Fraternidad familiar para asegurar el cumplimiento de la cuota fijada en las conciliaciones de alimentos de la comisaria de familia del municipio de Ragonvalia departamento Norte de Santander
Ochoa Parada, Carmen Andreina
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La responsabilidad parental es uno de los compromisos que adquieren los padres de un menor desde el momento de su concepción y que a través del tiempo se convierte en el deber de suplir al menor producto de dicha relación sus necesidades de manera compartida, entendidas estas como el deber de cuidar, atender, suministrar alimentación, educación, vestuario y demás obligaciones que tienen los padres para con sus hijos. El incumplimiento de las obligaciones parentales después de establecerlas a través de un proceso administrativo realizado en una Comisaria de Familia o en un juzgado da pie para que se tipifique el delito de inasistencia alimentaria, generando nuevas realidades sociales para las partes involucradas, en la cual quienes llevan la mayor afectación son los menores quienes ven vulnerados sus derechos.
El presente proyecto busca dar a conocer esta realidad social en el contexto de un municipio ubicado en zona de frontera en el cual las condiciones sociales y económicas contrastan con las distintas problemáticas que afrontan algunos padres de familia para suplir las necesidades básicas de sus hijos; con el agravante que deben cumplir con un acto administrativo y que su incumplimiento acarrea una sanción.
Parental responsibility is one of the commitments that the parents of a minor acquire from the moment of their conception and that over time becomes the duty to supply the minor, product of said relationship, with their needs in a shared way, understood as the duty to care for, attend, provide food, education, clothing and other obligations that parents have towards their children. Failure to comply with parental obligations after establishing them through an administrative process carried out in a Family Commissioner or in a court gives rise to the criminalization of the crime of non-food assistance, generating new social realities for the parties involved, in which those who the most affected are minors who see their rights violated. This project seeks to publicize this social reality in the context of a municipality located in a border area in which social and economic conditions contrast with the different problems faced by some parents to meet the basic needs of their children; with the aggravating circumstance that they must comply with an administrative act and failure to comply carries a penalty
Parental responsibility is one of the commitments that the parents of a minor acquire from the moment of their conception and that over time becomes the duty to supply the minor, product of said relationship, with their needs in a shared way, understood as the duty to care for, attend, provide food, education, clothing and other obligations that parents have towards their children. Failure to comply with parental obligations after establishing them through an administrative process carried out in a Family Commissioner or in a court gives rise to the criminalization of the crime of non-food assistance, generating new social realities for the parties involved, in which those who the most affected are minors who see their rights violated. This project seeks to publicize this social reality in the context of a municipality located in a border area in which social and economic conditions contrast with the different problems faced by some parents to meet the basic needs of their children; with the aggravating circumstance that they must comply with an administrative act and failure to comply carries a penalty
Palabras clave
Responsabilidad parental, Cuota de alimentos, Comisaria de familia, Inasistencia alimentaria, Vulneración de derechos, Parental responsibility, Food quota, Family commissioner, Food absence, Violation of rights