Reconocimiento de los recursos naturales y humanos de los habitantes del municipio de Tibú, Norte de Santander
Villamizar Casadiego, Jessica Paola
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
La presente investigación titulada: “Reconocimiento de los recursos naturales y humanas de los habitantes del municipio de Tibú, Norte de Santander”, buscó generar un reconocimiento del municipio de Tibú desde sus riquezas naturales y humanas, con el fin de cambiar la perspectiva social que se tiene del mismo. En la actualidad se conoce el trasfondo histórico que tiene la región del Catatumbo y uno de sus municipios más afectados por el conflicto armado que es Tibú, generando una perspectiva social y una imagen de un municipio consumido por el narcotráfico, la violencia y el conflicto armado. Ahora bien, es importante recalcar que desde el gobierno nacional se han generado a través de los años diferentes estrategias, para apoyar la reconstrucción del tejido social y demostrar que estos municipios tienen un potencial tanto natural como humano para aportar al país. Donde se desarrollaron los siguientes objetivos específicos como fue la identificación de los recursos naturales del municipio de Tibú, Norte de Santander, al mismo tiempo describir los recursos humanos de la comunidad étnica Motilón Barí y por último, indagar todos los recursos naturales que son protegidos o conservados por la comunidad étnica motilón y los habitantes del municipio de Tibú. Bajo una metodología interpretativa – hermenéutica y cualitativa basada en una entrevista semiestructurada de 15 ítems relacionados al objeto de estudio dado a diez personas que hace parte de esta región (3 indígenas Barí y 7 habitantes del casco urbano). Se pudo concluir que existen buenas condiciones relacionados con los recursos naturales a pesar del aumento de los cultivos ilícitos, tala de bosques, atentados al oleoducto petrolero que ha contaminado algunos sectores de esta competitiva región y la escasa presencia del Estado para proteger a esta comunidad trabajadora, donde se destaca la labor innata de la comunidad de indígenas Barí que cuida, preserva y mantiene un buen contacto con la madre tierra, a pesar de perder bastante terreno desde la época colonia hasta la fecha
This research entitled: "Recognition of the natural and human resources of the inhabitants of the municipality of Tibú, Norte de Santander", where it was sought to generate recognition of the municipality of Tibú from its natural and human resources, in order to change the perspective social that you have of it. At present, the historical background of the Catatumbo region and one of its municipalities most affected by the armed conflict, Tibú, is known, generating a social perspective and an image of a municipality consumed by drug trafficking, violence and armed conflict. Now, it is important to emphasize that the national government has generated different strategies over the years to support the reconstruction of the social fabric and demonstrate that these municipalities have both natural and human potential to contribute to the country. Where the following specific objectives were developed, such as the identification of the natural resources of the municipality of Tibú, Norte de Santander, at the same time describing the human resources of the Motilón Barí ethnic community and finally, investigating all the natural resources that are protected or conserved by the Motilón ethnic community and the inhabitants of the municipality of Tibú. Under an interpretative - hermeneutic and qualitative methodology based on a semi-restricted interview of 15 items related to the object of study given to ten people who are part of this region (3 indigenous Barí and 7 inhabitants of the urban area). It was possible to conclude that there are good conditions related to natural resources despite the increase in illegal crops, logging of forests, attacks on the oil pipeline that has contaminated some sectors of this competitive region and the scarce presence of the State to protect this working community , where the innate work of the Barí indigenous community stands out, caring for, preserving and maintaining good contact with Mother Earth, despite losing a lot of ground since colonial times to date.
This research entitled: "Recognition of the natural and human resources of the inhabitants of the municipality of Tibú, Norte de Santander", where it was sought to generate recognition of the municipality of Tibú from its natural and human resources, in order to change the perspective social that you have of it. At present, the historical background of the Catatumbo region and one of its municipalities most affected by the armed conflict, Tibú, is known, generating a social perspective and an image of a municipality consumed by drug trafficking, violence and armed conflict. Now, it is important to emphasize that the national government has generated different strategies over the years to support the reconstruction of the social fabric and demonstrate that these municipalities have both natural and human potential to contribute to the country. Where the following specific objectives were developed, such as the identification of the natural resources of the municipality of Tibú, Norte de Santander, at the same time describing the human resources of the Motilón Barí ethnic community and finally, investigating all the natural resources that are protected or conserved by the Motilón ethnic community and the inhabitants of the municipality of Tibú. Under an interpretative - hermeneutic and qualitative methodology based on a semi-restricted interview of 15 items related to the object of study given to ten people who are part of this region (3 indigenous Barí and 7 inhabitants of the urban area). It was possible to conclude that there are good conditions related to natural resources despite the increase in illegal crops, logging of forests, attacks on the oil pipeline that has contaminated some sectors of this competitive region and the scarce presence of the State to protect this working community , where the innate work of the Barí indigenous community stands out, caring for, preserving and maintaining good contact with Mother Earth, despite losing a lot of ground since colonial times to date.
Palabras clave
Recursos naturales, Cultura, Etnia, Conflicto armado, Empowerment, Natural resources, Culture, Ethnicity, Armed conflict, Empowerment