Influencia de la educación sexual en la maternidad adolescente en el Estado Táchira, Venezuela
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Mazuera-Arias, Rina
Albornoz-Arias, Neida
Vivas-García, Marisela
Carreño-Paredes, Myriam-Teresa
Cuberos, María-Antonia
Hernández Lalinde, Juan Diego
Bermúdez, Valmore
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Sociedad Venezolana de Farmacología Clínica y Terapéutica
La falta de información sobre la salud sexual y reproductiva
y los derechos sexuales y reproductivos inducen a los adolescentes
a comportamientos sexuales de riesgo. El enfoque
del presente estudio es cuantitativo. La población estudiada
son mujeres adolescentes con edades entre 10 y 19 años
que viven en el Estado Táchira, Venezuela. Se evaluó la asociación
entre las variables dependientes e independientes,
siendo los predictores: educación sexual recibida en el hogar,
educación sexual recibida en la escuela, nivel de formación
del jefe del hogar, actividades desarrolladas por la adolescente
antes del embarazo, uso del preservativo y calidad
de la relación familiar. Se planteó un modelo de regresión
logística múltiple. Las adolescentes que no recibieron educación
sexual en el hogar, manifiestan un riesgo 4,32 veces
más elevado de consumar el acto sexual antes de los 14
años. Mientras que las adolescentes que recibieron educación
inadecuada tienen una probabilidad 4,12 veces mayor
de experimentar relaciones sexuales altamente precoces.
The lack of information on sexual and reproductive health and sexual and reproductive rights induce adolescents to risky sexual behavior. The focus of the present study is quantitative. The population studied are adolescent women between the ages of 10 and 19 who live in Táchira State, Venezuela. The association between dependent and independent variables was evaluated, being the predictors: sexual education received at home, sex education received at school, level of training of the head of the household, activities developed by the adolescent before pregnancy, use of condoms and quality of the family relationship. A multiple logistic regression model was proposed. Adolescents who did not receive sex education in the home, show a 4.32 times higher risk of consummating the sexual act before the age of 14. While adolescents who received inadequate education are 4.12 times more likely to experience highly precocious sex.
The lack of information on sexual and reproductive health and sexual and reproductive rights induce adolescents to risky sexual behavior. The focus of the present study is quantitative. The population studied are adolescent women between the ages of 10 and 19 who live in Táchira State, Venezuela. The association between dependent and independent variables was evaluated, being the predictors: sexual education received at home, sex education received at school, level of training of the head of the household, activities developed by the adolescent before pregnancy, use of condoms and quality of the family relationship. A multiple logistic regression model was proposed. Adolescents who did not receive sex education in the home, show a 4.32 times higher risk of consummating the sexual act before the age of 14. While adolescents who received inadequate education are 4.12 times more likely to experience highly precocious sex.
Palabras clave
Educación sexual, Embarazo adolescente, Familia, Escuela, Métodos anticonceptivos, Sexual education, Adolescent pregnancy, Family, School, Contraceptive methods