Propuesta didáctica apoyada en el método de Polya, para el fortalecimiento de la competencia matemática y la resolución de problemas en estudiantes de básica primaria
Osorio Flórez, Sandra Yelitza
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Las competencias matemáticas y específicamente la resolución de problemas son habilidades transversales necesarias en cualquier campo del conocimiento; para el MEN (1998), este conocimiento en la escuela es considerado hoy como una actividad social en donde se requiere tener en cuenta los intereses y la afectividad del niño y del joven. Para ello, se hace necesario ofrecer respuestas a una multiplicidad de opciones e intereses que permanentemente surgen y se entrecruzan en el mundo actual, en el que su valor principal está en la organización y el sentido que se le den a una serie de prácticas, las cuales exigen esfuerzo individual y colectivo para adquirir la habilidad o competencia.
Desde esta concepción, el presente trabajo de grado presentó como objetivo principal el análisis de las debilidades en las competencias matemáticas, teniendo en cuenta los resultados históricos 2014-2017 en las pruebas saber 3 y 5, para el diseño de una propuesta didáctica apoyada en la resolución de problemas con estudiantes de básica primaria de la Institución Educativa Manuel Antonio Rueda Jara de Villa del Rosario (Norte de Santander).
La investigación se desarrolló teniendo en cuenta, el paradigma positivista, con un enfoque Mixto; Según Hernández, Fernández y Baptista (2014), estos enfoques representan un conjunto de procesos sistemáticos, empíricos y críticos de investigación e implican la recolección y el análisis de datos cuantitativos y cualitativos, con la finalidad de dar respuesta a una situación problema. Así mismo, el diseño del presente estudio fue No experimental, de tipo transversal descriptivo, teniendo como fuente de información los resultados del reporte histórico Saber 3 y 5 de los años 2014-2017 y los resultados de la Prueba Evaluar para Avanzar 2022 de los estudiantes de Tercero, Cuarto y Quinto de primaria de la Institución emitidos por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional (MEN), a través del ICFES.
Obteniendo como resultado que, el 13% de los estudiantes de tercero en promedio se ubicaron en el nivel de Insuficiente, el 37% en el nivel mínimo y el 50% restante en los niveles de satisfactorio (33%) y avanzado (17%); mientras que para el grado quinto, el 31% de los estudiantes en promedio, se ubicaron en el nivel insuficiente, el 33% en el nivel mínimo y el 36% faltante en los niveles satisfactorio (22%) y avanzado (14%).
Por otro lado, en los análisis realizados a los resultados de la prueba Evaluar para Avanzar 2022, se encontró para el grado Tercero, que el 66.8% de los estudiantes en promedio presentaron dificultad en la competencia de comunicación matemática, el 75.4% de los estudiantes en promedio, presentaron dificultad en la competencia de razonamiento matemático y el 47.2% en la competencia de resolución de problemas.
Igualmente, para el grado cuarto, se evidenció que el 65.3% de los estudiantes en promedio presentaron dificultad en la competencia de comunicación matemática, el 66.7% en la competencia de razonamiento matemático y el 65.2% en la competencia de resolución de problemas. Y por último, para el grado Quinto, el 89.7% de los estudiantes en promedio presentaron dificultad en la competencia de comunicación matemática, el 54% en la competencia de razonamiento matemático y el 63.3% en la competencia de resolución de problemas. Concluyendo finalmente, que los porcentajes de dificultad son muy altos, luego todas las competencias matemáticas requieren del fortalecimiento debido a las falencias evidenciadas...
Mathematical skills and specifically problem solving are transversal skills necessary in any field of knowledge; for the MEN (1998), this knowledge at school is considered today as a social activity where it is necessary to take into account the interests and affectivity of the child and young person. For this, it is necessary to offer answers to a multiplicity of options and interests that constantly arise and intersect in today's world, in which its main value is in the organization and the meaning that is given to a series of practices, the which require individual and collective effort to acquire the skill or competence. From this conception, the present degree work presented as its main objective the analysis of weaknesses in mathematical competences, taking into account the historical results 2014-2017 in the Saber 3 and 5 tests, for the design of a didactic proposal supported by the problem solving with primary school students from the Manuel Antonio Rueda Jara Educational Institution in Villa del Rosario (Norte de Santander). The research was developed taking into account the positivist paradigm, with a mixed approach; According to Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2014), these approaches represent a set of systematic, empirical and critical research processes and involve the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, in order to respond to a problem situation. Likewise, the design of the present study was Non-experimental, of a descriptive cross-sectional type, having as a source of information the results of the historical report Saber 3 and 5 of the years 2014-2017 and the results of the Evaluar para Avanzar 2022 Test of the students. Third, Fourth and Fifth grade of the Institution issued by the Ministry of National Education (MEN), through ICFES. Obtaining as a result that 13% of third-year students on average were located at the Insufficient level, 37% at the minimum level and the remaining 50% at the satisfactory (33%) and advanced (17%) levels.; while for the fifth grade, 31% of the students on average, were located at the insufficient level, 33% at the minimum level and 36% lacking at the satisfactory (22%) and advanced (14%) levels. On the other hand, in the analyses carried out on the results of the Evaluar para Avanzar 2022 test, it was found for the Third grade, that 66.8% of the students on average presented difficulty in the mathematical communication competence, 75.4% of the students on average, they presented difficulty in the mathematical reasoning competence and 47.2% in the problem-solving competence. Likewise, for the fourth grade, it was evidenced that 65.3% of the students on average presented difficulty in the mathematical communication competence, 66.7% in the mathematical reasoning competence and 65.2% in the problem-solving competence. And finally, for the Fifth grade, 89.7% of the students on average presented difficulty in the mathematical communication competence, 54% in the mathematical reasoning competence and 63.3% in the problem-solving competence. Finally concluding that the difficulty percentages are very high, then all mathematical skills require strengthening due to the shortcomings evidenced.
Mathematical skills and specifically problem solving are transversal skills necessary in any field of knowledge; for the MEN (1998), this knowledge at school is considered today as a social activity where it is necessary to take into account the interests and affectivity of the child and young person. For this, it is necessary to offer answers to a multiplicity of options and interests that constantly arise and intersect in today's world, in which its main value is in the organization and the meaning that is given to a series of practices, the which require individual and collective effort to acquire the skill or competence. From this conception, the present degree work presented as its main objective the analysis of weaknesses in mathematical competences, taking into account the historical results 2014-2017 in the Saber 3 and 5 tests, for the design of a didactic proposal supported by the problem solving with primary school students from the Manuel Antonio Rueda Jara Educational Institution in Villa del Rosario (Norte de Santander). The research was developed taking into account the positivist paradigm, with a mixed approach; According to Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2014), these approaches represent a set of systematic, empirical and critical research processes and involve the collection and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data, in order to respond to a problem situation. Likewise, the design of the present study was Non-experimental, of a descriptive cross-sectional type, having as a source of information the results of the historical report Saber 3 and 5 of the years 2014-2017 and the results of the Evaluar para Avanzar 2022 Test of the students. Third, Fourth and Fifth grade of the Institution issued by the Ministry of National Education (MEN), through ICFES. Obtaining as a result that 13% of third-year students on average were located at the Insufficient level, 37% at the minimum level and the remaining 50% at the satisfactory (33%) and advanced (17%) levels.; while for the fifth grade, 31% of the students on average, were located at the insufficient level, 33% at the minimum level and 36% lacking at the satisfactory (22%) and advanced (14%) levels. On the other hand, in the analyses carried out on the results of the Evaluar para Avanzar 2022 test, it was found for the Third grade, that 66.8% of the students on average presented difficulty in the mathematical communication competence, 75.4% of the students on average, they presented difficulty in the mathematical reasoning competence and 47.2% in the problem-solving competence. Likewise, for the fourth grade, it was evidenced that 65.3% of the students on average presented difficulty in the mathematical communication competence, 66.7% in the mathematical reasoning competence and 65.2% in the problem-solving competence. And finally, for the Fifth grade, 89.7% of the students on average presented difficulty in the mathematical communication competence, 54% in the mathematical reasoning competence and 63.3% in the problem-solving competence. Finally concluding that the difficulty percentages are very high, then all mathematical skills require strengthening due to the shortcomings evidenced.
Palabras clave
Competencias matemáticas, Resolución de problemas, Método de Pólya, Propuesta didáctica de matemáticas, Mathematical competencies, Problem solving, Pólya's method, Mathematics didactic proposal