Participación ciudadana en Colombia: Un estudio de caso en la apropiación, uso e implementación en Barranquilla
Fontalvo Jordan, Kevin Enrique
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Con la promulgación de la Constitución de 1991 en Colombia, se establecieron tres principios medulares que sostendrán en adelante las relaciones entre el ciudadano y el Estado, estos tres principios son: las nociones de Estado, lo democrático y lo social, los cuales se entrelazan en una triada transversal, que busca habilitar al ciudadano para ser representado mediante unas reglas de juego claras del sistema de gobierno y que este tenga como fin trascendente mejorar constantemente el bienestar común de todos los ciudadanos (Jaramillo, 2007).
Por tales motivos, la presente investigación se propone a través de la metodología de investigación documental cualitativa, analizar el uso y estado de la apropiación de los mecanismos de participación ciudadana en Colombia y más específicamente en la ciudad de Barranquilla. Los resultados demuestran que tales mecanismos, para el caso de la ciudad de Barranquilla, presentan vacíos en su uso y apropiación y que los espacios de participación ciudadana existentes se limitan únicamente a los que se encuentran reglamentados por ley y están estrechamente vinculados a la agenda y a los temas de interés de la administración
Distrital. En este sentido, esta investigación se constituye como un llamado de alerta sobre el estado actual de la participación ciudadana en el distrito.
With the enactment of the 1991 Constitution in Colombia, three core principles were established that will sustain relations between the citizen and the State, these three principles are, the notions of State, the democratic and the social, which are intertwined in a transversal triad, which seeks to enable the citizen to be represented, through clear rules of the game of the government system and that this has as a transcendental goal, constantly improve the common well-being of all citizens (Jaramillo, 2007). For these reasons, this research is proposed through the qualitative documentary research methodology, to analyze the use and state of appropriation of citizen participation mechanisms in Colombia and more specifically in the city of Barranquilla. For their part, the results establish that such mechanisms, in the case of the city of Barranquilla, present gaps in their use and appropriation and that the existing spaces for citizen participation are limited only to those that are regulated by law and are closely linked to the agenda and topics of interest to the District administration. Meanwhile, this research is constituted as a wake-up call on the current state of citizen participation in the city.
With the enactment of the 1991 Constitution in Colombia, three core principles were established that will sustain relations between the citizen and the State, these three principles are, the notions of State, the democratic and the social, which are intertwined in a transversal triad, which seeks to enable the citizen to be represented, through clear rules of the game of the government system and that this has as a transcendental goal, constantly improve the common well-being of all citizens (Jaramillo, 2007). For these reasons, this research is proposed through the qualitative documentary research methodology, to analyze the use and state of appropriation of citizen participation mechanisms in Colombia and more specifically in the city of Barranquilla. For their part, the results establish that such mechanisms, in the case of the city of Barranquilla, present gaps in their use and appropriation and that the existing spaces for citizen participation are limited only to those that are regulated by law and are closely linked to the agenda and topics of interest to the District administration. Meanwhile, this research is constituted as a wake-up call on the current state of citizen participation in the city.
Palabras clave
Mecanismos de participación, Participación ciudadana, Deliberación, Sociedad civil, Estado, Participation mechanisms, Citizen participation, Deliberation, Civil Society, State