Factores de rehospitalización durante los sesenta días posterior al alta médica en pacientes con diagnóstico de insuficiencia cardiaca entre los meses de noviembre del 2015 y abril 2016
Ferrer Parra, Wilfran Johany
Vega Perdomo, Fabio José
Pérez Barraza, Jean Paul
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud
Introducción: la insuficiencia cardíaca es una patología que representa gran
mortalidad en nuestra población, con una tasa de cerca del 50% en 4 años, y con
tasas de rehospitalizaciones en los 30 primeros días posterior a la alta médica de
cerca del 25%. A pesar de existir estadísticas tan desfavorables para esta
enfermedad en Colombia no existen datos fidedignos sobre esta patología, y no
existen medidas efectivas que prevengan la rehospitalizacion ni la muerte de estos
Materiales y métodos: se tomó una muestra de 32 pacientes con diagnóstico de
insuficiencia cardiaca en la clínica de la costa entre los meses de noviembre del
2015 y abril del 2016, que luego de seguimiento por 60 días se encontró que 11
pacientes rehospitalizaron.
Resultados: se obtuvo que la edad promedio fue de 66.7 años (28.8%). En los
cuales el 54% reconsultó dentro de los 30 días posteriores al alta médica, la
disnea estuvo presente en todos los pacientes reconsultantes y acompañado del
dolor torácico fue 45%. Como resultado relevante el 18.8% recibió la medicación
ordenada luego de 15 días posteriores al alta médica, y 63.7% no recibió asesoría
sobre la dieta requerida.
lntroduction: heart failure is a condition that represents great mortality in our population, with a rate of about 50% in 4 years, and rates of rehospitalizations in the first 30 days after the medica! discharge 25%. Oespite statistics so unfavorable for this disease in Colombia there is no reliable data about this disease, and there are no effective measures that prevent the rehospitalization or death in these patients. Materials and methods: took a sample of 32 patients with a diagnosis of heart failure in the clinic of the coast between the months of November of 2015 and April 2016, which after 60 days tracking found that 11 patients rehospitalization. Results: was obtained that the average age was 66.7 years (28.8%). In which 54% revisits within 30 days of discharge, Oyspnea was present in ali patients rehospitalized and accompanied by chest pain was 45%. As a result relevant 18.8% received medication ordered after 15 days of discharge, and 63.7% did not receive counseling about diet required.
lntroduction: heart failure is a condition that represents great mortality in our population, with a rate of about 50% in 4 years, and rates of rehospitalizations in the first 30 days after the medica! discharge 25%. Oespite statistics so unfavorable for this disease in Colombia there is no reliable data about this disease, and there are no effective measures that prevent the rehospitalization or death in these patients. Materials and methods: took a sample of 32 patients with a diagnosis of heart failure in the clinic of the coast between the months of November of 2015 and April 2016, which after 60 days tracking found that 11 patients rehospitalization. Results: was obtained that the average age was 66.7 years (28.8%). In which 54% revisits within 30 days of discharge, Oyspnea was present in ali patients rehospitalized and accompanied by chest pain was 45%. As a result relevant 18.8% received medication ordered after 15 days of discharge, and 63.7% did not receive counseling about diet required.
Palabras clave
Rehospitalización, Insuficiencia cardiaca, Factores predictores, 60 días, Rehospitallzation, Heart failure, Predlctive factors, 60 days