Capacidad comercial de las Pymes del sector de fabricación de productos metalúrgicos básicos
Lascarro Niebles, Beyeris Victoria
Merlano Arroyo, Ludys Esther
Rojas Paternina, Deigna
Pineda Padilla, Waldir José
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
El comercio internacional ofrece un sin número de oportunidades de expandir a las
pequeñas y medianas empresas, dándole una oportunidad de crecimiento económico, donde
la apertura comercial en el ámbito de exportaciones genera un beneficio significativo para la
economía del país. Pero actualmente las pymes presentan bajos niveles de inserción en los
mercados internacionales, debido a que se encuentran en desventaja competitiva frente a los
grandes productores.
Considerando lo anterior, la presente investigación analiza la capacidad comercial de
las Pymes del sector de fabricación de productos metalúrgicos básicos, localizadas en el
departamento del Atlántico, buscando presentar alternativas de solución que permitan a estas
unidades de negocio, a través de procesos de innovación, mejorar su capacidad comercial
para acceder de manera gradual a los mercados internacionales, se por ello que este estudio
busca dar respuesta a esta problemática a través de los siguientes objetivos. Objetivo General.
Analizar como las pymes metalúrgicas de la ciudad de barranquilla podrían abrirse
al mundo de las exportaciones e importaciones, donde el objetivo sea reducir las
limitaciones comerciales y organizacionales.
International trade offers several opportunities to expand small and medium-sized enterprises, giving it an opportunity for economic growth, where trade openness in the field of exports generates a significant benefit for the country's economy. But currently SMEs have low levels of insertion in international markets, because they are at a competitive disadvantage compared to large producers. Considering the above, this research analyzes the commercial capacity of SMEs in the manufacturing sector of basic metallurgical products, located in the Atlantico department, seeking to present alternative solutions that allow these business units, through innovation processes, to improve their commercial capacity to gradually access international markets, That is why this study seeks to respond to this problem through the following objectives. General Objective. Analyze how the metallurgical SMEs of the city of Barranquilla could open up to the world of exports and imports, where the objective is to reduce commercial and organizational limitations.
International trade offers several opportunities to expand small and medium-sized enterprises, giving it an opportunity for economic growth, where trade openness in the field of exports generates a significant benefit for the country's economy. But currently SMEs have low levels of insertion in international markets, because they are at a competitive disadvantage compared to large producers. Considering the above, this research analyzes the commercial capacity of SMEs in the manufacturing sector of basic metallurgical products, located in the Atlantico department, seeking to present alternative solutions that allow these business units, through innovation processes, to improve their commercial capacity to gradually access international markets, That is why this study seeks to respond to this problem through the following objectives. General Objective. Analyze how the metallurgical SMEs of the city of Barranquilla could open up to the world of exports and imports, where the objective is to reduce commercial and organizational limitations.
Palabras clave
Capacidad comercial, Internacionalización, Pymes, Negocios Internacionales, Commercial capacity, Internationalization, SMEs, International business