Análisis de la incidencia del factor subjetivo en la declaratoria de culpa patronal en sentencias SL 4653 de 2019 y SL 4455 – 2019 de la Sala Laboral – Corte Suprema de Justicia
Sanchez Castañeda, Fernando Mario
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Desde los jueces de pequeñas causas, jueces del circuito hasta la sala laboral de la Corte Suprema de Justicia, han sido enfáticos en la importancia del cumplimiento de las obligaciones especiales de los empleadores respecto a los trabajadores, esto es, recordando que todo contrato de trabajo es bilateral y las partes tienen ciertos deberes y derechos consagrados en el código sustantivo del trabajo. Siendo el empleador quien tiene la posición de garante frente al empleado, situación que también se podría equiparar al actuar como un buen padre de familia lo haría con sus hijos, las cifras son preocupantes, a pesar de la expedición del Decreto 1443 de 2014 por el cual se dictan las disposiciones para la implementación del sistema de la seguridad y salud en el trabajo, al año 2020 con un total de 10´458.320 trabajadores en Colombia se presentaron 450.806 accidentes calificados como laborales (protección, 2022), hecho inaceptable teniendo en cuenta que en el 2020 se vivió un largo periodo de trabajo desde casa por la pandemia causada por la COVID – 19.
Si bien es cierto todo empleador en Colombia tiene la obligación de afiliar a sus empleados al sistema de riesgos laborales, esto no asegura que los mismos estén trabajando bajo las condiciones adecuadas de seguridad y mucho menos que los empleadores no sean responsables ante cualquier accidente de trabajo que se presente, es por ello que la sala laboral de la corte suprema de justicia ha venido presentando una evolución jurisprudencial en cuanto al concepto de culpa patronal y el factor subjetivo como determinante para la configuración de la misma, y es que el punto más álgido de estudio de esta investigación se encuentra en el nexo de causalidad que hay entre el hecho y el perjuicio ocasionado, en otras palabras, que se pueda acreditar que el daño sufrido sea producto del accidente laboral.
Con lo anterior, el problema objeto de este estudio es analizar los requisitos y condiciones que ha establecido la Sala Laboral de la Corte Suprema de Justicia en los casos de accidentes de trabajo respecto a la responsabilidad subjetiva del empleador en diferentes pronunciamientos de esta alta corte y definir argumentos jurisprudenciales que sirvan como instrumento para el desarrollo del derecho laboral colombiano
From judges of small cases, circuit judges to the labor room of the Supreme Court of Justice, they have been emphatic about the importance of complying with the special obligations of employers towards workers, that is, remembering that every employment contract is bilateral and the parties have certain duties and rights enshrined in the substantive labor code. Being the employer who has the position of guarantor vis-à-vis the employee, a situation that could also be equated when acting as a good parent would do with his children, the figures are worrying, despite the issuance of Decree 1443 of 2014 which dictates the provisions for the implementation of the occupational safety and health system, in 2020 with a total of 10,458,320 workers in Colombia there were 450,806 accidents qualified as work (protection, 2022), an unacceptable fact considering that in 2020 there was a long period of I work from home due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19. While it is true that every employer in Colombia has the obligation to affiliate its employees with the occupational risk system, this does not ensure that they are working under adequate safety conditions and much less that employers are not responsible for any work accident that arises, that is why the labor room of the Supreme Court of Justice has been presenting a jurisprudential evolution in terms of the concept of employer fault and the subjective factor as a determinant for the configuration of it, and that is that the highest point of study of This investigation is in the causal link between the fact and the damage caused, in other words, that it can be proven that the damage suffered is the result of the accident at work. With the above, the problem object of this study is to analyze the requirements and conditions established by the Labor Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice in cases of accidents at work with respect to the subjective responsibility of the employer in different pronouncements of this high court and to define jurisprudential arguments that serve as an instrument for the development of Colombian labor law.
From judges of small cases, circuit judges to the labor room of the Supreme Court of Justice, they have been emphatic about the importance of complying with the special obligations of employers towards workers, that is, remembering that every employment contract is bilateral and the parties have certain duties and rights enshrined in the substantive labor code. Being the employer who has the position of guarantor vis-à-vis the employee, a situation that could also be equated when acting as a good parent would do with his children, the figures are worrying, despite the issuance of Decree 1443 of 2014 which dictates the provisions for the implementation of the occupational safety and health system, in 2020 with a total of 10,458,320 workers in Colombia there were 450,806 accidents qualified as work (protection, 2022), an unacceptable fact considering that in 2020 there was a long period of I work from home due to the pandemic caused by COVID-19. While it is true that every employer in Colombia has the obligation to affiliate its employees with the occupational risk system, this does not ensure that they are working under adequate safety conditions and much less that employers are not responsible for any work accident that arises, that is why the labor room of the Supreme Court of Justice has been presenting a jurisprudential evolution in terms of the concept of employer fault and the subjective factor as a determinant for the configuration of it, and that is that the highest point of study of This investigation is in the causal link between the fact and the damage caused, in other words, that it can be proven that the damage suffered is the result of the accident at work. With the above, the problem object of this study is to analyze the requirements and conditions established by the Labor Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice in cases of accidents at work with respect to the subjective responsibility of the employer in different pronouncements of this high court and to define jurisprudential arguments that serve as an instrument for the development of Colombian labor law.
Palabras clave
Accidente de trabajo, Factor objetivo, Factor subjetivo, Derechos, Garantías, Corte suprema, Omisión, Prevención, Accident at work, Objective factor, Subjective factor, Rights, Guarantees, Supreme court, Omission, Prevention