Development of microsatellite markers for the carnivorous plant Genlisea aurea (Lentibulariaceae), a species with a minute genome, using genomics data of NGS
Aranguren-Díaz, Yani C.
M.Varani, Alessandro M.
Michael, Todd P.
Miranda, Vitor F. O.
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I. Background: Genlisea aurea A.St.-Hil. is a carnivorous plant endemic species to
Brazil in the Lentibulariaceae family. Very few studies have addressed the genetic
structure and conservation status of G. aurea and the Lentibulariaceae. Microsatellites
markers are advantageous tools that can be employed to predict the vulnerability of
Lentibulariaceae species. Therefore, the development of molecular markers focusing
the population analyses of Genlisea for future genetic studies and conservation actions
are essential. Thus, we developed simple sequence repeats (SSRs) based on in silico
analyses of G. aurea draft genome assembly.
II. Methods and Results: We characterized 40 individuals from several populations and
identified 12 loci that were polymorphic, with heterozygosity between 0.123 and 0.650.
III. Conclusions: We demonstrated that the G. aurea SSR markers work cross-species
in Genlisea filiformis, G. repens, G. tuberosa and G. violacea. These markers will be
important for future population, phylogeographic and conservation studies in G. aurea
and other Genlisea species.
Palabras clave
Conservation, Genetic diversity, Endemic species, Molecular markers;, SSR.