, thanks to the low prevalence of this disease and his little scientific intervention which speaks in detail about his rehabilitation
troduction: Friedrich's ataxia or also known as spinocerebellar degeneration is a rare genetic disease that affects the spinal cord and the nerves that control muscle movements such as in the arms and legs, causing difficulty walking, loss of sensation in the arms, legs, and speech difficulties, its main symptom is difficulty coordinating movements. On the other hand, there are no current prevention measures against ataxia, only a prenatal test to find out if you are a carrier. The elaboration of this work seeks to highlight the physiotherapeutic effect as the main rehabilitation that has been shown to improve motor function and general physical condition of patients with Friedrich's ataxia, achieving a better quality of life, with the patient's functionality as the main objective. One of the effects that physiotherapy can cover is the reduction of pain, deformity, and disability. The investigative articles that were taken as the main ones in the elaboration of the same point out effective methods such as breathing exercises, aerobic and anaerobic exercises, relaxation techniques, strengthening of the upper and lower extremities, and exergames for the improvement of these patients, achieving a development and evolution of the gait parameters, posture, coordination, balance, offering a significant independence seeking a social and functional participation of said patients adapting them to their activities of daily life and recreation and leisure activities, highlighting that said objectives could be achieved in the long term with positive and favorable results for the adaptation of a functional life, Objective: To analyze in the published literature the effects of physical rehabilitation in patients with Friedrich's ataxia. Materials and method: review of the literature carried out on a sample of 4 RCT-type articles. For the search, the keywords used were "spinocerebellar ataxia", "cerebellar ataxia", "treatment", "rehabilitation", "physical therapy", "physiotherapy", "physical activity", "gait", "postural balance". in combination with the logical operators AND and OR. Those articles in which the terms appeared in the title or abstract were selected. After passing the first filter, the full text was reviewed and the inclusion criteria were applied. Subsequently, the CONSORT scale was applied and those articles that met the criteria were selected. inclusion and quality requirements. Results: The clinical trials consulted demonstrated the efficacy of physiotherapy in the alterations presented by patients with Friedrich's ataxia, improving gait, posture, coordination, and balance, offering greater functional independence in their daily and social activities. there is wide methodological heterogeneity in terms of the frequency, duration and types of exercises performed, including aerobic, anaerobic, hydrotherapy and Exergame exercises. Conclusions: the little scientific evidence published in relation to physiotherapeutic intervention in patients with ataxia is highlighted, few quality clinical trials that serve as a basis for the implementation of effective and innovative treatments, thanks to the low prevalence of this disease and his little scientific intervention which speaks in detail about his rehabilitation
Palabras clave
Ataxia, Ataxia espinocerebelosa, Rehabilitación física, Fisioterapia, Tratamiento