El proyecto educativo institucional una construcción de sentido estrategias para el desarrollo del PEI IETISISTA
Ahumada Sulbaran, Jose Carlos
Aguilar Pacheco, Vicente
Florez Reyes, Jorge Isaac
Ruiz, Tulio Nicanor
García Henriquez, Dalmiro
Mejia Arias, Marlon Ernesto
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El presente documento contiene el desarrollo y los resultados de la investigación
que se realizó en torno al tema de la construcción de significado, cuya
aplicación práctica se llevó a cabo alrededor del tema de Construcción del
Proyecto Educativo Institucional (PEI) en una institución pública de educación
media ubicada en Sabanalarga Atlántico.
La estrategia metodológica tuvo elementos de muchos agentes e ideas
provenientes de diferentes disciplinas, comenzando por la Teoría de la
Pedagogía Dialogantes y los enfoques interestructurante y las teorías del
desarrollo humano.
Dicho proceso fue complementado por el: Artículo 14 del decreto 1860 de
1994: "Todo establecimiento educativo debe elaborar y poner en práctica, con
la participación de la comunidad educativa, un proyecto educativo institucional
que exprese la forma como se ha decidido alcanzar los fines de la educación
definidos por la ley, teniendo en cuenta las condiciones sociales, económicas y
culturales de su medio" Como consecuencia de esta búsqueda, las conclusiones que resultaron de esta investigación tuvieron también un propósito: dar cierre parcial a un primer ciclo de observación-reflexión sobre el tema del PEI y presentar, a su vez, una nueva opciones metodológica para que la investigación sobre este tema del PEI, su
proceso de construcción y en general el tema de construcción de significado, se
diera entorno a la comunidad y su realidad cotidiana."
This document contains the development and results of the research being conducted around the issue of the construction of meaning, whose practica! application was held around the theme of Building the Institutional Education Project (PB) at a public institution education Sabanalarga outlet in the Atlantic. The methodological strategy had elements of many actors and ideas from different disciplines, beginning with the Theory of Pedagogy and approaches to dialogue interestructurante and theories of human development. This process was supplemented by: Article 14 of Decree 1860 of 1994: "Every educational establishment must develop and implernent, with the participation of the educational community, an educational institution that expresses the way it has decided to achieve the ends education as defined by law, taking into account the social, economic and cultural rights of their environment " Following this research, the condusions resulting from this research also had a purpose: to partial closing of a first cycle of observation-reflection on the subject of PB and present, in tum, a new methoc:lological options for research this issue of PB, its construction process and in general the issue of constructing meaning is given to the community environment and their daily reality. "
This document contains the development and results of the research being conducted around the issue of the construction of meaning, whose practica! application was held around the theme of Building the Institutional Education Project (PB) at a public institution education Sabanalarga outlet in the Atlantic. The methodological strategy had elements of many actors and ideas from different disciplines, beginning with the Theory of Pedagogy and approaches to dialogue interestructurante and theories of human development. This process was supplemented by: Article 14 of Decree 1860 of 1994: "Every educational establishment must develop and implernent, with the participation of the educational community, an educational institution that expresses the way it has decided to achieve the ends education as defined by law, taking into account the social, economic and cultural rights of their environment " Following this research, the condusions resulting from this research also had a purpose: to partial closing of a first cycle of observation-reflection on the subject of PB and present, in tum, a new methoc:lological options for research this issue of PB, its construction process and in general the issue of constructing meaning is given to the community environment and their daily reality. "
Palabras clave
construcción de significado, Proyecto Educativo Institucional. PEI, Educación, Mediación, Pedagogía dialogante, construction of meaning, Institutional Educational Project (PEI), Education and mediation, Dialogical pedagogía