Criterios de imputación jurídica por privación injusta de la libertad en Colombia: un análisis dogmático y socio jurídico
Mendoza Lizcano, Ruben Dario
Arango Rodriguez, Anyully Nathaly
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales
El propósito de la presente investigación es llevar a cabo un análisis a profundidad de los criterios de imputación jurídica por privación injusta de la libertad, específicamente en cuanto a la evolución de la responsabilidad extracontractual estatal, desde una perspectiva dogmática y socio jurídica en Colombia, bajo una investigación con enfoque cualitativo, de tipo descriptiva, utilizando como instrumento de recolección: los datos, el análisis documental y análisis de contenido, tomando como base las sentencias del Consejo de Estado, y las etapas que ha tenido en su evolución, así como el tratamiento otorgado a la misma, basado en la Constitución Política de Colombia de 1991, en su artículo 90, en los principios y derechos fundamentales que deben ser respetados en la actividad judicial y en los órganos que ejercen actividades judiciales, realizando su principal discusión en la sentencia de unificación 66001-23-31-000-2010-00235 01 (46.947), del quince (15) de agosto de dos mil dieciocho (2018), con ponencia de CARLOS ALBERTO ZAMBRANO BARRERA, la cual dio un giro a la responsabilidad extra contractual del estado, incluso actualizando el debate al enfrentar el tema con la tutela del 15 de noviembre de 2019, con radicado N°11110-03-15-000-2019-000169-01, que dejó sin efectos mencionada sentencia de unificación.
The purpose of this Research is to analysis in context, criteria for legal charges for unjust deprivation of liberty, specifically with regard to the evolution of non-contractual state liability from dogmatic sociocultural and legal perspective in Colombia. In a qualitative research description type, using as collection instrument data, document analysis, based on the sentences of the council of state and the stages it has had in its evolution as well as the treatment given to it based on the political constitution from Colombia 1991. In this article 90th go to the principles rights fundamentals that must be respected in the judicial activity and in the organs that exercise judicial activities. Carrying out its main discussion in the unification judgment 66001 - 23- 31- 00-2010- 0023501 (46947) from August 15th, 2018 with presentation By Carlos Alberto Zambrano Barrera that took a turn of noncontract responsibility of the state even updating the confrontation with the Guardianship from November 15th, 2019 interposed with registration number 1111-03- 15-00-2019- 00169-01 which left no effect on the unified judgment.
The purpose of this Research is to analysis in context, criteria for legal charges for unjust deprivation of liberty, specifically with regard to the evolution of non-contractual state liability from dogmatic sociocultural and legal perspective in Colombia. In a qualitative research description type, using as collection instrument data, document analysis, based on the sentences of the council of state and the stages it has had in its evolution as well as the treatment given to it based on the political constitution from Colombia 1991. In this article 90th go to the principles rights fundamentals that must be respected in the judicial activity and in the organs that exercise judicial activities. Carrying out its main discussion in the unification judgment 66001 - 23- 31- 00-2010- 0023501 (46947) from August 15th, 2018 with presentation By Carlos Alberto Zambrano Barrera that took a turn of noncontract responsibility of the state even updating the confrontation with the Guardianship from November 15th, 2019 interposed with registration number 1111-03- 15-00-2019- 00169-01 which left no effect on the unified judgment.
Palabras clave
Privación de la libertad, Responsabilidad extracontractual del Estado, Presunción de inocencia, In dubio pro-reo, Administración de justicia, Deprivation of Liberty, Responsibility of State, Presumption of innocence, Justice, Administration of