Gestión de recursos humanos en organizaciones en ambientes volátiles: Una revisión de la literatura
Castellanos Lafaurie, Maria José
Junca Romero, Neyer Jesús
Tapiero Gutiérrez, Venus Virginia
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
En la presente revisión de la literatura, se aborda la temática de cuáles son las
características distintivas de los conceptos en la Gestión de Recursos Humanos que han
surgido en la literatura académica los últimos 10 años, y cómo estos se relacionan con
la creación de ventaja competitiva para las empresas que se enfrentan a entornos
cambiantes y volátiles como los actuales, para esta investigación se eligieron y se
examinó exhaustivamente artículos de carácter conceptual, con el objetivo de identificar
Variables que han sido analizadas entre los diferentes conceptos de la gestión de los
Recursos Humanos y lograr reflexionar sobre las que mejor responden a las
necesidades de organizaciones en ambientes volátiles. Em el recorrido dela revisión de
la literatura se lograron identificar diferentes terminología, como lo es gestión de recursos
humano, talento humano y capital humano, todos estos términos se encuentran
estrechamente relacionado con la gestión de personas en las empresas, cada uno tiene
una perspectiva levemente diferente; la elección del término dependerá en gran manera
de la visión y el objetivo de los directivos.
In this literature review, the focus is on examining the distinctive characteristics of concepts in human resource management that have emerged in academic literature over the past 10 years and how these relate to creating a competitive advantage for companies facing changing and volatile environments like the current ones. For this research, conceptual articles were selected and thoroughly examined with the aim of identifying variables that have been analyzed among different human resource management concepts and reflecting on those that best address the needs of organizations in volatile environments. Throughout the literature review, various terminologies were identified, such as human resource management, human talent, and human capital. All these terms are closely related to people management in companies, each with a slightly different perspective. The choice of terminology will depend largely on the vision and goals of the executives.
In this literature review, the focus is on examining the distinctive characteristics of concepts in human resource management that have emerged in academic literature over the past 10 years and how these relate to creating a competitive advantage for companies facing changing and volatile environments like the current ones. For this research, conceptual articles were selected and thoroughly examined with the aim of identifying variables that have been analyzed among different human resource management concepts and reflecting on those that best address the needs of organizations in volatile environments. Throughout the literature review, various terminologies were identified, such as human resource management, human talent, and human capital. All these terms are closely related to people management in companies, each with a slightly different perspective. The choice of terminology will depend largely on the vision and goals of the executives.
Palabras clave
Gestión de recursos humanos, Capital humano, Talento humano, Entornos volátiles, Human resource management, Human capital, Human talent, Volatile environments