Mecanismos de calidad en la atención en instituciones de salud en la región caribe de Colombia en términos de seguridad y experiencia del paciente
Montes Cruz, Ana Milena
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Ediciones Universidad Simón Bolívar
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
Facultad de Administración y Negocios
La mejora continua en la prestación de servicios de salud es crucial para garantizar calidad
y seguridad.
El interés del presente trabajo de investigación se centra en el estudio de factores endógenos
y exógenos que influyen en la determinación de dos dimensiones, una calidad asimilada con el
proceso asistencial y otra en cuanto a seguridad. En concreto, se centra en el análisis de los factores
que en mayor parte definen que los usuarios estén satisfechos con la institución y a su vez la sobre
la seguridad percibida los pacientes en la prestación de los servicios y con la institución de salud
en general; todo esto desde una perspectiva interna de parte de profesionales de la salud que
intervienen en el proceso.
Se analizan aspectos como capacidades profesionales, empatía, confianza, información,
oportunidad en la respuesta, coordinación, trato recibido y nivel de conocimiento del paciente,
determinantes para la satisfacción del paciente y la seguridad percibida. Además, se considera la
influencia de factores ambientales como equipos e instalaciones en la experiencia de la atención
por parte del paciente.
Se llevará a cabo un estudio comparativo en instituciones de salud en la región Caribe,
evaluando la calidad de atención médica, la seguridad del paciente y la experiencia en la atención.
Este análisis contribuirá a comprender mejor los desafíos y oportunidades en la mejora de
la calidad y seguridad de los servicios de salud en la región Caribe, y proporcionará información
valiosa para la implementación de estrategias efectivas de mejora continua.
The need and importance of providing health services with quality and safety entails a process of continuous improvement, from the perspective of both assistance planning and intra and extrahospital care processes. The focus of this research is on studying endogenous and exogenous factors that influence the determination of two dimensions: one related to quality perceived in the care process and another concerning safety. Specifically, it focuses on analyzing the factors that mostly define user satisfaction with the institution and, in turn, the perceived safety of patients in the provision of services and with the healthcare institution in general; all of this from an internal perspective of healthcare professionals involved in the process. Healthcare professionals in healthcare institutions must direct their efforts determined by these factors: professional skills, empathy, trust, cross-information, response timeliness, coordination, treatment received, patient's knowledge level, and staff dedication; which in turn would be determined by healthcare professionals' satisfaction and also by other factors such as: equipment, facilities for service provision, both waiting rooms and consultation rooms. A comparative study will be conducted among healthcare institutions in the Caribbean region, in terms of safety and experience of care in health services. The evaluation will focus on aspects such as the quality of medical care, patient satisfaction, and patient care safety
The need and importance of providing health services with quality and safety entails a process of continuous improvement, from the perspective of both assistance planning and intra and extrahospital care processes. The focus of this research is on studying endogenous and exogenous factors that influence the determination of two dimensions: one related to quality perceived in the care process and another concerning safety. Specifically, it focuses on analyzing the factors that mostly define user satisfaction with the institution and, in turn, the perceived safety of patients in the provision of services and with the healthcare institution in general; all of this from an internal perspective of healthcare professionals involved in the process. Healthcare professionals in healthcare institutions must direct their efforts determined by these factors: professional skills, empathy, trust, cross-information, response timeliness, coordination, treatment received, patient's knowledge level, and staff dedication; which in turn would be determined by healthcare professionals' satisfaction and also by other factors such as: equipment, facilities for service provision, both waiting rooms and consultation rooms. A comparative study will be conducted among healthcare institutions in the Caribbean region, in terms of safety and experience of care in health services. The evaluation will focus on aspects such as the quality of medical care, patient satisfaction, and patient care safety
Palabras clave
Mecanismos de calidad, Indicadores, Calidad en la atención de salud, Seguridad del paciente, Experiencia de la atención, Quality mechanisms, Indicators, Healthcare quality, Patient safety, Care experience